He makes my day! 7/16/2013
Yesterday I went to bed determined
to make the next day a fabulous day however I woke up this morning with an
insane headache and I thought if I went back to sleep it might go away. As I
tossed and turned I ended up thinking about how my life has gone crazy. Praying
that through my morning devotions God would pull me out of this crud, I began
to think of how at one time in my life I was sure that I was on the right track,
doing what God wanted me to do. Then the stresses of school came and went and
came again. The additional stress of looking for a job and not finding one came.
Not being able to accept the wonderful things that God has already put into my
life like FABULOUS parents and family made me think… "How often does God
provide you with everything you need but you are too arrogant to accept
I decided I was going to work on my
homework and was really still feeling down in the dumps. Then suddenly it
friend from Church called inviting me to a BBQ where I would potentially get to meet
some amazing people. It isn't really about the people like it me, I am way
excited to get to spend time with my friend and meet his wife! I have no idea what
this is going to be like but the one thing I do know is that everything happens
for a reason.
Next I went to open up Pastor Eric's daily devotion and this
is what I found
“just as He chose us in Him before
the foundation of the world...” Ephesians 1:4
There is nothing like being chosen! Remember on the playground when it was
time for a pickup game of football. If you were chosen first it felt so
good. On the other hand, nothing is worse than that feeling of being the
last one chosen or having the team captains arguing because you were on their
team last time and they didn’t want you this time. Yet, God has chosen
us. He chose us before He formed the world. This is mind blowing to
consider, the Creator of the Universe wants us to be His children.
He knows everything about us and He still chooses us. This choice cost God
dearly; the price of our adoption was the blood of His son, Jesus Christ.
He paid the ransom for our sins on the cross. Stop for a moment and
rejoice that you are loved by God and you belong to Him!
Kind of feeling like the last one chosen after an incident
at a group of younger believers last week, God reminded me that some people
still care. Thanks!