Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Voice?

So far today my day has been FANTASTIC!! Starting out much as it normally does, minus the workout w/ Grandpa T and the trike laps, I was at Starbucks. I exercised my kindness by not asking the two lovely ladies to move. These ladies weren’t in wheelchairs but were sitting at the one table designated for wheelchair accessibility that is closest to an outlet.  I positioned my chair at the table next to them. My chair was sideways facing the women. At every other table there is a pole in the center that prevents a person in a wheelchair from having adequate ability to use the table (hence why I was sitting sideways). It was later rather than sooner that the ladies left. However I remembered that with God in control, there is a reason behind everything.  I also was able to visit with Bob (2) and we have rarely crossed paths since we met.
After Bob left (and I was at the wheelchair table) a man and his son came over to talk. Come to find out his relative also has a T.B.I. and is someone I used to see often. Soon a beautiful lady and adorable son sat near me visiting with a beautiful woman. After speaking to a few people I began talking to the women. Pretty soon I was quiet (yes, I can be quiet) and one lady said,”Kimi, you may not remember me but I think we went to Church together.” She recognized my unmistakable When she told me the Church and her maiden name I was SO EXCITED! Memories of my biggest (and last) birthday party surfaced.
I found out that Sarah is a teacher in the same school district I work in and was on her way to visit one of my co-workers! As I sit here and recall my day I am excited all over again! After they left my friend Richard stopped in to unintentionally give me comic relief. I talked to a few more people but had to get home for an appointment as did he.  This was the best day yet!! While this may be it for today I need to write yesterday’s as a Leaders Dinner prevented me from posting.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Is your memory an issue??

Is your memory an issue??
I went to Starbucks and saw a  lady who was super duper beautiful and also very very tall! I thought of my cousin Karen! The lady who was beautiful and tall was with an equally beautiful tall friend. The friend (Sarah?) bought my tea!  After a wonderful conversation, I went over to the table that is designed to fit a wheelchair to fit under it.  Then  I met Craig Cherry, a businessman that sells Health Insurance and later, his appointment, Dale Lee. Dale Lee’s business is printco a publishing company and he was interested in publishing my next book (maybe?)??
Later I was writing and became so frustrated as I was trying to think of a word. I started asking random  people what the word was only giving them a few, far-fetched hints (mind you this is not a purposeful act, it is a fairly common event [anomia]) I asked  Deborah Worthy (a banker associate) and Mark (a postman) what the word could be. Very quickly Deborah helped me think of the word which was implement--  not once, not twice, but I had to be reminded of the word three times (via text because by this time she was back at work)!  To answer the question of if my memory is an issue, the answer is no,  Others may see it as a problem and I just laugh thinking "this person would have trouble with the many adjustments one has to make after acquiring a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)."
*Well, That is it for now but more adventures to come!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Not what I had planned...FAR better!

After the “I still do” service, I decided I was not going to tell anymore coffee shop stories during praise and prayer request time. However, Saturday God blessed me  an outstanding story to share during this time-- not only once, but twice (at Starbucks and Peak Place!!:
When I first sat in Starbucks it was pretty empty and quiet and I was like “yeah, a perfect time to dictate and schedule next week’s devotions.” After unwinding for a few minutes, I got out of my wheelchair and re-situated myself so I could read into my phone. I noticed a lady come in and begin to order. She had an awesome accent so my attention was drawn to her. Besides the fact that, at the moment, there was only me and another lady inside. The other lady was hard at work. I observed much indecisiveness as she ordered, to me it felt like I was looking at an older version of myself (with an accent of course). I knew then and there that the lead was given. What was I thinking needing a lead to open a conversation with another traumatic event survivor? Not even! Okay so maybe I needed something to get the conversation started, because I didn’t know for a fact that she had experienced trauma. With her having an accent the conversation would have a great beginning.  
After a few minutes of introducing ourselves it seemed like we were old friends. She had survived a stroke and explained bits of how it affected her .Learning that she is from Germany, I became super excited!! At one point she asked me if I have trouble with mentally time stamping events and I told her about what happened only hours before:
I had given something to my mom (Ma) because it needed care that I knew only she could give (how do you like that as I honestly completely forgot what I gave her?!?) I called Ma asking her when I would get it back because I couldn’t live without it.  I was so surprised when she explained that it was only yesterday that she had picked it up from my house.  
My new friend Christine continued by expressing how she was relieved to meet someone who understood (to a degree) the newer life she is living and didn’t dismiss her as strange, crazy, or abnormal. After we talked for quite a while she needed to get home and I had to be elsewhere although in my mind, I just wanted to be home as I had exciting plans for Sunday!.
    I was almost home when I was urged to go to Peak Place. As I began to think of how much writing that I HAD NOT gotten done due to writing material and a potential friend crossing my path, I almost resisted the Holy Spirit’s voice. Especially when I entered Peak Place and a band along with a huge crowd was there. There was also alcohol special happening tonight which may have brought some people. I decided to sit outside and journal. There I realized it was too quiet and didn’t have enough background noise for me to dictate to journal. There were two ladies who were visiting (Jazz and Grace). I asked if I could sit near them as I needed background noise for my phone to work right. I would say the rest is history, but in short each of the ladies are in God’s Army and I hope to get to know them more; in a few minutes you aren’t able to learn a person’s life story, however you also can’t deny the Presence of God in one’s life.  Jazz is a preacher’s daughter and Grace was born on and into the mission field. Somewhere YWAM came up, but I don’t remember how or why so I will leave that alone.
    Instead of writing I joined their conversation and kept wondering if this could be true, two very separate writing prompts happening in one day at different locations?? I was and am so excited about the seeds God has planted tonight.  Well it’s now minutes into the next morning so I must conclude...See ya ‘round!

Friday, June 17, 2016

...The rest of the story

Working out in the morning is my rejuvenating time,
After some faulty thinking,
I headed to work out with Grandpa-- after all he is my prime!

I made it to Starbucks after working out, so excited it was Kelsey that I would see,
I had no clue how this day would unfold,
Or how full of  excitement my coffee shop visits would be.

Next to 2 great women who were extremely passionate and very full of life I sat,
Who seemed to be very eloquent communicators,
That each wore different yet oh so similar and very fitting, unique hats.

Their discussion reminded me of my first speech class, when Toastmasters I did attend,
We talked about the variety of meetings offered,
And an invitation they did extend.

After an AMAZING re-commitment service, just down yonder, past the third bale of hay,
Commitments were made of many kinds: Man to God, Child to Parent, and Husband to Wife
Each was recognized uniquely yet collectively celebrated in the same way!

Sleep well my friends soon is a new day when God’s mercies are brand new,
My eyes are closing very rapidly, I have to work out in the morning,

And my sleeping hours are but a few.

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Looks Can Be Deceiving
3:50 in the morning and excitement fills my heart,
I can't wait to go to the coffee shops,
And see what kind of conversations. God can start!

I'm afraid I will have to pass on my daily  work out with Grandpa,
Oh yeah I have a meeting tonight,
But what to bring? Well my poem says coldslaw!

The child-like excitement, that’s causing my attaxic (attaxia) arm to jump and shake,
A friend that I made yesterday,
Is a massage therapist who blessed me with a session, to see if any changes that could make.

That’s not much of a poem, to begin this amazing day,
But with school on break and no ride to and/or from work,
it’s a price I have to pay.

I ask you to please embrace every event that occurs today,
Although it may not be here or now,
it is a blessing in some way!

That is it for now, until next time

I am blessed with wonderful thoughts,
and I can’t help but rhyme.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Open the Eyes of My Heart

Open The Eyes of My Heart

I went to the Starbucks by my house even though I was tired and I ran into Kelsey who does not normally work at this particular Starbucks but is covering someone’s shift a couple of days and excitement enveloped me --clearly that was why I was urged to stop by Starbucks! Little did I know, that was only the beginning.  Next thing I knew the Holy Spirit was urging me to stop by Peak Place.  Even though I was super tired and had to pass my house to get there, I want to Peak Place. First I encountered Chad Wyatt who filled me with a wealth of information. He introduced me to a product ( that has helped people in situations similar  to mine.  A few minutes later a beautiful lady, who is 100% Japanese orders coffee. We chatted a bit and by now my child-like excitement was bublin’ over! Moments later I  noticed Garrett, the youth minister and had the chance to say “hello.”. I also met an amazing lady, Katie C Who is new to the town and is from South Carolina. I later moved to a somewhat quieter area of the coffee shop and was lead to “borrow” the corner of a table occupied by a couple. As the Spirit lead we all introduced ourselves and discussed life. This was when it became clear why I witness others going through awkward situations -- many I experience 1st hand.  Not only had God opened the door to pray with these beautiful people during a trying time, but they, themselves were holding the prayer door open.  Soon I had to run errands and they also had to leave.  Ma and I did a super quick shopping trip as we learned that it has to be done earlier to purchase fresh food.  Wow!! Just writing that wears me out, How did I make it through the day you ask-- GOD!
Thus far, this has been an AMAZING summer!!! I am so excited to experience God each and every day!


It’s not a peculiar voice He has, but many ways God speaks. Just the time I think that I have His voice down to a recognizable sound He changes it. In the midst of missionaries at a coffee shop seems like an undisguised platform for God to be the topic of conversation, Among ladies or men going through daily struggles also seems to be where He is discussed. As summer break started I was intentionally put in places where”finding” Him was not hard-- not much conversation was needed before God’s name was introduced to the conversation.Again the Holy Spirit urged me to go to Peak Place first today. I sat in 2 different places and almost convinced myself that today just wasn’t a day to get instant blessings. Almost instantly two men sat down and mentioned a few words that peaked my interest. They appeared to be businessmen and I thought “Kimi, be very careful know nothing about business.” Then Compassion was mentioned and I thought of friends who works there. The lead had been laid and opportunity was present, but their conversation seemed very business-oriented. As one of the men started to leave I mentioned the connection (by this time I had a few) along with agreeing with their coffeeshop comments that had been mentioned. Dan Woolley (
) had to leave but I was able to mentioned a friend and the Missionaries that I thought they might know.
Much to my surprise that was only an ice-breaker to what was to come. The other businessman- Chuck Boudreau and I began to talk. I described my job and explained how my disability was a blessing after he had shared that his child (children?) has a disability. My child-like excitement came out when he mentioned a term I recognized from my college days! I learned that his wife is a writer!! I hope this encounter was just one of more to come, but is not God has reminded me that I need not try and limit Him to a certain group or type of person, God is everywhere!!

Sunday, June 12, 2016


After arriving home from a wonderful day spent with Ma I was lead to go to Peak Place coffee shop...lead to go to a coffee shop you ask?
I used to question God's voice myself  and as a matter of fact, often I still do. As I sat in the “quiet room” of the coffee shop with my laptop out and settled in and out of my wheelchair, I received a phone call-- “Kimi, don’t pick up the phone, you are in the “Quiet Room,” I thought. There were two other people in there who didn’t seem like they would mind if I answered-- they had helped me settle in. As I said, I wasn’t in my wheelchair and I also thought it would be a quick conversation. I was excited that it was my new friend Matt and we had a great conversation (that was pretty lengthy :-/! Little did I know my  highly useful skill of overhearing conversations (aka eavesdropping) is used by most people.
He and I talked for a while and when I got off the phone a man mentioned how he is from the South (how I had lived in the south was included in my phone conversation)..That opened a wonderful conversation and I found out that he is the youth pastor at a local Church! I was given the opportunity to pray for him as he is sharing his testimony today!!  
I was later contacted by a co-worker. Through our communication God showed me how my experiences can be useful out of the classroom also! I used to let sadness overwhelm me if I wasn’t constantly busy, However now God is showing me how those quiet times are great for organizing my thoughts because He has FANTASTIC EXCITEMENT the next coffeeshop!