On my modified run AKA riding my recumbent trike I took a spill and have scrapes all over. Luckily a neighbor came outside to take her dog out. She found me flipped with my feet stuck in the petals. She woke her husband up to throw my broken trike in his truck back to my house. Recently Ben was telling me about his chain being broken and/or coming off. As I was riding, I was just wondering how the chain could fall off. I thought it was a weird concept. It’s not so weird now!
I thought I cleaned my wounds well so I went to Starbucks. At Starbucks I ran into Sherry, my friend who is from Okinawa, Japan. She noticed the scrapes everywhere and offered to go to Walgreens to get Neosporin but I told her I would go home because I had some. When I arrive home I realized I had many types of oral creams but no Neosporin. I got back on the bus to get some, By the time I got black to Starbucks Sherry was already gone however my friend Joe was there. Joe was there along with Bonnie and Siamak. I was able to say hello when I received a text from Stephanie, a friend who lives in California. She was in town and wanted to grab lunch!
Over lunch Stephanie and I had amazing fellowship and awesome discussions about life. We talked about how God has answered major prayers in her life and her mother came to know Christ before cancer took her Home. Stephanie also encouraged me about being persistent in prayer!
Thursday, July 28, 2016
The reason for the excitement build up!
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Build Up
Build Up
As I was going for a new adventure Monday morning it dawned on me why the principal talked to me… I have the District 11 Professional Development bag on the back of my wheelchair! Now that is the logical reason for the principal striking up a conversation with me but I enjoy thinking that it's my amazing smile that displays my terrific outgoing personality that is responsible for her initiating a conversation.
Setting up an area at Starbucks I had reminders going off reminding me of an appointment. I ignored the first alarm as it was 5 hours prior to my appointment. I was almost positive I could stop by to visit with other “regulars” before my appointment. Surely enough, shortly after arriving, Bob2 showed up and my excitement began to fester.. Later a lady who smiled back at me like we knew each other entered. After ordering her coffee she confirmed that we did indeed know each other….my excitement grew to explosion level!. I also met a man who’s profile resembled my brother-in-law’s. This man was Salud who is from Saudi Arabia. He is here studying computer engineering
Tuesday As I was going for a new adventure this morning it dawned on me why the principal talked to me… I have the District 11 Professional Development bag on the back of my wheelchair! Now that is the logical reason for the principal striking up a conversation with me but I enjoy thinking that it's my amazing smile that displays my terrific outgoing personality that initiated conversation. After realizing that I met the fantastic Bah’i family minus Devon.
Last night I had an amazing steak delivered by my mother from my brother-in-law along with other amazing food from my sister :-) Thinking in a reverse, I also had a wonderful time with Bid who enabled me to spend more of my life summertime at Starbucks and Peak Place. She has a unique gift of refreshing my thinking. It must be wonderful being retired but still working in the field of education as she educates me everyday :-) This definitely presents the place for a bunny trail but I just want to say that I am trying to be educateable every day (prayers in this area appreciated!
The coffee shop wasn't too busy today although I did see a few friends and did meet a new friend, Joe. After meeting him, he shared that he is also a writer. Joe and I had a nice discussion about writing and were able to encourage each other. Our time was cut short by another appointment, but another meeting was scheduled. I’ve had an awesome helper, but please pray for a job she applied for as she won’t need two jobs if she gets this one. YEAH!
With today’s excitement being low-key, I am praying for a prepared heart as I need rest and/or God has surprises around the corner. I am banking on the former, and hoping for the later. What if this time is just a build up?
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Almost Summer's Closing Time
I had been notified earlier this week that I needed to find a way to Church (aka go to Rocky Mountain Calvary). I had listened to bits and pieces of the sermon and fellowshiped Saturday night and went to bed planning to watch the sermon in entirety Sunday morning. As 4:30 rolled around this morning (Sunday) I woke up thinking it was Monday. Not hearing the crazy, early morning, weekday shows on the radio I checked and re-checked the day. Slowly the previous night’s activities came to mind. I was ready for Church in nothing flat when I became aware that the Holy Spirit was urging me to actually go to RMC this morning. Rolling into Church I was greeted by my favorite people.
As I entered the sanctuary I noticed a “friend.” I thank Jennifer Ulrich for this new meaning of friend-- when I first started assisting at Capernaum, a group of Young Life, Jennifer turned me on to the idea of calling others with disabilities friends. This was hard for me to understand at first much like it is for others, but that’s neither here nor there. My new friend, Jesse and Paul filled me with useful information and unintentionally settled my heart during worship. I relocated to the area I normally sit in during the sermon so I was able to see and focus better. The sermon was absolutely amazing and eased my worries that had been brought up, discussed and prayed for last night.
Heading home to gather a few items, I was met by a man that I haven’t seen in 2 years. When we first met I don’t think he had a stable job and was dealing with other issues in his life. We went to Peak Place to catch up and he told me that he is now a computer programmer and has put those previous issues away!
Other thoughts that came to my mind when brainstorming about what to write for today included:
- I am the luckiest girl as very recently I have seen Bachan, Grandpa T and many of my immediate family members
- Went on my first trike ride with TRP and got to see Alan, Al and tons of my friends and their families
- School starts in less than a month and I am so excited to see what God has planned.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Divine Ease dropping?
Divine Ease dropping?
The past few days have been busy,
a whirlwind to say the least.
And then last night my friend came over,
And with him, he brought a feast!
He mentioned he had kimchi
and odds and ends from his place,
As he began heating up the meal,
I had the biggest (internal) smile upon my face!
The first course resembled a food called goulash,
a wonderful concoction I've not had since I was a child.
Oh but this was only the beginning my taste buds were already dancing
but this dance was all but mild.
The entree to come was something
I don't remember ever having before,.
According to my friend there are two reactions--
Either you love it,
or you food will soon say hello to the floor!
The first kimchi I had was spicy, as I am such a wimp.
However the next was so amazing, I was all but inhaling the food--
And told to slow down or I might become a blimp.
It was pretty early the next morning, And God had shown up every step thus far of my day,
When I arrived at Starbucks and begin to set up my “office,”
I was greeted by none other than the amazing Pastor Erik Galloway!
Again I am shaking with excitement and I’m not sure-- I don't know why…
A lady that overheard me talking to a friend and that new friend's sister has a TBI!
The connections were (and are) endless, I began to share what I do,
The lady has a daughter who works for District 11 too!!!
The next person who sat in the chairs,
the chairs right next to me,
Was a very observant neurologist
By my actions it was my brain’s injuries, that he could all but see!
I thought “this has to be it,
I ought to start praying and trying to write a poem”
Much to my surprise God’s plans were different
I would not write until the clouds chased me home.
After my new friends came and left,
A man arrived and sat in a nearby chair,
The man looked similar to many others,
Because this man, he had no hair!
Overhearing their conversation,
the Lord put these two men on my heart.
Come to find out one of the men is a pastor,
of whose congregation I occasionally was a part!
Now the clouds were coming,
and the rain was on it’s way in.
It is time for me to head home,
And on this poem I will begin.
Friday, July 15, 2016
I am so excited about how the Lord organizes events of my day. First thing this morning I was sad that I did not get a call to go work out but then I remembered I asked Grandpa T not call as sometimes I need to sleep. Unfortunately I do not know if I my sleep will be interrupted until about three o'clock in the morning. That is when I'm either up for the morning or God wakes me up with ideas of what I need to pray and write about.
After my failing attempts to go back to sleep, I rode my trike only a little bit when, like being stung like a bee, I remembered that my sister and neighbors are having a garage sale (street sale?) and my itch to check it out began-- check it out my memory may be coming around….yeah!! I went to her house and hung out for a while and watched people come and find treasures then leave. Two shoppers even recognized me from Starbucks!?! Then an awesome friend took me to run errands. He (Mr Elias) even brought me dinner a while later while I was writing
While at the coffee shop, even though the shop was much more calm than normal (partly because of the crazy rerouting of traffic) I knew I was there for a reason. I was able to visit with a friend, meet some new people, and best of all I was able to have much needed quiet time. My life recently has been surrounded with praises and prayer requests that I needed to lay at His feet but it was too busy to process. Now I’m not saying that requests have to be made at a certain time or place, I just process previous thoughts better given time and when in certain environments and a coffee shop is one of them.
It’s curious how I intend to sit at coffee shops to journal and doors are opened to converse with previous strangers. More often than not these “strangers” uncover areas I need to pray about for them and it reveals areas I need prayer for as well. Ryan, one of these “strangers” was having a good day until he made it to Starbucks and locked his keys in his vehicle. What he had planned to be a quick stop in the coffee shop turned out different. He informed me that his wife works at the airport and I knew that is an a prayer request in itself.
Finally at the coffeeshop it dawned on me that when Jae told me previously that he was going to hike Mt. Princeton today that I should have written it down under today’s date immediately! --EPIPHANY!!-- When given prayer requests about future events, record them under future date in journal!! I am so thankful for this down time I have been given.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Wonderful Surprise!
Wonderful Surprise!
Starting with a wonderful workout with Grandpa T, I new the rain was coming so I hurried to UBREAKIFIX to price getting my Surface fixed (again) and to ask about my cell phone (again but a different set of questions). Neither were open yet so I went to Barnes & Nobles. Without making it past the first set of doors (there are 2 sets of doors before actually being surrounded by books) I read a preface but then noticed it was time to go to the store.
After UBREAKIFIX suggested that I invest in a new Surface if the chip bothers me or effects the function, sadly I went to Verizon. At Verizon I was put on the waiting list and began visiting with a family who was also waiting. Sharon, Megan or Caleb recognized me or I just started talking because Caleb must have looked familiar but we never did pinpoint exactly how we met.
We learned about a few commonalities between us however our visit was cut short. I was super excited to learn that they are Christians too. I thought we had met at Capernaum but I do realize I am great at fabricating events in life. I needed to talk with the other store so I was headed on my way.
I was given the same advice at the next store so it’s fine, The day was so fabulous!! I’m sure the divine appointment for today was definitely what happened at Verizon. Thank you so much Sharon, Megan and Caleb for being a wonderful surprise!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Off Day?
Off Day?
My schedule did not allow my regular visits to either coffee shop today however I ran into exactly the right person who delivered a message that I know I could use everyday, but God wanted me to hear it today.
I ran into none other than my favorite mail carrier, Vicky who has been on way on a trip. She went to visit her son who had been having health issues suffering from one type of cancer. The health issues ended up being nothing that anyone could have been prepared for. He went to the doctor for one type of cancer but when asked her how her son is doing now, she looked at me and said, “he's dead.” brain tumors were found in his death came quickly.’
Not that I would normally have anything to say to someone who has just lost a child and was back at work so quickly, but I was at a loss of words. She thanked me for trying to brighten everyone's day and told me not to take any moment in life for granted.This may not be a happy and peppy blog, however this is what I was given today, I'm not sure why, but I will nonetheless post it and pray for those who read it. Sometimes what you think cannot be used by God, will be used in more ways than you thought possible-- be ready! Even on a day that I feel "off," I will blog.
Be blessed!
No Shame!
What a difference it makes befriending a person whose faith is obvious, living, and active. As a result, I recognize my burning desire to draw ever closer to Jesus Christ more easily and readily.. It's not that I can't do it myself... just yesterday I was reading a study some form or fashion that discussed the encouragement of others. How one is more likely to gain or refrain from a habit when encouraged by others. Not only can I take this into my personal life but also some people I met yesterday and and intend to see in the near future as she discussed the benefits of self-help books and groups.
As I recently woke up noticed that I have a prayer request for Jerry who's having triple bypass heart surgery in less than 2 hours. Please pray for him.
And while I'm at it, my family needs to have a great day and Elias is going to the doctor.
I normally don't post exactly what is recorded in my Prayer Journal but after receiving a family member/ pastor’s Bible Study’s prayer requests from Georgia I am reminded of Jesus Christ’s omnipotence and I think this may become a new part of what I post.
I hope you have a great day and receive God’s blessings as He is here!Tuesday, July 12, 2016
I had not arrived at Starbucks early enough to “overhear” the businessmen and business women’s conversations so my agenda continued. After going back home to get my cow appreciation day sign Hopping on the next bus, I met a friend from India and re-met a friend from Liverpool whom I see at least bi-monthly. I had purposely Left my electronics at home because I only planned to go to Chick-fil-a with my cow sign to get a free entree.
When I made it to the nearest bus stop headed toward Chick-fil-a I ran into Alicia. Alicia and I got to talking and she was headed to a store to fix her cell phones at a store called UBREAKIFIX!! What? I was just praying for a local store that might be able to fix my Surface. I went to a computer store yesterday as it had been recommended as a place that might be able to fix my damaged Surface. Although the first estimated price of $150 sounded high, after pricing them, if the crack/chip ever becomes an issue, repairing is the way to go! It was a total blessing to visit two different local stores that will fix damaged electronics for reasonable prices!
As I said, my electronics were not with me but I needed to find out about this store. Her and I went to the store where I asked a few questions and then we bere Chick-fil-a bound! Crossing the street I met the new General Manager for Amanda’s Cantina, but crossing a street only allowed for a quick conversation. Next I went to Verizon to find out some information. There I met Branden, Jenny and Brittany who all helped me as the issues I presented kept changing (and I still failed to price the chargers as they were not on the sales floor). Branden is a computer nerd and it's a big smile on my face and Jenny is so personable, and talked to me for a long time and I loved it :-) I spent a while there and was fantastic! One lady I met was so very thankful for God using me to encourage her to seek Him in everything she does.After speaking with a few customers they mentioned Matt Wylie. I know him!!! Matt is an AWESOME man I recently met at Peak Place WOO-HOO!
My night started to close with a stop at Starbucks. This time I ran into a few familiar faces and two businessmen having a live video chat meeting with coworkers. I recognized one of the men from my college days at UCCS. I arrived home and was blessed when Jae called to pray with me. Now, if I had written more complete thoughts during the day, I could sleep. That would make life far too easy. So here I sit, 2.5 hours later, writing my blog. I am so thankful for the amazing people I meet everyday! Most people are in your life to bless or be blessed by you. I think that as you pour out yourself to bless others, you are emptied to be refilled by God’s blessings.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Are You Proving or Are You Accepting
Are You Proving or Are You Accepting
Recently I was talking to a friend about God's grace. This friend and I have only known each other for a couple weeks so I don't know this friend’s life story and don't remember a certain situation being stressed or example given showing that God's forgiveness was needed (You ought not be laughing thinking “Kimi, you wouldn’t remember to breathe if it weren’t part of the parasympathetic nervous system). However God quickly reminded me of Romans and brought this verse to mind “For all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)
With that being said, I trust that I do not have to know everything about my friend, an area exists in my their life where forgiveness is needed. An area, I thought?? That sounds so cute, and I say that like there are only little areas in one's life that need forgiveness. As a matter of fact, it's a large chunk in my life that needs forgiveness. And right now, God is saying Yes, even though the outbursts that you don't feel responsible for as they have only happened since your brain injury...Forgiveness is needed my friend. Although I want to break out in song singing “I Am A Friend Of God,” I divert myself from the rabbit trail-- does that mean my filter is working?!?
There have been numerous times since my brain injury (and I’m sure there will be many more) that, for legal reasons, I had to prove myself (thanks for the terminology Bid). I understand that nearly everyone has to prove him or herself in some form or fashion everyday, but this is different. What I once had control of, I am having to re-gain control of. It is the strangest concept as my mom pointed out (when life was calm) that I am only mean to my family. Verbally but almost too automatically, I said because you are my family and I know you will love me anyways.” Although that seems mean, after meeting people from different areas of the world (Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia today), so blessed to have such a kind, caring, and compassionate family that sticks together. In many places of the world this may not be the case.
I re-met Dan Woolley, a man I first met June 15th with Chuck Boudreau. I became excited all over again when we discussed what God saved him from in a earthquake in Haiti and I remembered hearing about the earthquake. I was given Dan Woolley’s book, Unshaken and am so excited to get started! I did not want to go to Starbucks today as it was much later in the day, but after allowing God to direct my steps (or wheels), I was so blessed by being able to pray with Mr. Dan Woolley and being given his book!
Sorry about the incoherent writing, but while I wondered how this writing would tie into the title, “Are You Proving or Are You Accepting,” now it is clear that the title has numerous meanings. When a hardship is faced, will you try to prove that you can “fix” the problem, or will you seek God and accept what He has for you? The choice is yours!
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Big Smile!
I woke up this morning in not the best of moods and I was debating whether to go to the early service or the later. The next thing I knew I found myself passing the fire station thinking that I will visit them after Church-- I'm sure they'd like to have some kind of quiet time in the morning. I arrived at Church and although the church was nearly packed, I happen to bring my own chair... my hot rod (electric wheelchair) :-).
Arriving at Church I was greeted by amazing friends and I noticed two of my friends, Leah and Matthew, were sitting down a row from where I was and it helped start my day off right when Leah made her way over to hug me. After an amazing sermon I ran into other friends. All the friends I had seen so far are regulars at this Church, but a HUGE surprise was yet to come. I left the Church after the major crowd was gone and the foyer was mainly full of ushers. Thinking about my next stop, the fire station, I turned my head and saw Mr. Gary (Cpt. Green) at this Church! I had no idea that I would run into the first Colorado Springs Firefighter I had ever known at Church! His daughter and I used to do gymnastics in his backyard, in our backyard, gosh we were pumpkins for Halloween and oompa loompas in a local play!! My heart was so excited! On the way to Starbucks I stopped by the firehouse and saw one of the firefighters who saved my life on Christmas Eve. However my departure siren would soon sound and Starbucks would call.
The first situation started as I was arranging all of my shenanigans on the table. I started talking with a couple who serve at a nearby Church. The lady plays the organ at a nearby Church and it was mentioned that the man, Jerry is having triple bypass surgery Wednesday and would appreciate prayers. After having amazing fellowship and prayer, Jerry and his wife left. I talked to others including two amazingly beautiful women who are Korean. Then my favorite lady who is very multicultural ladies brought one of her twins in as the other twin was "too excited about a show that was coming on today" and stayed at home.
Once they left I was able to talk to a man who had been there longer than I had and I was really thrilled to learn it was Scott-- a man I had met before and he had given me his card! I knew there was a reason I didn’t throw away that Faricy Boys card as I thought… “Kimi, what are YOU going to do at The Faricy Boys...I mean really? Hot Rod (electric wheelchair) tune-up?....I doubt it--Tony (my hot rod repair man) might not think that correcting the damage from auto men working on a wheelchair is too much fun or very funny at that :-(. Soon two friends, Mary Jo and Roy who are deaf showed up.
Mary Jo is a friend who used to work at the Wal-mart near me. I would get so excited when I couldn’t find an item anywhere and would run into her. I would finger - spell what I was looking for and she would show me the correct sign while she simultaneously showed me the location. Another friend was with Mary Jo. We all had an awesome conversation and I learned so much!
As my night is coming to a close, I talked to a friend, Jae, who is newish to the country although he was “born in the States.” I was and still am in shock but an amazed and awestruck shock that a man wanted to pray before we got off the phone!
Not at the Cowboy Church this Sunday...
I woke up this morning in not the best of moods and I was debating whether to go to the early service or the later. The next thing I knew I found myself passing the fire station thinking that I will visit them after Church-- I'm sure they'd like to have some kind of quiet time in the morning. I arrived at Church and although the church was nearly packed, I happen to bring my own chair... my hot rod (electric wheelchair) :-).
Arriving at Church I was greeted by amazing friends and I noticed two of my friends, Leah and Matthew, were sitting down a row from where I was and it helped start my day off right when Leah made her way over to hug me. After an amazing sermon I ran into other friends. All the friends I had seen so far are regulars at this Church, but a HUGE surprise was yet to come. I left the Church after the major crowd was gone and the foyer was mainly full of ushers. Thinking about my next stop, the fire station, I turned my head and saw Mr. Gary (Cpt. Green) at this Church! I had no idea that I would run into the first Colorado Springs Firefighter I had ever known at Church! His daughter and I used to do gymnastics in his backyard, in our backyard, gosh we were pumpkins for Halloween and oompa loompas in a local play!! My heart was so excited! On the way to Starbucks I stopped by the firehouse and saw one of the firefighters who saved my life on Christmas Eve. However my departure siren would soon sound and Starbucks would call.
The first situation started as I was arranging all of my shenanigans on the table. I started talking with a couple who serve at a nearby Church. The lady plays the organ at a nearby Church and it was mentioned that the man, Jerry is having triple bypass surgery Wednesday and would appreciate prayers. After having amazing fellowship and prayer, Jerry and his wife left. I talked to others including two amazingly beautiful women who are Korean. Then my favorite lady who is very multicultural ladies brought one of her twins in as the other twin was "too excited about a show that was coming on today" and stayed at home.
Once they left I was able to talk to a man who had been there longer than I had and I was really thrilled to learn it was Scott-- a man I had met before and he had given me his card! I knew there was a reason I didn’t throw away that Faricy Boys card as I thought… “Kimi, what are YOU going to do at The Faricy Boys...I mean really? Hot Rod (electric wheelchair) tune-up?....I doubt it--Tony (my hot rod repair man) might not think that correcting the damage from auto men working on a wheelchair is too much fun or very funny at that :-(. Soon two friends, Mary Jo and Roy who are deaf showed up.
Mary Jo is a friend who used to work at the Wal-mart near me. I would get so excited when I couldn’t find an item anywhere and would run into her. I would finger - spell what I was looking for and she would show me the correct sign while she simultaneously showed me the location. Another friend was with Mary Jo. We all had an awesome conversation and I learned so much!
As my night is coming to a close, I talked to a friend, Jae, who is newish to the country although he was “born in the States.” I was and still am in shock but an amazed and awestruck shock that a man wanted to pray before we got off the phone!
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Truly, the simple things
Truly, the simple things
Talk about being God's favorite! This morning I was riding my trike around the complex but I was only using half of my flag as I unintentionally discarded the joint connector. Although I have been riding with my shortened flag around the complex for a few weeks, today one of the maintenance man told me that my flag was not tall enough. I went directly to my house and was in complete panic. It takes me awhile to get to get to Angletech which is the store I purchased my flag at and I had an appointment soon so would not have time to go there. My genius grandpa told me to go check at Target and although they did not have any type of connector device, I went across the street to Bicycle Village. They did not carry the specific connector piece either but Lane, one of the genius sales associates, decided to use a pen case on my flag and it works perfectly! I have yet to make it to a coffee shop this morning but blessing are showing up everywhere! I'm so excited and am blogging in Bicycle Village :-)
I stopped by Peak Place and ran into a wonderful lady, Brianna. She is new to town and goes to UCCS! I became so excited about the new connections that God has put in my path so far today!
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Adventurous 4th
Adventurous 4th
I went to Best Buy to have the driver installed and price a new phone case. I found one that was on sale for $24 but when it was on my phone it was a bright color that would be very distracting at the school. So I got the black one that was at the back of the rack. I think the black one was out of place and was not one that would fit my phone. I was shown a black one for my phone but it was the regular price-- almost triple the price of the original case I had picked out. Not realizing this until the lady rang it up, I was going to settle with the neon case. I was really debating whether to buy the black one. The sales associate talked to the manager and the manager said I could purchase it for the sale price! I am so blessed by running into such amazing people.
I am so glad this excitement happened because little did I know how my day would unfold… or not unfold. Early in the night all of my plans fell through. This actually ended up being perfect! I had not been able to schedule my devotional posts for the week yet and was able to use the time to do that. Starbucks was completely empty so I could not be distracted by visiting with people. Thank you to My friends and family who have encouraged me to keep posting them as I have had friends ask not to receive them but turn around and ask why I haven’t posted them on Facebook. The preview for this week's devotions was a sweet way that God lifted my slightly disappointed soul.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
What an AMAZING day today has been!
The excitement all started with my mom being available to join me for Church at Spruce Hill Community Church and the potluck/4th of July celebration. Little did I know how that would only be a prelude of the excitement yet to come. When Pastor Boyd started a sermon by explaining how he reads a chapter a day of Proverbs each month, I looked at my mom and we smiled. This was a practice she taught me to exercise as a child.
After the service the monthly potluck was held. Being the day before Independence Day, the potluck was a 4th of July barbecue/picnic. Along with the food being amazing, I was given Starbucks cards. The last time I was at Starbucks when asked if I wanted to reload as I only had $0.75 left, I declined praying that God would provide me a with a less expensive way to be blessed myself while unintentionally blessing others than Starbucks everyday. The amount on the cards I was given was unknown.
After arriving home I called to combine the cards with my special card, I learned that I now have more than my all time max of $15 on my Starbucks card! Although Starbucks and the other nearby coffee shop are the main places I travel to where I gather writing prompts and write, God has revealed Himself in new and exciting places recently. This reminds me that GOD IS EVERYWHERE, you just need to be open to Him and tunned to His voice at all times! What an AMAZING day today has been!
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