Monday, November 11, 2019

Marvelous Monday!

Marvelous Monday!

Today is a Marvelous Monday even though it is freezing cold outside,

it was snowing when I arrived at the office so after work I will have to go for sled ride!

Not sure I have a sled but I can find a collapsed box

I'll have to find any sort of contraption and make sure I have on my warm socks!

I'm getting more excited about this thing that we call life,

My job it gets more exciting, more exciting everyday 

although this excitement may have carried over from my outstanding sister birthday!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wascally Wabbit Wednesday to Emily

Wascally Wabbit Wednesday to Emily Henley because I woke up and thought about how your dad calls you a rascal

On this Wascally Wabbit Wednesday

Emily Henley is who is on my mind.

She introduces herself as a rascal

from her daddy Timothy she was given that name but now proudly claims it as "mine."

Running loss of errands is what I have to get done,

but I am sure hanging out with my Bid will be lots 'o fun.

Wednesday is almost over and I had not written this yet,

However it was not until now that I had the time to just set (calm down, calm down. I know that is not correct it should be sit but then it would not rhyme)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Memory Making Monday!

Memory Making Monday!

Right when I start to feel useless-- like my "job" is of no avail,

I am told of an acquaintance's story and how his understanding is more than that of the internet's conversing portrayal.

It is now-- moments like this God's voice reminds me that my pay is much more than monetary,

that it's those who see past my "freak out" episodes that are worth my time and me for theirs!

On this Memory Making Monday take every moment and hold it close, 

the prospective meetings that seem invaluable can change your perspective on life that only God in His infinite wisdom knows!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Flip-out Friday!

Flip-out Friday!

On this Flip-out Friday I learned it's only 9 days before my age flips,

Each time this thought re-enters my mind I count on my fingers and remember it's six times six!

Going to see my former co-workers and help out, so glad students are back,

They are the mighty Warriors who start out as Wolves until they learn  to attack! (attack schoolwork that is).

Hope you have a Fantastic Flip-out Friday!