Saturday, July 4, 2020

Starburst Saturday/GIFTS WELL USED

Starburst Saturday/GIFTS WELL USED

Starburst Saturday
With fireworks being illegal (in CO)
a few shows each should be able to see (from their house),
This could be wonderful time to meditate,
Reflect on the Grace that the Lord’s given me!
My faith it has been rejuvenated by awesomely amazing friends
With each having such a unique story of changes that have come in their life,
Their faith has also kept them strong not wavering.

“If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is to give, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently, if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”
Roman 12:6-8

What is your spiritual gift? The list you just read is just the beginning: for instance, you might have gifts of encouragement, hospitality, and administration. Whatever your giftedness, life becomes richer as you invest in others by coming alongside and serving them.

Life becomes more exciting when you start to see how your giftedness and calling fit perfectly within the Lord’s strategy for reaching the lost, telling the gospel, and sharing His love. When you use your gifts, you are playing your role in God's plan to impact the world around us.

If you step up and run your race, exercising your gifts, who could hear about Jesus who otherwise might not? Who might receive freedom from being hungry--or enslaved, impoverished, or hopeless? And who could be transformed by God's healing touch and redemptive power?

When you have identified and readied all your gifts, ask God to guide you and use you wherever He needs you. He will empower you (1 Corinthians 12:11).

Lord God, help me discover and use the good gifts You've given me. It is my joy to live in Your plans and power!

Unshakeable by Christine Caine

As I am dictating this for tomorrow, just tonight I was messaging a friend who’s gifts are well used. Although I don’t think we talked about that specifically, through our conversation God was showing me how she uses her god-given gifts and how I can more effectively do a part of my job.

Relocating to further education, another  friend encouraged me to be patient. I have been told the same thing by other friends and acquaintances but hearing it from someone who is more experienced playing this “waiting game” than I am (hahaha) really said a lot to me. On this Fourth of July the firecracker in me has been reignited!

It is 4 in the morning on the 4th of July and as I am pairing to post this. I was also visited by a friend yesterday who is the living example of how to use gifts God has given me in this new life. Generally when I go. to family gatherings I feel like a burden or nuisance, and after learning those are signs of depression that gives me more of a reason and more power to not let those feelings define how I feel. Okay it might have a little bit to do with the excitement my sister had from watching the movie Hamilton last night but that's neither here nor there. I am so so so very excited about who I am and choose to use the good gifts God has given me.

Some of you may remember that I was going to write a Bible study about a thimble on Thursday-- it was a Thimble and Throwback Thursday and right now the idea of the Bible study just happens to fit.

In life there are often things that poke at you like a needle. They might feel like a prick at first and not anyting completely bothersome. By not addressing the prick before it becomes a part of who you are--  a tolerable pain, there will always be a poking at your spirit.

Recognizing and addressing the issue enables you to carry the concerns to Jesus and allows Him to protect you and be the thimble over your life. So today think about the needles that you have in your life. Intentionally bring each issue to God and let him be your thimble as you make sure your gifts are wel used!

Okay it was 4 in the morning and that came out lol. As I pray that this sews a seed in someone's heart, I will put on the Thimble to protect my heart as I post this early morning rambling.

I hope you guys have a wonderful, Happy Independence Day!

Love you guys and thank you so much for reading this!
Thank you Jaimie Lynn  Missy Joy and Lucky!