Sunday, July 16, 2023

Jesus Today (75) by Sarah Young

Jesus Today (75) by Sarah Young 7-16-2023 My steadfast Love never ceases, My mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. I know how desperately you want to believe this - and how much you are struggling to do so. Today, the only things that seem endless are your problems and your pain. But I am here - tenderly present - ready to help you get safely through this day. Buying this truth can make the difference between coping and giving up in despair. Some days when things are going reasonably well, it is easier to trust in My steadfast Love. But when new unexpected problems strike, trusting Me takes much more effort. At such times it can help to remember that you receive new mercies every morning. When you are getting dressed, recall that I have clothed you in garments of salvation. Because you wear my robe righteousness, you are on your way to heaven! This is an incredible act of mercy - snatching you from the jaws of hell and putting you on the path to Glory. Nothing you face today can compare with this mercy- gift of eternal life!

Saturday, July 15, 2023


Over a decade ago when I worked in the photo lab at Target during the Christmas season I met this beautiful couple, the Putnum's. Because my brain has no concept of time it seems like yesterday that I met them, however if I actually thought about it it was quite a few years ago that I worked at Target.
Today A friend had an awesome surprise party and there were so many friends and new faces there. Coming back outside after being in for a second or two I was greeted by none other than the Putnam's! Thanks to Facebook I knew a few things that I've gone in their lives but I definitely didn't know all the details. I'm super tired so I'll have finished this later

When this all started... consistency!

Looking at my blog(s), I started "blogging" on August 3rd of 2012. I have that in quotes because there was a time when I just called my login trees daily events and another time that I just put my blog entries in my prayer Journal. Along with name changes many things happened between then and now. When Bid told me for probably the 50th time that I am a good writer, I finally decided to take her up on the idea of writing and join AWAI (American Writers and Artists Institute). This is also known as Barefoot Writing Club. I had run into a fellow writer at Third Space Coffee during a TBI Survivors Meet  Up a couple times and saw that writing is actually "a thing." I honestly do not remember who she said she was writing for but I like to think that it was Barefoot Writing. I needed something to get me back in the groove of things as I already have a children's book published, I Can't Walk But I Can Roll, but that was published in 2012 and that's almost a dozen years ago! It's definitely time to write something new. Especially since so many kids that I read my book to asked when I would publish something else. It saddens me that it's taken this long for it to happen because some of the middle schoolers that I read my book to just graduated high school!
It just dawned on me that it took about 11 years after my accident to publish my first book and it has been about 11 years since publishing my first book to seriously get into blogging so at least I'm consistent LOL!

On the subject of consistency, I thought I might try to write 500 word blogs to start with and with this being the first one I've written since I decided that I'm only halfway there!

The Anchor Holds!

Some people carry big purses and some small. When I first got my purse it was not that big of a purse, okay it might have been a little bit big but it wasn't that heavy. Over the years I have named my wheelchair my hot rod. Not because it's speedy or my favorite thing to operate. I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to drive again or that I want to as I see how ridiculous some people behave on the street. With my wheelchair being my car I carry everything in my purse. Many people have expressed their concern about the weight of my purse so I do try to only carry you when I'm sitting in my car (wheelchair) however this does not always happen actually it's seldom happens but it has happened before.
As I'm begun trying to compile all my writings so I can put them in one spot, it seems like today is the first day that I actually went to my office (Starbucks) with the intentions of working on something to do with my writing. It was so nice of my neighbor / friend Sam I am to to take me to Starbucks realizing that we're both up at crazy hours and that I might want to go to Starbucks for a bit before attending other obligations.
I was able to get a lot of things done using my cell phone before Sam came to take me home. I found a lot of writings that I started years ago, before and while I worked at the school that I should be able to finish sooner or later. Ask for getting ready to leave Sam wasted my purse into his truck and explained how my purse is like an anchor. Instantly I thought of the song The Anchor Holds!

Tomorrow Blog

Monday morning I wasn't awake at the random 2 in the morning, the normal 4:30 in the morning, I wasn't even awake for the next few hours. I finally got up feeling very groggy thinking that I may have the keto flu? Keto flu, I don't know but that's all I need is another name or explanation for my crazy life. After making it to the workout room I was blessed by seeing neighbors that I've seen a few times but never really talked to. Pam and Gary were such a blessing, after finding out they are from Louisiana, their Southern hospitality and kindness all made sense. Just before leaving the vicinity of the apartment complex I decided I should eat breakfast, eggs meat and cheese sounded amazing! While I was cooking I was very relieved to remember that only I would be the only one consuming the food being prepared because realized something was terribly wrong but I demolished it anyways and headed out the door. I don't need no professionally cooked food (to be read with the “[I] don't need no stinking badges” twang from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre movie). I arrived at the office and although it was a pretty warm day, I was freezing cold. Even though I had a jacket behind me, I kept having the urge to leave because it was chilly. Every time (approximately every 5 seconds) that I would think “I'm going to leave” I would look at my calendar and realize that I had a meeting at Starbucks at 2:30… people may think I am exaggerating this but it's more funny because I'm not. There was the first incident of trying to leave when luckily I looked at my phone and did not leave. The next time, I drank my tea and I was talking to the Barista, Brian. After our conversation, I was ready to go when an alarm went off and reminded me again that I have a meeting at Starbucks soon. I finally decided that if I spread out my belongings everywhere, before I had time to put it all away, my appointment would arrive. Luckily I had waited at Starbucks long enough that the original nervousness I had when I first met depression I had my appointment with was gone. The first time we met was at the same place at the beginning of her semester. She was going to school at UCCS and was in the nursing program. It had been quite a while, well a semester to be since we first met. I was so excited when she called me and was available to meet; she explained unique struggles and the difficulties she faces dealing with Lyme's disease. Although I had been introduced to this by a gentleman I met at Chick-fil-a previously, Lyme's disease affects everyone uniquely. I can't even begin to imagine what she has had to deal with going through college although I do my best and try to remember what I dealt with as I want through college. Sometimes having a brain injury is so hard… the day-to-day struggles are enough to knock you down and keep you there, but hold fast because the story's not over yet … but wait, there's more :-)!

After creating unnecessary commotion to get free ice cream because it was the 31st, I ended up back at Starbucks next to Baskin Robbins after a meeting... Oh no I'm just realizing I have written part of this blog totally different but it'll be okay. My days are all confused because I ended up back at Starbucks and met Esam and Asad but that wasn't the day I met the amazing D-11 superintendent... or was it? It is recorded in my journal but all this happened on the same day which might explain my sleeping wait... I knew today would be crazy so I slept late, in preparation for the day.

Can you turn that same day  was the reception for Michael Thomas, the new superintendent for school district 11. Before going into the building I ran into my Aunt Jan. I get overly excited every time I see her at any sort of District function… it's like her and I working in the same district is novel (it's not, it's been the case for the past five years I believe).

After meeting Michael Thomas and learning about him, I can say this after copying it off of District page “Mr. Thomas comes to D11 from Minneapolis Public Schools, where he served as chief of schools. He has also served as a district coordinator for equity and integration, an elementary and secondary principal, and as a social worker at the elementary level.

Mr. Thomas is excited to be a part of School District 11 and looks forward to continuing the positive work being done in our school district.”

I encourage anyone and everyone who has a child in District 11 to meet the current superintendent! From what I know from the one time I met him, he is such a personable superintendent! I was very surprised when my friend said she would pick me up from the reception! Nonetheless, Jaimie and I we're soon off to dinner. I thought I would not have the energy to make it through something else after the reception, but spending time with Jaimie was so encouraging and uplifting! She explained her struggles and successes over the last semester and the possible directions of her future. I am so incredibly proud of the wonderful student and educator she has been!

Finally writing this blog the day after I met he superintendent, I was going to bring this blog to an end  when Pastor Brian Michaels came into Starbucks and soon after Pastor Eric Cartier came in and sat right next to my table with a friend… it is so amazing how God orchestrates every second of the lives of His children. I was having such a “ poor pitiful me” moment and was ready to go home. When I overheard the struggles of other people. I thought Kimi, put on your big girl panties….so after processing all those thoughts, it's my big girl panties I have on!

Tonight I had the most amazing helper and hopefully she's going to be my helper both days for a while. I'm getting a little tired however I do want to mention why I titled this Tomorrow's Blog. In the last blog I wrote I said that I would tell you about the excitement that happened in tomorrow's blog. Although this may not be awesome to anyone but me, my homeroom teacher from high school, my cheerleading coach, my unknown mentor connection me with a student who is interested in writing a book about his disability. That may turn out to be nothing, but you never know because everything starts somewhere!

Tearful Encouragement

Awake at 2 in the morning, I really didn't want to be awake so I didn't want to go work out quite yet so I got on my phone  to see who was online and text them. I occasionally get scolded for doing so; this is something I need to stop doing because most of the world is not awake. Although I'm glad to have a few friends that work overnight who don't mind however I don't think so clearly in the morning occasionally text those friends. I tossed and turned a little too long and when I got up to go workout I worked out and then when to Crunch Fitness to swim the day was pretty uneventful but I had no clue what was yet to come.

I was headed to Dick's Sporting Goods to find something to aid in swimming laps. When I started to wheel by Safeway, there was a man who the Holy Spirit arched me to speak to. His name is Greg and he goes to Calvary Worship Center! Calvary Worship Center? I love listening to Al Pittman! Alright so this may not be exciting to anyone else but this is why I named this Blog The Simple Things- it is the simple things like being able to make any sort of connection to previous knowledge that gets me oh so excited.
Greg and I went to Starbucks to get know each other a little and after he started telling me about how God spoke to him as a child, this Divine appointment became apparent. While I was there I saw an acquaintance, Rich and was able to talk to him for a couple minutes. I forgot his name right after I had asked him and he played the name game with me and I loved it :-). Having people help me work on my memory is occasionally fun.
I ran into Ian, the Automotive teacher, who is also a regular wish made me feel like always right.  I wasn't exactly sure why I was there and we can stink that maybe it was just because I wanted to get out of my house. I text-talked to Daymon and learned a little more about him working at Rocky Mountain Health Care Services. I didn't know that I could show my daily motion roller coaster over text, but that I did :-(.
After sobbing for a while and a lady came over to me and said “Kimi!” she said that she had my book and wanted to get it signed sometime and continued by saying that she's the one who honks when I'm traveling down the road in my wheelchair. She thanked me for doing that because it encourages her disabled son. Talk about crying oceans -- I inadvertently hate to be reminded that God is using me for His glory to encourage other people everyday just like I am.  This is a terrible ending to blog, but I am super tired and super excited about going to the museum tomorrow with my mom and nephew and I promised myself to blog everyday so That's all folks! See you ‘round! Note proofreading might happen tomorrow.

Ready to Run!

In the enormous file that I’ve started documents being positive that they will one day develop into a great, can’t-help-but-read blog, story, or if I am lucky—book I read a thought that was recently typed “Ready to Run.’ This could be read as an actual desire to physically re-train my body and mind to run, but I am in the process of that. Then part of a song began playing in my mind….I’m ready, ready to run! Researching the lyrics, I discovered that it wasn’t a Christian song by Avalon; no this memory was coming from a memory older (in my mind) than that; this song is a Dixie Chicks song!!

I looked up the lyrics to hopefully understand why those lyrics were coming to mind. Although the song seems to be about leaving the nest, experiencing life and spreading one’s wings, the song initiated me to look at where I was when the song came out (1999) and where I am now. When the song came out I was in the first years of high school and I was spreading my wings--I think this was when my AWESOME sister moved to Texas. Now the lyrics resurfaced and I realize how this song describes my life looking through a different lens.  

When the song first came out during high school, I was literally running track & field and attempting cross acountry, I was ready to run. Now this song’s lyrics have a different meaning. I have an amazing job where, taking thq

is song literally, daily I am doing physical therapy and walking in crowds, attempting to walk at a somewhat average pace. My job is basically an 8 hour therapy session. It is so fulfilling to know that I can encourage others simply by living life. Maybe the running will happen again one day but is not, my spirit is pacing at the starting line and ready to run any race that God puts in front of me!    


7-14-2023 Laughter IS The Best Medicine

7 - 14 - 2023 Laughter IS The Best Medicine

Having a very rough day for a reason unbeknownst to me, I didn't get to Starbucks (the office) until about 1:00 in the afternoon! I was so excited to roll in and see two friends, Paula and Pam! I do not see these ladies all too often but yes, it was time for Paula’s dog, Teddy to be groomed so in Starbucks they sat. 

Like always these two ladies told stories that had me rolling on the floor laughing! Arriving late, there was only time for one story; a cat story, but the throw-in stories were so funny. Ok I just realized that what I'm calling throw-ins might just be comments but they were, nonetheless, absolutely hilarious.

Somehow Paula’s son’s favorite cat ended up in her neighbor, Jill's house! It did not help matters that this neighbor was not the friendliest. Paula knew this so she was not surprised when she received a call at 4:30 in the morning the day after they could not find her cat anywhere in Jill’s house. The call was to inform her that her cat was still in Jill’s house! After rubbing her eyes to make sure this wasn’t a dream, Paula headed to Jill’s. When Paula arrived at Jill's House her cat was hiding behind a lamp and some pictures, if the cat was spooked at all the house decorations would be history. Paula eventually coaxed her cat out of her hiding spot and was able to rescue her and take her home. 

I Can't Walk but I Can Roll