At the beginning of last semester I met a lady in my math class who also
has a brain injury, however she is a lot newer to life with a brain injury.
When I met her I wanted a friendship to develop but I didn't want to force
anything. Since we've been out of school, she has come over every week… Okay so
we’ve only been out of school for two weeks, but that's beside the point lol. I
just totally loved sharing our experiences of dealing with a brain injury with each
other and talking about how we have handled different situations. Thanks to her encouragement, I think I will
start sharing the random things I do to help me with my memory. Even though I'm
not sure if this is going to help anyone else I will never know until I do it!
I keep a journal on my computer of what I do throughout the day. As people
make plans I put them in my planner and my jornal with a question mark at the
end until it has actually happened (i.e. Jamie and I intended to meet at 9:15
today). My journal had” 9:15 meet w Jaimie?” until we met then I erased the ?
so I know what I did on any specific day. I also type great things I want to remember
about our meeting. I try to do this for everything but of course there are many
times that too many noteworthy events take place before I am able to record
anything that day; however, after sleeping I wake up with all sorts of memories
from the day before. Try it… Even if you don't have brain injury this might be
something you find enjoyable as it's really fun to look back through the years
at what has taken place.
So that's it for my first tip, I would love to hear any of yours!
I hope to have a great
new year!
~ Kimi Burton