As I woke up this morning with the day’s plans already running through my
head, I got notification of both of today’s plans being canceled due to
sickness and amazing Colorado weather. I prayed, asking God to use me, somehow.
Shortly after my prayer, I received a text from a friend who is new to “life
with a brain injury” and is struggling. We got on the phone and talked-- our talk
was wonderful where we laughed, we cried, and we discovered that there are many
commonalities in brain injuries that are so very “unique to each person.” Our
talk encouraged both her and I.
It is times like these, when I can honestly empathize with another brain
injury victim (which I have not been able to do in a while), that I am thankful
I have been through what I have and go through different struggles every single
day and am able to remain hopeful. Hopeful not in being who I was or like I was
before my brain injury, but hopeful in Jesus Christ! My hope is found in
nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness!
Beautiful. I love your positive outlook in life and look forward to getting to know you even better. I thank God we sat next to each other at the tea.
ReplyDeleteThanks Cheryl! If you be interested in a write up group here is the info:Really good author meetup yesterday. Four of us read new material: Warner, John, Anne, and myself. We all agree that the group is pushing us to make progress on our books. I also noticed that we're getting better at reading, an important performance skill. We were joined by Daryl Kuiper, a children's book author-to-be, and Eric (Anne's husband). Louise came late, mainly to have a short meeting with me.
ReplyDeleteI added eStore pages for Cathy and Louise, which was a simpler proposition than I thought. An eStore page (for your CreateSpace account, enables you to send customers to this page to buy a book. The benefit to you is that CreateSpace fulfills the order for you and a higher "royalty" than you get for an Amazon sale.
There is also a way to offer discounts to your prospects and customers. Just go to the eStore channel, click on "discounts," and set up the codes. Or get help from you know who.
Note: the downside of sending customers to your eStore page is that you don't get the sales data. CreateSpace does. To compensate for that, make sure you have information in your book that enables customers to contact you via your website, blog, Facebook page, etc.
We'll probably go back to the fourth Wednesday schedule for January and continue meeting here at Cottonwood.
Oh, and I'm scheduled for a "Writing and Publishing Your Memoir: An Introduction" here at the Cottonwood on January 22, 10:30 to Noon. This is a one-session introductory workshop. $35.00. Let wanna-be authors know.
The Publishing Pro, LLC
Cottonwood Center for the Arts #231
427 E. Colorado Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
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Author of Marketing Your Own Book ... without losing your shirt.
Sample or purchase as an ebook on Smashwords:
Author of From Rome to Jerusalem: A Non-Jew on the Way
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