Sunday, September 22, 2013

Trust and Obey....When Will I Ever Learn?

Trust and Obey… When Will I Ever Learn?

I love it when God's plan as seen through human eyes seems to fall apart, and then in ways that are least expected pieces of His greater plan fall into place. This is something I do not readily remember in the midst of the "fallen apart period,” but it’s often in hindsight I realize that yes, God's plans ARE perfect.

About a month ago I began corresponding with a man who goes to the same Church I do, Rocky Mountain Calvary. I live near the Church, but not close enough to ride my hot rod (electric wheelchair) to during the winter or ever for night services.  Soon after meeting him, he began taking me to Church and very shortly after that he began taking me to school, to stores, and on any other errands I needed to run (he already had a van that carries my wheelchair!). Meeting him has been such an answer to prayer! As the winter months are just around the corner (a time when it becomes difficult and dangerous to ride my wheelchair through town), I am so thankful that our paths crossed. There are many other ways he is being a blessing in my life, I just pray that somehow I am a blessing in his.   


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

School....Tests.....Will it ever end?

Has anyone taken microeconomics who wasn't majoring in business?  Well I am taking microeconomics to get my teaching license. While at first thought "I think this was such a horrible idea" but soon I realized that if I ever get tired of teaching, this will give me perhaps a little education to fall back on. This class seems foreign to me!! I have the first test tomorrow and I am pretty stressed but please pray for the best!
OH MYLANTA! My professor's test was truly a comprehensive was so good (very time consuming) but it was crazy hard! He warned us that his tests were hard, but I still wasn't sure what to expect. Now I can't wait until the next test so I can somewhat value we the progress of my memory and my attention skills!!!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I am so excited!!!-- title subject to change when I calm down.

Having anticipated this for a while, tonight I was going to meet (re-meet?) a friend from high school. Being that I went to a very small high school in a town with a whopping 4 stop signs, I was completely sure that we knew each other but I didn't remember if we had met once-upon-a-time (before my brain injury); I mean we knew the same people and all…


Low and behold, I'm pretty sure we had never met until tonight, but we had the best LONG conversation! Four hours later (besides the fact that I think “Salmon” wanted us out of his area so he could serve more people), we decided to leave.
Next day--
Last night must have been the "perfect time." Yes, I had a WONDERFUL time, but when last night becomes the past, I will realize why it was the perfect night for Cody and I to meet. You know, I was told that I put heavy expectations on most things (which is true) but I love being so excited that I can hardly contain myself! It does lead to many sad moments/let-downs, but when I wake up so excited (like now), every let-down is worth it!
My favorite part was reminiscing about teachers that I had before my accident that he had the next year!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trying to keep a blog during school?

Trying to keep a blog during school?
I never realized how odd it is that I get so excited over the fact of meeting someone from the town where I went to high school or even from that area! Yesterday when I was in the math lab one of the tutors  was from a city that isn't too far from where I went to high school! Ae has basically lost his accent but I heard some sort of draw.

I don't think this normally is such a big deal, but life before my brain injury and after my brain injury are (in my mind) two completely separate lives. I find it entertaining to meet someone from Mississippi, or even from the South. Actually, I just enjoy meeting people! Also yesterday in the math lab a tutor was from the East Coast, I believe, and she is not very fond of Colorado at all! I know that this is "God's country” (meaning this state) so I am not sure why she hasn't grown fond of it yet. This makes me very sad because she was an AWESOME tutor— but as Grandpa T says, “different strokes for different folks.” I'm afraid the tutor lab doesn't like me very much because I take forever to do everything. So yesterday I was potentially assigned a tutor that I work with one-on-one if one is found.


*I'm sure that there are many people reading this who have a unique story. If ever you feel like sharing your story with me, you can definitely post it or send it were only I can see it. I would love to read it.