Trying to keep a blog during school?
I never realized how odd it is that I get so excited over the fact of
meeting someone from the town where I went to high school or even from that
area! Yesterday when I was in the math lab one of the tutors was from a city that isn't too far from where
I went to high school! Ae has basically lost his accent but I heard some sort
of draw.
I don't think this normally is such a big deal,
but life before my brain injury and after my brain injury are (in my mind) two completely
separate lives. I find it entertaining to meet someone from Mississippi, or
even from the South. Actually, I just enjoy meeting people! Also yesterday in
the math lab a tutor was from the East Coast, I believe, and she is not very
fond of Colorado at all! I know that this is "God's country” (meaning this
state) so I am not sure why she hasn't grown fond of it yet. This makes me very
sad because she was an AWESOME tutor— but as Grandpa T says, “different strokes
for different folks.” I'm afraid the tutor lab doesn't like me very much
because I take forever to do everything. So yesterday I was potentially
assigned a tutor that I work with one-on-one if one is found.
*I'm sure that there are many people reading this who have a unique story.
If ever you feel like sharing your story with me, you can definitely post
it or send it were only I can see it. I would love to read it.
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