Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ready to Run

Ready to Run

In the enormous file that I’ve started documents being positive that they will one day develop into a great, can’t-help-but-read blog, story, or if I am lucky—book, I read a thought that was recently typed “Ready to Run.’ This could be read as an actual desire to physically re-train my body and mind to run, but I am in the process of that. Then part of a song began playing in my mind….I’m ready, ready to run! Researching the lyrics, I discovered that it wasn’t a Christian song by Avalon; no this memory was coming from a memory older (in my mind) than that; this song is a Dixie Chicks song!!

I looked up the lyrics to hopefully understand why those lyrics were coming to mind. Although the song seems to be about leaving the nest, experiencing life and spreading one’s wings, the song initiated me to look at where I was when the song came out (1999) and where I am now. When the song came out I was in the first years of high school and I was spreading my wings--I think this was when my AWESOME sister moved to Texas. Now the lyrics resurfaced and I realize how this song describes my life looking through a different lens. 

When the song first came out during high school, I was literally running track & field and attempting cross country, I was ready to run. Now this song’s lyrics have a different meaning. I have an amazing job where, taking this song literally, daily I am doing physical therapy and walking in crowds, attempting to walk at a somewhat average pace. My job is basically an 8 hour therapy session. It is so fulfilling to know that I can encourage others simply by living life. Maybe the running will happen again one day but is not, my spirit is pacing at the starting line and ready to run any race that God puts in front of me!     

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