Sunday, October 2, 2016

Turn Around

Turn Around
          Waking up in an incredibly crazy mood I tried not to get out of bed until things were more calm in my mind, but that was not happening. I prayed and asked God to calm my mind and the next thing I knew I was at my mom's house for breakfast and everything was awesome-- breakfast, the time I was able to spend with my aunt and my mom, and I even made it home in time to go to Rocky Mountain Calvary’s second Sunday service! AWESOME, right?
    Arriving to Church I was a little sad that I missed fellowshipping with my 9 o'clock service friends but this was before I had any idea of what God had planned. I sat down and slowly people began to trickle in. Stephanie, friend from years ago who had been away on a mission trip, happened to be home! Minutes later Vanessa showed up and sat right next to me. I was so excited to share where God has me currently and was really excited to talk about education for her son as the two are very closely intertwined.
    Soon it was time for Church. One of the things that stuck out to me during the sermon was that Christians need to stop being a judge and a lawyer, but rather be a witness. After hearing  that, thoughts of how many times last week I found myself talking about myself and how God is working in my life. I felt like I wasn't giving the other person time to talk. I started to feel bad but was reminded that by sharing how God has shown up in my own life helps others.
          Last week was a little rocky. It seemed as though storms were  coming in from every direction of life. Although I am not sure how this week is going to pan out, it has already been off to a fantastic start! After the fun and exciting surprise this morning, I was reminded that Ministry is waiting after the storm. I reflected on that for a few minutes and Pastor Eric also pointed out how difficulties that we go through better equip us to help others when they are in similar situations. Although it may not be an instant gratification type event that you are able to see immediately, in God's Time, His purpose become evident. 
Though my morning did not start out wonderful, after fabulous things started to unfold I was reminded that I should always be prepared and looking for God’s great turn-around!

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