Wednesday, December 2, 2020

CHOOSING THE MESSINESS/ Reflection/ Kimi’s Kitchen

THE MESSINESS/ Reflection/ Kimi’s Kitchen 


“Elijah sent a messenger to say to [Naaman] “Go wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.” 

2 Kings 5: 10

As you know by now, healing is a step-by-step, day-by-day process. It may not happen overnight, but I can come and In unexpected ways. 

The Bible tells of Naaman, a valiant army captain who was stricken with Leprosy and wanted to be healed (2 Kings 5:1-19). When he learned about Israel's Prophet Elijah and his connection to God Naaman - with his chariots and his horses - stopped at Elijah’s house. Instead of seeing him personally Elijah sent a messenger to Naaman with instructions: “Wash yourself seven times in the Jordan. 

Naaman became angry. He had expected the prophet to wave his hand, invoke the name of the Lord - anything that brought instant healing. Not to be told to go into the muddy Jordan River seven times! 

Naaman’s healing was a messy, muddy process - just like it is for us. And like Namman, we have to choose to heal and choose to trust that if we do what God, the Great Physician, asks, we will be made whole. We have to accept that healing is almost always messy - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But even in our mess, He is always gentle with us as we experience healing, growth, strength, and wholeness. 

Lord, no matter how messy the journey is, I move forward to receive healing. I want to be whole -- spirit, soul, and body.


This devotion is talking about mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and thinking about it, I think the healing from my car accident is also mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. It's weird because I have some parts of my brain that occasionally seem to be back to normal but there are times when those parts that I thought were normal - - go crazy! It is messy. Although once told that stress influences this, as I have had more time to monitor my emotions it is indeed true!! I have also recently been reminded how “invisible” a brain injury can be (more so for those who are not as physically effected). 

Although life is a roller coaster ride, I am so thankful that I am here to carry His Word and in doing this I will be more apt and able to choose to trust that doing what the Great Physician asks and be made whole.

Kimi's Kitchen

Breakfast smoothie (prepared too late to eat today)

Wonderful Whip-together Wednesday Shake

  • Organic superfood blend 

  • Whole ground 

  • Flaxseed 

  • Hemp hearts 

  • Vanilla almond unsweetened plant-based beverage 

  • Frozen red raspberries 

  • Outshine Frozen pineapple fruit bar

Fresh Express chopped kit sweet kale salad + fried tofu

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Tupelo Tuesday/ TRUST IN WHO?/Reflection/Kimi’s Kitchen

Tupelo Tuesday

Tupelo, Tupelo everyone is welcome here in Tupelo!

With Tupelo colors picked out for today I woke up with “Tupelo” by Buddy and Kay Bain playing in my mind making today a Tupelo Tuesday!

It is a Tupelo Tuesday and the memories make me smile,

Although memories may be sketchy, remembering this is a reminder that my brain -- it has an ole time file!

Times are so different yes that is truer than true, 

But reflecting and ready to create great times 

how could I ever remain blue?

I hope your day was AMAZING and you washed your hands and stayed safe,

‘Tis the first day of December, keep your hands warm but don’t cause chafe. 


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.” 

(Proverbs 3: 5 - 6 NASB)

God wants us to trust Him instead of ourselves - and yet it is a reflexive action to trust only ourselves, and no one else, including God.

We can know in our heads that we need to trust God, but it is certainly not our default mode. Our natural instinct is to hunker down and protect ourselves - - rather than open up our hearts to God. But God created our spirit to want to engage with Him and trust Him.

When you find yourself resisting trust and bracing control, when you find yourself leaning into self-sufficiency or self-protecting, step back and pause. Recognize that you're pulling back into trusting only yourselves instead of trusting God fully.

When you find yourself veering onto the path of your own understanding, stop and acknowledge Him. Open your heart up to His love and His leading. Let Him guide you and make your path straight. 

Lord, I trust You with all my heart. I choose not to lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge You and invite You into my heart and the details of my life, trusting You to make my path straight.


Oh wow! I slept so good but entirely too long. I guess that’s what I get for drinking sleepytime tea so late. This is such perfect timing for this devotion! I apparently drank Sleepytime tea too late last night because I slept so wonderfuly but didn't wake up till 9ish a.m. -- that is unlike me! 

I woke up processing crazy information but I was so panicked that it was light outside -- that it was so late in the morning that I didn't let myself stay in bed and fully process my waking thoughts.

I did glance at the devotion as I was dictating it this morning and I was so excited because at this time more than any other I need to remember Who I need to trust in - - not myself! Not what I think is correct or what the world is alluding to or telling me what should be taking place. I need to trust in the One who knows me better than anyone. The One who knew what would and is going to happen-- Jesus Christ!

Kimi’s Kitchen

Air-fryer Leftovers Casserole? + potato


  • Thanksgiving ham

  • Leftover taco ingredients

    • Shredded lettuce

    • Shredded non-vegan cheese

    • White cheddar popcorn seasoning

    • Organics mango habanero hot sauce


  1. Put ingredients in Air-fryer on a reasonable temperature for just the right amount of time (as long as it is taking me to type this)

  2. Microwave 1 yellow potato for 5 minutes

  3. Cut potato and sprinkle white cheddar seasoning on leftover casserole and potato (on same “plate”)

Saturday, November 28, 2020



Saturday November 28th 


“He brought His people out like a flock; He led them like sheep to the wilderness. 

Psalm 78:52 

When the children of Israel left Egypt, miracle after miracle happened in the desert. God parted the Red Sea - and they crossed on dry ground. Then God defeated the Egyptians as they drowned in the sea. then God gave the Israelites food from the sky and water from a rock. Over and over again, God miraculously delivered them. 

But could they see it? Not exactly. They'd been delivered from physical slavery in Egypt, but when they look toward the promised land, nothing but isolate wilderness stretched as far as I could see (Exodus 16). 

The Wilderness was a vast place of unknowns, yet it was also a land of great purpose. In the wilderness God gave His people the opportunity to trust Him, to walk in faith, to remember His goodness, to develop thankful hearts, and to become people of worship. But they constantly stumbled and complained. They weren’t quick studies. 

Let's try to do better. If you are in the wilderness right now, look around you. Look for the ways He is providing for you in the desert. As you keep moving forward, trust God, walk in faith, remember His goodness, become more thankful, and develop a heart for worship. Trust him that He is leaving you through. 

Lord, I choose to be thankful in this wilderness season. Thank You for all the ways You are providing for me.


I absolutely love this! it is so easy for me to encourage others when they are in wilderness encouraging them to trust God, but when I'm in a wilderness it seems to be desolate as far as I can see, but I have to remember that is precisely when I need to run so I can get as far as I can see faster and begin on to the land where I'm only trusting God ... actually I'm pretty sure if I just start trusting God right now, before I get as far as I can see, it'll be good just like I'm at the end of what I can see. (Oh my I crack myself up!) Okay maybe I'm only hilarious to myself but that's all right I needed that giggle! Instead of using the energy to be sad, I am going to use it to trust God. If you liken trusting God to smiling and leaning on your own understanding to frowning-- scientifically it takes more muscles to frown (not trust in God) than it does to smile….I needed to read this and hear that from God!

After making that connection, I have often been asked why I smile so much, and it’s because life’s easier when you smile (trust God)!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Throwback/Throwaway Thursday/ NEW ROOTS/ Reflection/ Kimi's Kitchen/ TBA

Throwback/Throwaway Thursday/ NEW ROOTS/ Reflection/ Kimi's Kitchen/ TBA

Throwback/Throwaway Thursday

'Tis a Throwback Thursday as I reminisce on Saltillo High

but it is also a Throwaway Thursday as the bad day yesterday is in the past--

sayonara, goodbye!

I seem to have forgotten that I like quarantine as I'm forced to stay in my house,

ride my trike and contemplate life- journal 

Praying my mind would be quiet as a mouse!

I am writing this Wednesday night, so excited to ride my trike,

I will start out inside and maybe after lunch I will take it outside if I'd like

I'm not sure that's very poetic but it's almost midnight and I am tired. God bless you guys and I hope you have an amazing day!

NEW ROOTS By Christine Caine

“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” 

Joshua 24: 15

Once, when I was in England for a women's conference, I stumbled across a small shop with the sign that read, “Discover your roots - family history available inside.” Since I was adopted, I decided to try the name “Caine,” as my husband Nick,  is from a good English stock. Who knows? I thought. Maybe I married into royalty! I was startled from my daydreams when the woman behind the counter handed me the results. 

Turns out, Nick’s ancestors were far from royal. The list was dotted with criminals, convicts, paupers, and pirates! Although Nick's family tree was gnarly, looking at the past gave me a new perspective on the future. The lives of our future descendants would be so different. I laughed, knowing that because we had chosen to follow Jesus, our lives and future generations would be changed. A family history that had once been defined by immorality, poverty, alcoholism, and criminality would now be characterized by faith, love, peace, and joy. 

We all have the power to leave a legacy. Whatever our past, it never has to limit our future. Because of God, we always have the power to chart a new course. We can fulfill our destiny and realize our dreams. We can impact and influence future generations. 

God, thank You for including me in Your family tree. I pray that I will leave a legacy of faith, love, peace, and joy for future generations.


Who and what determines what is considered the “past”? Time? Life changes? I ask this honestly as my brain injury has skewed my perception of time. This can be hilarious at times but can be annoying at others. I have encountered many “Christians” who judge based on my past/current labels which is complete nonsense.

It is almost crazy that people who dislike labels seem almost adamant on me wearing one, as if my somewhat obvious disability isn’t one enough. At the same time, the same people know that the situation that caused this label would not have happened in “normal” circumstances.

I am constantly reminded of this as I come across people who make snap judgements. It is my fault for disclosing too much information giving the option of making such judgements and drawing conclusions.

What I don’t (always) realize is that my situation is a blessing...a blessing, what? Yes, without much effort the wrong people are weeded out of my life.  

Kimi’s Kitchen


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Kimi's Kitchen/ Terrific Tuesday/ Giving Thanks/ Reflection

Kimi's Kitchen

Tuesday Tornado

  • ¾ fruit

  • Banana

  • 1 cup milk

  • Add yogurt

  • Add ½ scoop Orgain protein

  • 1 scoop power food mix

  • 1 teaspoon hemp hearts

  • 1 teaspoon flax seed

  • Add some avocado oil

Mix for 5 seconds and fill up with juice to fill line

Terrific Tuesday

Today is a terrible Terrific Tuesday although we all have to keep our head up, 

Covid is spreading like wildfire so I just sit home and mix in my cup! 

Today I made a Tuesday Tornado and another shake that I have no name, 

GIVING THANKS By Christine Caine

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good His love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1

I want to point out something today that may be a relief to you. You know we are to be thankful in all circumstances, right? But when life is difficult and your heart is breaking, you aren’t expected to run around wildly thanking God for the painful circumstances. God doesn't call you to be some kind of spiritual masochist. nor does He nor does he call you to deny what you are feeling . but what He does call you to do is to thank Him IN everything - not FOR everything - in the midst of whatever is going on in your life. 

In other words, we’re to remain thankful to God for all He has done in the past and is doing now. “Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). God wants us to give thanks because He is good when our situation isn't.

When times are difficult, you can be thankful that God has an overarching plan for your life that will not be diverted. He is a sovereign and gracious God. Remembering his faithfulness to you in the past helps you not be so thrown off course by life’s mishap. Thankfulness is a gift He gives you that changes your heart, gives you strength, and keeps you moving forward. 

Lord, giving thanks reminds me of Your great love. I give thanks to You for You are good.


Monday, November 16, 2020

Magical MondayTHE POWER OF THE CROSS/ Reflection/ Kimi’s Kitchen

 Magical MondayTHE POWER OF THE CROSS/ Reflection/ Kimi’s Kitchen

Magical Monday

This a Magical Monday magic like you've never seen before

with the Coronavirus infecting those near and far it could be waiting at your door.

So do us all a favor and limit your travel and also your activities

I will ask you once and now I'll ask you again and I'll even beg you please please please!

If you do your part-- 

Hopefully like magic this virus will go away, 

but if not you might as well get used to your mask mask 

because the virus is here to stay.


“The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

1 Corinthians 1:18

We hear so many voices telling us to be strong, to assert ourselves, to give it all we've got. What we don't hear so often is where that strength is supposed to come from. We can scrape the bottom of our barrels to muster enough power to change things, to control things, to protect ourselves, but there's no reason to rely on our own limited power - when we can relax and rely on Christ’s unlimited power - which is freely available to us. 

To live a life transformed by your gracious God, let go of your preconceived power. When you find yourself struggling, remember the power of the cross - the resurrection power that brought Jesus back to life.

Focusing on the power of the Cross is an essential and hope-giving practice. After all, you can't heal yourself from your past hurts, but the cross reminds you of the resurrection power shown in Jesus's victory over sin and death. God uses the same power today to bless His people - to bless you and me - with the ability to forgive with healing and with transformation. 

Lord, thank You for the power of the cross and Your victory over sin in and death. And thank You for using that power for my own good, to bring healing and freedom, to make me more like Jesus.


After waking up very extremely late in tears, I was reflecting on life. Contemplating whether to make a Starbucks run or not. I ended up running errands for grandpa and stopping by to see my nephew. Although I had dictated the devotion this morning, my mind was stressed-- naaa, discombobulated-- naaa, overwhelmed-- maybe. I read this deviation and realized I can’t heal myself from past hurts, but He can!

I didn’t reflect and realize it then, but after the events of the day had passed, I realized that God had taken all my worries away. I am amazing at doing what I do even though it is not always fabulous and professional-like. My kitchen is a disaster and I love cutting, pouring, and mixing in my sink. Giving tips on ways to prepare food, I serve those who are often overlooked or don’t have the courage to attempt activities.  I have learned that asserting yourself doesn’t always mean being loud and obnoxious (which I can be), one just needs to be confident.

I'm not saying or claiming that I'm doing something the proper way or the way that a certain dish should be prepared, I'm just confident that I am making a mess and that I am preparing something that is going to be amazingly wonderful to my palette.

Kimi’s Kitchen Monday Magic 

Brussel sprouts 

Red bell pepper 

Grape tomatoes 

Parsley flakes 


Kikkoman soy sauce 

Bertolli extra virgin olive oil 

Bake in oven on 450° Until done...hahaha

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Dream of a Lifetime '20

*It's that time again....the next, updated version of my dream....

“The Dream of a Lifetime”

Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real that when you woke up you let out a sigh of relief or maybe even disappointment realizing it was only a dream? The dream I had was neither of those because my dream turned into the story of my life.

One day I was “fighting” with my high school, in Mississippi, convincing them to let guys be on the cheer squad; the next thing I knew I was in a “jail cell” (hospital bed) and couldn’t even move. I was told I had been in a severe car accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury (TBI). For those of you who don’t know, this really messes with your memory. I wasn’t able to talk, walk, eat, or even remember who this lady was that claimed to be my mother.

I was in was a strange place, but it was full of people I knew except, they were from all sorts of different places and times throughout my life. My step-mom and Dad were there and they are from Colorado (I lived in Mississippi at the time). My sister and her family were there too, and they live in Texas. To top it off, my old gymnastics coach who had moved to Jackson (a town 200 miles away from Saltillo, the town I thought I was in, was there! People were there from my high school, but they were the only people in this “dream” that should’ve been there; I was in high school. It turned out that they were all there to see me. Why, what did I do that was so great? I was filled with anticipation. This was definitely a dream, but how would it end?? This place wasn’t my house or a place I’d ever been to or even seen before.

Soon I realized I couldn’t move, and there were strange people who came in to move my limbs for me. I was given several tests, daily, to see if my cognition had improved. I was asked things like, “If you look out the window, is it night or daytime?” I was asked what year it was and who the president was. I was asked to do simple things like tie my own shoe, and to my surprise, I couldn’t do it! I was scared, I wanted my mommy!! I was going to get to the bottom of this. I had to find out if this woman who called herself my mom really, indeed, was her. To figure this out, I had to be mean. I knew I could do anything to her; if she was really my mom she could take anything-- my mom was superwoman. In the process of determining if she was my mom, I dislocated a finger or two of hers and bit her hard enough to draw blood. I went on by interrogating her about everything. I told my so called mom that I didn’t like this game and didn’t want to play it anymore. I was told several times that I had been in a severe car accident, but couldn’t grasp the idea of being hurt. In disbelief, I asked who, if anyone, was with me. I was told a girl’s name that I hadn’t ever heard of, so I knew, that it was everybody else that was crazy. It wasn’t until a while after I got home that my mom convinced me that she was my real mom, and it still wasn’t until I had friends visit me, who could tell me about my past (which I thought was present), that I realized I had really been in a car accident. 

Through the beginning stages of the healing process, people at Church (First Baptist Church, Saltillo, Mississippi) would shake my hand and I would, nonchalantly, bite or flip them off. At home when people would come to visit, I would show off and I mean that literally, my aunt would say, “Kimi, you’re as naked as a jaybird.” I didn’t care because I had visions of my Savior coming, and He wouldn’t take me Home unless I went to my tomb just like I came out of my mother's’ womb; in my birthday suit (Job 1:21). Even to this day I can’t remember the two years before the wreck, but I think that it is my body’s way of protecting me from the trauma. When reminded about certain events and the people that were around, the memories vaguely resurface, and I still sporadically regain crazy memories. This whole healing process is much like growing up, all over again, anticipating what each day will bring, but I’m just like everybody else in the sense that I’m learning too. I am just learning everything all over again. So a dream isn’t always a dream; when it seems as real as life, it could be.

After many years, I graduated with my Associates’ of Arts degree from a community college and then my BA from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS). I am still unable to drive, but it’s ok because in February of 2010 I started taking classes at Kaplan University…ONLINE!!! My need to drive had lessened.

My first book was a children’s book and is a children’s book that introduces diversity. Although it is a “children’s book,” I am sure the audience that benefits from this book has no age limit. My first job after my accident was 10 years later and I was a greeter at JCPenney for the holidays! Shortly after finishing the seasonal job at JCPenney, I interviewed for a school position and after the interview portion I had the job except sadly my physical limitations gave the job to another applicant. Soon after that I was employed at Harrison School District as an Educational Support Substitute. Over Easter weekend I proofread the first copy of my very first book! This book, I Can’t Walk, But I Can Roll can be ordered at

As the school year was coming to a close I was called to substitute more often than normal. While I was talking with school employees I mentioned my book. Much to my delighted surprise I was asked to share my book with students at Oak Creek Elementary school. I had and still have huge dreams of becoming a well-known author/speaker and everything starts somewhere.

During a visit to Mississippi to attend my 10 year High School reunion I was invited to Saltillo Primary and Saltillo Elementary school where I spoke to and shared my book with Kindergarteners thru Fifth graders. Once I got back to Colorado I was invited to have a booth at the Explosive Expo which is primarily an athlete/heath conscious expo. Surprisingly I felt right at home. I was able to sell books and make initial contact with individuals who had interest in my book as well as my public speaking!

    In November of 2012 I got another seasonal job and this time it is at Target and thank God it takes less than 10 minutes to get to via hot rod and is less than a block from my house (last year the seasonal job took an hour long bus ride to get to) – better yet my boss this year is married to my boss at JCPenney, my seasonal job from last year! I am able “pick up” office substitute jobs as time allows, and will be starting school to get my teaching license soon! I also became a leader at Young Life’s Capernum group and met some AMAZNG people that God must have put in my life to adjust my sad, ho-hum outlook of still being single. A group of mostly older than me (by a year or so hehehe) single ladies took me by the hand (quite literally at times) and invited me to join in different activities-- that was a total answer to prayer! I also started learning how to play the guitar by my neurological incident (NI) friend and a friend from Church.

I am now (1/13) taking classes at UCCS to get my teacher’s license so I can get paid for my tutoring.

(4/23/13) I am currently in school earning my teaching license and I spend most of my time earning my hours towards that license in local school districts. If life goes as planned, I will begin my professional year in the Summer of 2014.
(6/1/13) Was in my first 5k!

The greatest thing since my accident is that  SISTER HAS A FIANCE!!

• This story is true-I was the person in the car accident. I was T-boned on the driver's side and I was driving.

• ** This is definitely a story from God because I typed the beginning parts of this story shortly after I came out of a 6 week coma. I add to the end as my life progresses.

I have learned that my story makes some have speculations about meeting me. While I've thought that removing it was a smart move to make, leaving this in my profile will remove the people who do not believe that JESUS HEALS!!

…. The Dream of a Lifetime continues…

Most little girls have the dream of falling in love with prince charming and living happily ever after. I am your average girl and although I can't remember a time before my life altering accident that I dreamt about prince charming, since God has kept me alive after facing a major life obstacle I have many what seem like unrealistic hopes.

The first "unrealistic hope” that I had actually never seen as unrealistic but was definitely unrealistic to much of the world-- I simply wanted to graduate high school after getting a Traumatic Brain Injury. After I accomplished that I wanted to graduate college. This is really no feat for the average person, but I had just faced a near-death experience. I eventually graduated from high school, graduated from community college, and then graduated from a university. Overall, life was excellent!

After I got my degree, I thought the next logical step would be to get married and maybe adopt or have a family. I spent a few years where I seemed to be way too focused on life happening by-the-book and during this time I seemed to have forgotten that every person writes their own book, making it as unique as one's fingerprints. However I still desired to find prince charming-- at one point in college I was so focused on finding prince charming that I completely denied everything that is and instilled inside of me. All of my self-worth and values disappeared. I seemed to be chasing after the wind and expecting to find stability. You can't expect to find a trained kitten among a pack of wolves. \Needless to say, sometimes I'm like the wind and can be blowing in different directions, but can also be found in very still state. The bottom line is I have my degree… Now what?

On October 8th of 2014 I started my very first real job in School District 11 as an EA (Educational Assistant). Currently I work at an elementary school helping with a computer program called ST Math. Primarily I work in the computer lab where I feel most comfortable walking—essentially I am getting paid to do physical therapy!! The computer program (ST Math) has roots in psychology — the field I earned a bachelors in! Could it be true that I actually use my college degree in the first “real” job?

ST Math is game-based instructional software for K-12 and is designed to boost math comprehension and proficiency through visual learning. Integrating with classroom instruction, ST Math incorporates the latest research in learning and the brain and promotes mastery-based learning and mathematical understanding. The ST Math software games use interactive, graphically-rich animations that visually represent mathematical concepts to improve conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills (

In addition to my exciting days spent working in the computer lab, I have also been able to share my book and answer many of the questions children have regarding my disability and disabilities in general—this is why the book was written! The school year all too quickly came to an end but before I stopped receiving a paycheck from the school district I was blessed to be hired by the same school! God’s blessings never cease to amaze me!!!

That position was dissolved into a requirement of the teachers, however before the next year started I was hired by the middle school! The interview for the position was AWESOME—it was basically a meeting with my friends (coworkers from the previous year as the school is one where the elementary school and middle school are in the same building. I unknowingly met the teacher I would work with the next year at the staff/faculty Christmas party!

Every day I go to work is such a blessing where the students unintentionally encourage me just by being themselves!

I was finally getting into life realizing this isn't a dream and it IS life and then the COVID-19 pandemic began. Our country is going through horrific challenges with many people losing their jobs and companies being forced to shut down.