Saturday, November 28, 2020



Saturday November 28th 


“He brought His people out like a flock; He led them like sheep to the wilderness. 

Psalm 78:52 

When the children of Israel left Egypt, miracle after miracle happened in the desert. God parted the Red Sea - and they crossed on dry ground. Then God defeated the Egyptians as they drowned in the sea. then God gave the Israelites food from the sky and water from a rock. Over and over again, God miraculously delivered them. 

But could they see it? Not exactly. They'd been delivered from physical slavery in Egypt, but when they look toward the promised land, nothing but isolate wilderness stretched as far as I could see (Exodus 16). 

The Wilderness was a vast place of unknowns, yet it was also a land of great purpose. In the wilderness God gave His people the opportunity to trust Him, to walk in faith, to remember His goodness, to develop thankful hearts, and to become people of worship. But they constantly stumbled and complained. They weren’t quick studies. 

Let's try to do better. If you are in the wilderness right now, look around you. Look for the ways He is providing for you in the desert. As you keep moving forward, trust God, walk in faith, remember His goodness, become more thankful, and develop a heart for worship. Trust him that He is leaving you through. 

Lord, I choose to be thankful in this wilderness season. Thank You for all the ways You are providing for me.


I absolutely love this! it is so easy for me to encourage others when they are in wilderness encouraging them to trust God, but when I'm in a wilderness it seems to be desolate as far as I can see, but I have to remember that is precisely when I need to run so I can get as far as I can see faster and begin on to the land where I'm only trusting God ... actually I'm pretty sure if I just start trusting God right now, before I get as far as I can see, it'll be good just like I'm at the end of what I can see. (Oh my I crack myself up!) Okay maybe I'm only hilarious to myself but that's all right I needed that giggle! Instead of using the energy to be sad, I am going to use it to trust God. If you liken trusting God to smiling and leaning on your own understanding to frowning-- scientifically it takes more muscles to frown (not trust in God) than it does to smile….I needed to read this and hear that from God!

After making that connection, I have often been asked why I smile so much, and it’s because life’s easier when you smile (trust God)!

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