Thursday, March 19, 2020

One Track Mind

When I'm doing laundry, generally I am doing nothing else. I start in the morning, get it done and put away the same day. I never realized how much I am a creature of habit and then this happened. I didn't start my laundry until much later in the day and for some odd reason I was drying something  at a low temperature so it took a few cycles to get it dry. During that time, the clothes in the washer had finished but I still had another load to wash. I took the clothes out of the washer and put them in the laundry basket. Soon my dad came over. I don't remember what my dad and I were doing but it was something exciting I am sure! I completely forgot about my  clothes in the laundry basket which had gotten pushed slightly under the table. Sometime later I went into my room and noticed my laundry basket missing and then I remembered I was doing my laundry. I went to where my laundry basket was and saw it full of clothes and I was like "Kimi Rebecca, you have a basket full of clothes, you should be done by now!" I heated up the clothes in the dryer, then brought them in my room to put them away. When I headed back to the washer to put what I thought was basket of clothes into the washer I realized they were wet and I had already washed them! I was thrilled- I didn't even know what to do with myself! Yes, I now had two loads of wet clothes but all my clothes were clean!

Nearing what I think is going to be the end of this blog, I guess it's really not post-worthy information. However it is important that you realize this: Don't let life get the best of you, especially with the whole health crisis going on right now. Remember what's important and laugh at the little things.

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