Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cold Supper!

Moms often say they're used to eating dinner cold because by the time they get all of the kids ready for dinner their plate is cold. I can understand that even though I don't have any children.

I made this awesome dinner tonight-- fried asparagus topped with vegan cheese and miniature potatoes... I just now realize as I write this that I think I need to make something to go with it. Anyway, I cooked it all on the stove except the potatoes because instructions are to microwave them. It was pretty amazing. As I was frying the asparagus I  was using all kinds of seasoning, something I never do… okay the seasoning was a little bit of what my step mom or dad sent to my house. I knew I was saving that for some reason. So after preparing the amazing meal, I went to sit down and my devotion was where I was going to set the plate. I realized I haven't posted today's devotion or yesterday's! I moved my plate away and it took a long time to get the pictures taken so I could post the devotions. Boy oh boy are they amazing devotions!

Before I remembered where I had set the plate I looked in the kitchen ready to go grab a bite and the plate was not anywhere. I thought "where is my plate of yummy food?" Then I remembered that while I was trying to take pictures I set it in the chair next to me and after I found it I did grab a bite every once in a while. Now that I'm done posting, the plate is almost empty. I am still hungry, perhaps that was lunch. I am so glad I have more home cooked meals that my mom keeps stocked  in my freezer! 

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