I know that my redeemer lives. Job 19:25
God grows our faith in good times and hard times, but, truth be told, usually more in hard times. A faith that can't weather the storms of life doesn't do us much good, but learning to weather those storms requires experience in them. And God and His mercy promises to be our Redeemer and carry us through.
Job was a man in the Bible whose wife told him to curse God when he lost everything in a cataclysmic series of events. Definitely unhelpful, but certainly understandable.
Job replied to her with Godly wisdom, “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” (Job 2:10). With the storm raging around him and undoubtedly within him as well, Job nonetheless landed on “I know that my redeemer lives” (19:25).
Maybe you have found yourself facing circumstances that seem unfair, or loss that seems unbearable. I know that your pain is real and should never be minimized - and it may never be understood. That's why our Redeemer lives - and despite how painful today may be, He will not let us be tested beyond our strength (1 Corinthians 10:13). He longs to build you up and set you free. He longs to carry your cares and sustain you (Psalm 55:22).
Lord, I know that You live. You Are my Redeemer. Help me to cling to Your wisdom in hard times and keep hope in Your ultimate deliverance.
There have been times life has felt unbearable and I'm sure there I'll be many more. Even though sometimes I feel like it may not be working, I try to cling to God and the Hope I have in Him because my Hope is found in nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, I wholly lean on Jesus' name!
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand…
Make sure to stand on a firm foundation-- Jesus Christ!
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