Friday, May 21, 2021

New Normal?

New Normal?

It wasn't necessarily the normal time (early in the morning), however I did make it to the office. As I sat there, the wind was whipping around my crazy! I must have made it at the perfect time because now that I have returned home the wind sounds absolutely horrific-- it sounds like it's raining-- too windy to feel safe traveling in my wheelchair. Yes I do think I'm light enough for the wind to blow me over. 


By the time I went to the office, I had already spent a couple hours at home deciding what drink I was going to purchase but then changed my mind when I got there. Then the best thing happened-- I looked in the back of my wheelchair to make sure I had my large plastic cup set in my wheelchair bag and I was completely surprised when I found three completely full drinks from the day before!


So after meeting A new-to-me barista and seeing some wonderful familiar faces, I went next door and grabbed a wonderful snack. I didn't need a snack but I felt a tug on my heart to at least stop by and when I went I met a wonderful mother and young son. He was so interested in my contraption  (electric wheelchair) that his curiosity brought joy to my heart! I am so glad that life is getting back to some level of normal, and new events that are taking place are so exciting!!


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