Friday, August 29, 2014

Not alone climbing this mountain!

I got home from helping my sister (I actually carried some boxes all by myself without crashing jnto the wall or falling!!!) and started to cry…but why?? I am so excited to see that my sister has such a nice roomy house for her family!
I ccouldn’t imagine why I was crying. Well I had that one professor that said it was good to cry for at least 5 minutes a day but I haven’t found scientific evidence for that yet.

God’s word started to come to mind…”Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 I was meditating on that when I received a text message:

“Here is a song for you. Kimi, your life is in the hands of the Maker of Heaven. May He fill you with His peace.”

Climb This Mountain

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Still Rolling

Still Rolling
At Starbucks yesterday I rolled in and sat to my usual spot. I happened to be right next to a man who was later joined by his wife.  I started talking to this man and quickly realized that he was the whole reason I thought I needed to stop at Starbucks. 
The man was part of the narcotics police team in another state when he was injured which forced to medically retire. We talked about experiences since our life altering incidents and the similarities that we had regarding experiences, health factors, and faith proved to me that there is definitely a reason we are both here and it is totally being used by God.  Speaking of  people who are put in an undesireable situation and manage to find Earthly benefits Aunt Renae was told she has cancer and since then she has not only hiked her first 14er, but she’s hiked most of them that in Colorado! GO AUNT RENAE!!
I was headed home and reached the place where, in the past I would start crying for no reason so I thought okay Kimi, see something that makes you think of a depressing thought and  start crying because that's how it would generally happen. Then I thought “God is so good and always puts me in the perfect places at perfect times why would I cry? Okay, for those of you who have read about my crazy incidences being caught in the rain while searching for schools I was supposed to sub at…. Well those reasons just haven't been revealed yet, but I'm sure there are  reasons but right now just isn’t the time for them to be revealed.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Epiphany for the day….so far….Women’s clothing sizes come in even numbers and Juniors sizes are in odd numbers.

Epiphany for the day….so far….Women’s clothing sizes come in even numbers and Juniors sizes are in odd numbers.

As I was putting on my pants this morning I looked and saw they were size 7. I figured they had to fit as I was just in a size 4. Well getting them on was not much of a problem but buttoning them? There was no way!  So I ran to Ross quickly (for those of you who do not know my running actually means jumping in my Hot Rod (wheelchair) and ridding it full throttle to the store.
I get to the store and realize the couple pairs of white pants that remained were not my size or even close to my size. So I told Kim (the Ross employee ) that I going home and would just wear black pants because I couldn't find anything that will work. I went home and opened my dawer of dress/black pants where I surprisingly found many other pants that my aunt had given me. Although some of them were not my style, I pulled out one of the pair of white pants but they were a size 4. Without thinking about what could happen I just put them on and…. THEY FIT!!! This this leads me to the conclusion that Junior-sized clothing comes in odd numbers and Woman-sized clothing come in even numbers. However before I publish this on the Internet let me make sure that is true….. This is basically true except for the pesky juniors size 0. Well I suppose that the conclusion I drew is still valid because zero is neither even more odd.
Oh yes back to my story, so the pants fit fabulously and before I knew it I was being picked up for my lunch with Cowboy Bill. Unsuprisingly Bill looked all cowboy-like totally living up to his cowboy name. We ordered this fabulous lunch deal at Olive Garden were you pick an entree to eat then and you pick another that is given to you for later consumption. I wonder if my friend who doesn't eat leftovers (he calls them re—heats) would eat these because you're not reheating them as when they are heated to be even it will be the first time we are heated. So before you think all I'll money there if all they do is keep up their food, their is only a select number of entrées you can choose from for this fun lunch deal.

I only made it to the tail end of the Write-Up group although I made it just in time for what I needed to learn.  At the meeting Ken encouraged me to continue blogging as a way to get my name out there. When I told him that my blog was basically an elaboration of my journal, he told me that journaling was how the first blog/blogging got started.  WOO-HOO I am doing something right!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Crackers Anyone?

Today I went to Dickey's and stayed there for a long time just thinking. Prior to going to Dickey's I stopped at the bank and transferred some money. I happened to put a pack of peanut butter crackers in my purse for some unknown reason (besides the fact that I'm weird and just go to Dickey's to get potato salad or coleslaw and enjoy the free ice cream) bringing crackers to a restaurant is not too normal. However, I felt the random need to bring crackers so I did. As I mentioned I stop by the bank as I was there I had to empty out my purse to find my wallet on the counter in front of the bank lady. As I was doing this I rambled on about each thing I pulled out my purse. Starting with the crackers I set them on the counter said "I have no clue why I have peanut butter crackers.” This led her to tell me how she loves butter crackers and that they remind her of her grandmother because her grandmother also loved peanut butter crackers and they would eat them and have such a good time together.    By golly this was the reason I packed peanut butter crackers to go to a restaurant! So the crackers were her's all along I only had to deliver them.
I was also notified that a friend of mine, Rob will be MIA on Facebook for a little as he wants to pray and fast to see where God is leading him. I am totally excited that he is doing this now, before we ever meet in person. He's coming down soon to meet Worship Mob sooner than later and to visit a friend who recently moved here at which time will probably meet.

            As I read over what I just wrote, I remembered that I don't need to be a mat and let men run over me or let guys make all the decisions; with God's leading I need to take control of my life until he meant he has picked out for me and I meet.

I am totally all over the place when I blog, but I guess that's just a view into how my brain works. With that being said, as I was going to sleep last night-- we had so much fun at Bible study it lasted for a while and putting my mind to rest after that was nearly impossible. I was thinking about what a friend had told me after seeing a picture of Rob.

God is totally transforming the mind, heart, and spirit. Where at one time all that I cared about was those books of myself and others, I am now learning that looks can diminish in the blink of an eye. In my car accident I could have been totally disfigured but praise God that didn't happen. So rather than focusing on looks that may be here today and gone tomorrow, I am learning to focus on a person's spirit. If one's spirit is focused on God, he is same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8).

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Lord’s Business

The Lord’s Business
            Recently as I was at the local Christian bookstore I ended up purchasing several cups. Having no idea what I was going to and use them for besides giving a few to certain friends at Church, I was zipping around town with bags full of clips on the back of my wheelchair. This didn't allow me to ride on bus in the proper position at first although eventually it was corrected.

Because I was going to The Perk me up with a friend (who I haven't seen in five years) soon I thought that I would just give him one of the cups although it had no significant meaning to our friendship. I also had picked out a few cups that I wanted to give certain friends at Church; however when I got back home from meeting with my friend I realized that I did not give him the cup. I asked God why I still had the cup and then thoughts of the work my new friend is doing for the Lord surfaced. I thought, now THAT is courageous-- the cup I was going to give my friend says “Courageous.” I began to shake with excitement and had so much emotion inside of me.
With my friend being given visions of this plan three years ago and pieces of the plan slowly being confirmed excites me but at same time as it simultaneously reminds me that God’s time is certainly not like ours and well, it excites me even more! Noah was told to build a huge ship in the mist of a drought. Crazy? To the world, yes. But did the ark eventually become needed?  Right.   

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (ESV) He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Comes in Like a Lamb and out Like a Lion???

I woke up and got ready to start my day and it was only 6 o'clock am and I was ready to meet with Levi (we had plans on meeting at noonish). I took the bus downtown and we located each other we had lunch at a new favorite, East Coast. I felt really awkward not knowing where I was while downtown since I was not on my usual "stomping grounds." However, I did feel a little better when I visited a fire station downtown although I had to explain that I just like to hang out at the station . After which I visited with the lieutenant and B shift. Even though only a few of them were there, the crew was full of a typical firefighter joking and they were pretty happy crew!
When Levi was taking me back to the bus station I was getting very impatient because his assistive device cannot go fast (he has a go-go like Bill had). When I finally got home…actually I never got home because I remembered that I needed to pick up a few things before tomorrow so I stopped by a store to do that. It was dinnertime when I finished grabbing what I needed from the store when I remembered that I had a coupon for a meal on Tuesday at the BBQ pit next door. I was excited, very excited -- not about the BBQ although the BBQ is so good, but I was excited about the free ice cream!
After I ate I got ice cream. While I was eating ice cream I had time just to sit there, by myself listening to songs that brought back memories and memories turned on the tears. Therefore I started crying so  I left the restaurant and ran into a man right outside the door who said, "you are so beautiful!" Disbelieving that God could answer a prayer that quickly (a prayer asking God to help me focus on Him and not myself so I would quit crying in public), I turned and looked at him and tried to give them a nasty look and said “Why in the world would you say that?” Almost like I expected an apology from him for calling me beautiful. He was explaining and I was asking him questions…. Completely random questions like where went to school when he was in high school and other awkward questions. We were eventually separated by various incidences.
As I was leaving my, attention was drawn to a man at a table about service dogs.
This man and I were talking about service dogs and of course I was able to share what God has done in my life through my accident. This, in turn, had him share how God had already been using the "sit at the service dog table" volunteer position as a total way to reach people... Like in my situation, I started talking about service dogs  and why were needed. As soon as there was a communication pathway between us, God took the reins and only He knows what is to come.

Monday, August 11, 2014

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

God showed up in amazing ways so far today…I decided yesterday that I needed to go to a quiet place to write if using my dictation software because the areas to sit at the nearest Starbuck’s have speakers that are directly above me (as if Dragon NaturallySpeaking doesn’t generate enough random words already…bwahahaha). Once I was able to leave I went to McAlister's Deli where I had recently purchased a large (vente size according to the Starbucks employee) plastic cup. This cup is good for free refills FOREVER! Even though I got the cup before I even realized that so many wonderful new types of tea besides the famous Southern tea were offered which is a huge plus for me as my taste buds like change. Anyway, writing at McAlister’s didn’t work so well either but that’s because writing at McAlister’s was according to MY plan. Leaving my house I prayed that God would use me however he could today and I had no expectations as to how he would use me.
I stopped by 10s to see the firefighters for a second just to say "hi" if their busy day hadn't started already (ha who am I kidding, firefighters are ALWAYS busy)! Even though I woke up thinking about stopping by McAlisert’s today I had left my wonderful new cup at home. Although I thought this was causing a delay, it was no delay according to God, His timing is PERFECT!.  When I made it to the Deli I got water (so I can keep a girlish figure for my sister’s wedding). Soon I realized that the purpose of buying the large, plastic McAlister’s cup was being defeated by drinking only water and not their great sweet tea so I got tea.
I already had pulled out my laptop trying to connect to the Wi-Fi before deciding to order when I thought that maybe my computer needed time to readjust and realize what was going on. You know that moment you wake up at someone else’s house wondering “Where in the world am” and it takes a second to readjust…..Just me???  Well that’s what I thought  my computer was doing so I went and ordered lunch.
Oh! I forgot to mention that as I first walked in I noticed that there was a lady who, at first glance, appeared to be Middle Eastern. By the way I NEVER make snap judgements (never…lol)! Every time you call a computer or cell phone repair company do you speak to someone that you can barely understand that is not from America? Okay not every time because exceptions are out there but I’m sure you can relate. I also don’t assume, assuming is a huge no-no. Well I took an educated guess…yes an educated guess by merely glancing at this lady, and decided that she was from the Middle East and must know about computers.

After I had my food and was back at my computer I tried to connect again before going to meet the “middle eastern” lady that HAD TO know about computers. I learned that she is actually from Alabama but has her Masters’ in computer science or in a field related to computers-- SCORE!!! Although she said that her knowledge is from a long time ago and is irrelevent now, her daughter was working on the same degree and would look at it. After apologizing for my snap judgments we began talking about her daughter being on break and going to college in Alabama. Alabama? That's right next to Mississippi- the state I was in a when I eanded up in a wheelchair. And of course that brought up my non-fiction story, Dream of a Lifetime. That brought on more conversation including but not limited to being drawn to McAlister's because of its Southern origin (or at least the South is where McAlister's originated in our minds.

Dream of a Lifetime kind of screams out loud (WARNING: don't try to scream silently because it vibrates molecules in the roof of your mouth and then itches and that is a very hard place to scratch) that I am Christian and thus, another wonderful topic began. So now it makes sense why I forgot my cup and had to wait for the next bus half an hour later--. He’s got the whole world in His hands!

Just Being Himself....

Being so....well like Himself, God gave me this verse at JUST the right time! While I was meeting with a friend this verse was thrown in my face. I had no clue why so I kept it to myself. As the meeting continued the perfect time arose and screamed "insert verse HERE" so I did. More conversation was had and then my friend piped up and explained what God was doing in his heart and how that verse sparked ideas for lessons and activities in the future. Please pray that these minute changes are accepted and that the Lord raises up leaders to come along side (parakletos) my friend.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Not My Words

This seems to me like the idea behind most of my posts, but friends have been making it so clear to me over the past few days that everyone is fighting their own battle. Thursday night a friend took me to Church and even though the Church is less than 5 minutes from my house many in depth conversations have started on that stretch of road.  This friend is a military man and was describing what he deals with everyday. Only having the stress of my recent graduate classes to try and relate with him, I really have no idea what he is going through. The service focused on disappointments and I was reminded that even through we may be dealing with situations that we may view as a disappointment, God is working all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

            Yesterday my friend Lisa and her husband took me to Church.  Watching Lisa’s husband “be” Lisa’s husband was beautiful. He was incredibly patient, supportive and encouraging of her ideas, and a beautiful, Biblical example of what a husband should be . As I wondered why God was showing me this I remembered that in the not so distant past I had been praying for a Godly man (potential significant other) to enter my life. I later remember praying and asking God to show me tangible examples of what I was praying about if my prayers/ideas were part of His Will. What I’ve gathered so far is that good, Bible-believing and following Christian men are still out there and not to settle for less.
I just returned from meeting with a friend who was sharing the ways God is using him at a Church and the struggles that he is overcoming. During the meeting while I was praying about the situation, God put words in my mouth that I, myself needed to hear. 

In God's Time

Making it to the 9 o’clock service this morning eager to receive God’s word without tears, the same message was completely different! The announcements, videos and pastor were all the same but my heart was in a different place. After the service I knew I had received the message differently than last night. As I sit here trying to disipher notes I scribbled, these thoughts stuck with me: It’s amazing how wicked the heart can become when it lacks the fear of God. What does that say to you?

What about this Just because you are being blessed does not mean God approves it. It could just be God showing grace!  WOW! That hit me like a ton of bricks!

So often I think it is my job to repay a person who hurts me but much but like Judges 9 shows about Abimelech and the people of Shechem, God will handle it.

Being once told that “it’s amazing what happens when you just leave things alone” and that coincides nicely with today’s sermon. Thanks Bert!

After the service I was so blessed when a lady told me how much of a blessing my Facebook posts are are to her. I had also been told similar things by my previous co-workers, family members, and friends.

While I want to go into writing about how I recently had a learning experience, the thought hasn't fully developed quite yet.

Friday, August 8, 2014



I was offered a ride to The Following earlier and was super excited to be able to go yesterday! While at Church last night Josh started talking about disappointments and I thought, disappointments, me? NO WAY! My life is wonderful! Shortly after as I sat by my friend who is a teacher, reality hit. Oh yeah…disappointments. Weren’t you going to be a teacher? How’s that working out for you?

As the night went on, Josh described disappointments he had faced. Josh is an ex-military man. I dislike using the term “ex” because of the negative connotation to explain that he used to be in the coast guard. Although Josh and his wife Jenna appear to have everything going right for them, it was made clear that everyday God is still at work in their lives and they face disappointments but that God comforts them in their disappointments through His word-- GOD WILL COMFORT US IN OUR DISAPPOINTMENTS THROUGH HIS WORD!

 He then asked “Is your disappointment hindering you from what God has planned for you?” I thought and I thought….Kimi, just like Josh and Jenna had everything planned when God changed their plans, are you being open to God’s change of your plans in your life? SIDENOTE: God never changes His plans, He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8).

I had plans to be a school teacher and not becoming a school teacher was a disappointment. Although I’ve had many people including teachers during interviews question if I was going to let that stop me, During other later interviews I realized that my teaching might just be in a different role other than a school teacher.

           As I went to bed last night I thought about how I had been encouraged to blog. Blog? I thought. That requires organization….my thoughts apparently aren’t organized. I prayed about it and when I woke up this morning I had amazing texts—The first was actually a FB message from a man I look up to, Andrew P encouraging me to continue posting the Biblical posts I posts and the second was actually from last night but was an unrecognized number. This morning I found out it was from Hannah! My mind was filled with memories of Hannah and her family who have now live elsewhere as Pastor Evens now has his own Church (okay, it’s God’s Church).


 Here goes the blogging adventure….again.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Root beer floats

At 2 a.m. in the morning I realized that it was free root beer float day at A&W…the firefighters-- they need root beer floats I thought. After going to visit them in the morning I had plans to go to the closest store, getting a sonicare toothbrush head, writing, then getting floats for the fire station.

I went to the neighborhood market knowing that they wouldn’t have sonicare toothbrushes but thinking and hoping that all I needed was the sonicare toothbrush head because I knew they had those as I had previously purchased one at that location. I live right behind a Target but I think that Wal-mart cheaper so I'm went down to the Neighborhood Wal-mart and picked up the toothbrush head and confirmed the fact that they don't carry the whole sonicare toothbrush. So I got on the bus go to a supercenter where I was sure they carried the whole sonicare toothbrush. The bus broke down in the middle of Academy and would not go anywhere so we had to wait for another bus. When I finally got to Wal-mart the only sonicares I could find and that they had stock were $140. I shook my head, looked again and thought there is no way, this is Wal-Mart….they have to be cheaper than any other store.
In the aisle of Walmart I called Target and asked them if they had a sonicare tooth brush and their price. Very relieved, they do have a sonicare tooth brush that is 1/3 of Wal-mart's price and I just wasn’t looking in the right spot.  After 3 or 4 hours I was headed back to where I had started to get a toothbrush. I finally got the toothbrush at much cheaper price and remembered I had to go to A&W to get the firefighters who beer floats. I stopped and thought to myself, there are 8 firefighters and you have 2 hands minus the one hand that steers the wheelchair. Your other hand….well it's not much of a drink holding hand.
            I began praying asking God to somehow send a helper because there is no way I can do this in my wheelchair by myself.  Even though my wheelchair is a hot rod and is electric I have to steer. I left the fire station headed toward A&W when  I saw a man riding his bike who looked pretty nice. I quickly wheeled up to where I could talk to the man and asked him if he wouldn't mind helping. He said that it would be no problem and off we went, headed to A&W. I explained how this might be a difficult feat to a complete because asking for 8 root beer floats when we are only 2 people is not generally “oked.”
I wheeled up to the counter and briefly explained how I had asked this person to help me bring the firefighters who beer floats. Surprisingly she didn't question me and smiled and started preparing the floats.  Soon the person I recruited to help me treating the firefighters, Shane, and I were headed to the fire station with floats in tow. The trip back to the station took a little while however we made it and were able to have a root beer floats with the firefighters!