Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Crackers Anyone?

Today I went to Dickey's and stayed there for a long time just thinking. Prior to going to Dickey's I stopped at the bank and transferred some money. I happened to put a pack of peanut butter crackers in my purse for some unknown reason (besides the fact that I'm weird and just go to Dickey's to get potato salad or coleslaw and enjoy the free ice cream) bringing crackers to a restaurant is not too normal. However, I felt the random need to bring crackers so I did. As I mentioned I stop by the bank as I was there I had to empty out my purse to find my wallet on the counter in front of the bank lady. As I was doing this I rambled on about each thing I pulled out my purse. Starting with the crackers I set them on the counter said "I have no clue why I have peanut butter crackers.” This led her to tell me how she loves butter crackers and that they remind her of her grandmother because her grandmother also loved peanut butter crackers and they would eat them and have such a good time together.    By golly this was the reason I packed peanut butter crackers to go to a restaurant! So the crackers were her's all along I only had to deliver them.
I was also notified that a friend of mine, Rob will be MIA on Facebook for a little as he wants to pray and fast to see where God is leading him. I am totally excited that he is doing this now, before we ever meet in person. He's coming down soon to meet Worship Mob sooner than later and to visit a friend who recently moved here at which time will probably meet.

            As I read over what I just wrote, I remembered that I don't need to be a mat and let men run over me or let guys make all the decisions; with God's leading I need to take control of my life until he meant he has picked out for me and I meet.

I am totally all over the place when I blog, but I guess that's just a view into how my brain works. With that being said, as I was going to sleep last night-- we had so much fun at Bible study it lasted for a while and putting my mind to rest after that was nearly impossible. I was thinking about what a friend had told me after seeing a picture of Rob.

God is totally transforming the mind, heart, and spirit. Where at one time all that I cared about was those books of myself and others, I am now learning that looks can diminish in the blink of an eye. In my car accident I could have been totally disfigured but praise God that didn't happen. So rather than focusing on looks that may be here today and gone tomorrow, I am learning to focus on a person's spirit. If one's spirit is focused on God, he is same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8).

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