Sunday, August 10, 2014

Not My Words

This seems to me like the idea behind most of my posts, but friends have been making it so clear to me over the past few days that everyone is fighting their own battle. Thursday night a friend took me to Church and even though the Church is less than 5 minutes from my house many in depth conversations have started on that stretch of road.  This friend is a military man and was describing what he deals with everyday. Only having the stress of my recent graduate classes to try and relate with him, I really have no idea what he is going through. The service focused on disappointments and I was reminded that even through we may be dealing with situations that we may view as a disappointment, God is working all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

            Yesterday my friend Lisa and her husband took me to Church.  Watching Lisa’s husband “be” Lisa’s husband was beautiful. He was incredibly patient, supportive and encouraging of her ideas, and a beautiful, Biblical example of what a husband should be . As I wondered why God was showing me this I remembered that in the not so distant past I had been praying for a Godly man (potential significant other) to enter my life. I later remember praying and asking God to show me tangible examples of what I was praying about if my prayers/ideas were part of His Will. What I’ve gathered so far is that good, Bible-believing and following Christian men are still out there and not to settle for less.
I just returned from meeting with a friend who was sharing the ways God is using him at a Church and the struggles that he is overcoming. During the meeting while I was praying about the situation, God put words in my mouth that I, myself needed to hear. 

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