Saturday, August 27, 2016

East Coast

This was written by my mother but was way too hilarious not to share...
Ok... so yesterday we fly into DC pick up a rental car and begin to drive to Maryland. Sounds easy enough right?  It was suppose to be a 40 minute trip... that took 5 hours!
I was driving, my sister Suzette, her boyfriend Lenny and my daughter Kimi, were co-navigators.  To make a very long story short. We have seen way more of downtown DC than planned, got half way to Richmond before we realized we were going the wrong way, only to then see more of DC.  I can now be a tour guide, as long as you want to the Washington moument...4 times in one day!
Now you must know we were in contact with my nieces the whole time. They are telling us to use the GPS!  I told them  " I didn't get GPS with the car because we have our phone's GPS. .. and it lies!!"
Finally pulled into the Landmark Mall and told them to come get us.
Once they arrived, my niece said "auntie give me you phone. " I handed it to her and said "THE GPS DOESN'T WORK!  I put the two addresses in and kept it kept telling us that it was going to take 12 1/2 hours to travel 38 miles, so I quit using it."
Laughing her @! $ off she hands it back and says " You had it on walking direction!"   What? I didn't even know there was a "walking" mode. That's when a voice from the backseat, that sounded an awful lot like Kimi R. Burton said "Oops I changed that... "
33 minutes later we we at our destination. Let the party begin!

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