Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Just Around the Corner

Just Around the Corner
Not being in the best of moods when I first woke up, I decided to hit snooze a time or two. As I thought of a recent conversation with my brother-in-law, I thought I have to get out of bed . Eventually I did, forcing myself to do a little bit of a workout and get ready like I was getting ready for work.
I might be a little bit over the hill to get so excited about “happy notes” and perhaps these notes were not supposed to be that. However my step -mom left me a note on my table with special banana bread and a few other items. The note advised me about actions I need to take (and I am pretty sure that it was not supposed to put smile my face).
This morning as I was making sure that I had my morning schedule figured out when work begins again, I was so grateful to find the “happy notes” that it made me smile as my breakfast was so easily put together and consumed thanks to my mom who packages it so nicely (I had already consumed all but a few crumbs of the magnificent banana bread). Now I was at the door waiting… who would pick me up this morning …. Who would it be? Would it be Bid or Pops?
As I was I was waiting and making sure my supplies were ready, the time past. It seemed like hours but it was probably only a few minutes when I realized, “Kimi, you don't have to go to work yet, you still have time off silly.”
After receiving an invitation from a coworker for a faculty/staff gathering, my excitement about the upcoming year and all of the changes has been released!
Excitement has me shaking -- meeting new students, facing new issues. Oh and my former and new coworkers, it's going to be so wonderful! My gratitude for the job I have and all of the doors it has opened is immeasurable.
Having these thoughts prior to reading today's devotion, the correspondence between the two is incredible!
I also overheard D-11 employees at a coffee shop. When they mentioned the school that the work at, I remembered that's where one of my favorite co-workers will be working this year! I am so excited as the beginning of a new school year is just around the corner!

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