"Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow to supply you with food." 1 Kings 17:19
God sent Elijah to a region that was in famine - - to a widow whose pantry was empty - - so she could feed Elijah. Of course, that makes no sense, but God always has a point to make to us.
When Elijah asked the widow to bring him a piece of bread, she replied, " I don't have any bread- - only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am… [going to] make a meal for myself and my son, that we may need it - - and die” (1 Kings 178:12).
The widow's natural response was “I do not have” but God knew what she did have - - and He is never limited by our lack. He simply asks us to be willing to give Him but we do have.
How do you respond to God? “But, Lord, I don't have the time,” or “ I don't have the qualifications, talents, gifts, or abilities.”
Offer God what little you do have. Then, step out in faith and trust Him. When you choose to put your little into the hands of our very big God, you will always see him make sure you have more than enough.
Miracle-working God, thank You for calling me to partner with You and Your work, and thank You for doing such remarkable things with what I have.
Unshakable by Christine Caine
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