“The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10
Instead of judging the lost, blogging about the lost, talking about the lost, blaming the lost, avoiding the lost, or ignoring the lost, God has called us to find the lost. He's called us to be “lostologists”!
I love the story of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet at the home of Simon - - a Pharisee and self-righteous judge (Luke 7:36 - 8:3). Simon had invited Jesus to dinner, and the woman entered the home and washed Jesus' feet - - a sign of hospitality, something Simon hadn’t offered Jesus. As she was washing his feet, Jesus looked at the woman and asked Simon, “Do you see this woman?”
How odd. Simeon was sitting right there beside Jesus. How could he not see the woman? Yet, Jesus asked, “Do you see this woman?”
How many times do we look but not see? Who do you look at every day, but not see? Who in your world is lost and needs to be seen - - and introduced to Jesus?
Let's join Jesus in finding the lost sheep, in sharing compassion. Let's be Lostologists!
Jesus, thank you for seeking me - - and saving me. Now help me look and see everyone around me needs to find life in You.
Reflecting on this I think about how many times I've looked but don't see. Yes, it is hard in this fast - paced world to be given the chance to get to know every person. I know myself, that I am so quick to judge a person even though I get very defensive about people judging me. I’m in a wheelchair (most of the time when in public), my brain gets easily overstimulated and I flip out, my voice is crazy sometimes, and my left eye is lazy and wonders. Who am I to judge?!?
Lord, I pray that I take the time to see others with Your eyes and treat everyone with Your gentleness. I pray for forgiveness from the people I have mistreated and not seen with Your eyes.
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