Sunday, November 20, 2016
Never a Dull Moment
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Music to my ears
Starting this blog months ago, and just getting around to posting it, life has shown me many things, however I did see Bob1 today and was able to share the excitement of how God used his music in my home!
Turn Around
Waking up in an incredibly crazy mood I tried not to get out of bed until things were more calm in my mind, but that was not happening. I prayed and asked God to calm my mind and the next thing I knew I was at my mom's house for breakfast and everything was awesome-- breakfast, the time I was able to spend with my aunt and my mom, and I even made it home in time to go to Rocky Mountain Calvary’s second Sunday service! AWESOME, right?
Arriving to Church I was a little sad that I missed fellowshipping with my 9 o'clock service friends but this was before I had any idea of what God had planned. I sat down and slowly people began to trickle in. Stephanie, friend from years ago who had been away on a mission trip, happened to be home! Minutes later Vanessa showed up and sat right next to me. I was so excited to share where God has me currently and was really excited to talk about education for her son as the two are very closely intertwined.
Soon it was time for Church. One of the things that stuck out to me during the sermon was that Christians need to stop being a judge and a lawyer, but rather be a witness. After hearing that, thoughts of how many times last week I found myself talking about myself and how God is working in my life. I felt like I wasn't giving the other person time to talk. I started to feel bad but was reminded that by sharing how God has shown up in my own life helps others.
Last week was a little rocky. It seemed as though storms were coming in from every direction of life. Although I am not sure how this week is going to pan out, it has already been off to a fantastic start! After the fun and exciting surprise this morning, I was reminded that Ministry is waiting after the storm. I reflected on that for a few minutes and Pastor Eric also pointed out how difficulties that we go through better equip us to help others when they are in similar situations. Although it may not be an instant gratification type event that you are able to see immediately, in God's Time, His purpose become evident.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
To go, or not to go?
For reasons unknown, I woke up crying not sure if I should I go to I would be missing Spruce Hill Community Church (the Cowboy Church). The sermon last week was clearly God speaking through Pastor Boyd to me. As I'm writing this I realize that I was totally putting limits on God-- thinking that He couldn't speak to me through Pastor Eric’s Sermon in the same way He did through Pastor Boyd's sermon last week- silly me. At one point last week, Pastor Boyd was talking about how one may be suffering and the reason are not immediately obvious. This week Pastor Eric mentioned how Faith disregards apparent impossibilities. He also mentioned how God uses the weak and the foolish to confound the wise. All of this hit home in more than one way. This all supported by scripture and examples were given in the sermon (which is posted below for your listening pleasure). After the service I realized that I sat right behind a beautiful friend that I have not seen in a very long time. This made me extremely excited and this was only the beginning of the end.
I have been rather sad that the Steve Sprenger, the former missions Pastor had moved to Uganda and I had not yet met the new Missions Pastor. I finished speaking with the pastor and was headed back to my chair to make sure I picked up the huge mess I created by looking for pens during service. I cleaned up and found there were a couple think that I had left on the ground. After picking them up I was greeted by Dan, the new Missions Pastor. Little did I know that my day would be full of more excitement and the sermon’s relevance was only beginning. Homeward bound , I arrived at the bus stop realizing I missed the last bus and had an hour to wait. At this time I was hungry but remembered I had food at my house that needed to be eaten.
I started dictating the morning’s events into my phone with no regard for the person who was also at the stop waiting. The man overheard me dictating into my cell phone about the sermon and mentioned that he was also leaving from the RMC’s service. We chatted a bit about the sermon and mentioned that Mark 3 is a very powerful chapter. Finally arriving at Starbucks to get tea for tomorrow, I begin dictating into my phone heard a bartista say “Bonnie.” Indeed it was my beautiful friend Bonnie and we had a few minutes to talk. It was only after those few minutes that Bob1 arrived. but he explained that he can only stay for a few minutes because he was going to see the Philharmonic. After Bob 1 left I remembered that I had valuable coupons that expired today! I needed to go across the street from where I had just came from.
I remembered these few errands that needed to be run so I took off. The ladies at Q-doba were so fun to chat with and the lady who was Mexican was incredibly patient (the Church crowd must have already been through). I now had great food for work tomorrow and needed to quickly grab a pair of good walking shoes for work. Again I met a fabulous young lady who helped me pick out shoes. I was very indecisive about this because I actually do walk at work-- outside of work I spend the majority of time getting around town in my hot rod (electric wheelchair). After purchasing an item from my two-item list, I was headed home.
Crossing the last major street to get home I saw a man in a manual chair who looked very tired. I asked if I could help him and he asked if he could grab my chair and have me pull him up the hill on Union. We began talking when a couple stopped by and said, “We want you to eat with us, is Chipotle okay? “ How do you tell a whole family that they can’t bless you? So Mo (a person I met on the bus 3 years ago) and I headed to Chipotle. After the young (3rd grade) bilingual boy prayed in Spanish over the food, the parents explained how they were blessed and were looking for ways to bless others. Although the father and son knew English, the mother explained that her English was weak. We talked about God, Church, California, and theme parks. This was such an incredible day! Praise God for protecting and providing….Yes Yram, I saved plenty of room for the amazing soup left at my house. Oh and on my way across the street I ran into my niece! I am so ready for this week, weekends are too full….wait, that was only today. And I wondered if I should go to Church?!?
Saturday, August 27, 2016
East Coast
This was written by my mother but was way too hilarious not to share...
Ok... so yesterday we fly into DC pick up a rental car and begin to drive to Maryland. Sounds easy enough right? It was suppose to be a 40 minute trip... that took 5 hours!
I was driving, my sister Suzette, her boyfriend Lenny and my daughter Kimi, were co-navigators. To make a very long story short. We have seen way more of downtown DC than planned, got half way to Richmond before we realized we were going the wrong way, only to then see more of DC. I can now be a tour guide, as long as you want to the Washington moument...4 times in one day!
Now you must know we were in contact with my nieces the whole time. They are telling us to use the GPS! I told them " I didn't get GPS with the car because we have our phone's GPS. .. and it lies!!"
Finally pulled into the Landmark Mall and told them to come get us.
Once they arrived, my niece said "auntie give me you phone. " I handed it to her and said "THE GPS DOESN'T WORK! I put the two addresses in and kept it kept telling us that it was going to take 12 1/2 hours to travel 38 miles, so I quit using it."
Laughing her @! $ off she hands it back and says " You had it on walking direction!" What? I didn't even know there was a "walking" mode. That's when a voice from the backseat, that sounded an awful lot like Kimi R. Burton said "Oops I changed that... "
33 minutes later we we at our destination. Let the party begin!
Sunday, August 21, 2016
According to Plan
I was so excited when Mrs. Renee and Peaches arrived that I completely forgot about my tangled bag mishap and had to run home to do something I had forgotten to do before leaving my house. As I was driving my hotrod home I heard the scraping and tangling of my bag. I got home and realized that I could not lift my hot rod high enough to pull it out from under the wheel while holding it up at the same time by myself. I knew Grandpa T can fix anything, so I went to ask for his help. He was not available and I needed this to be done. I asked God for wisdom regarding this silly situation and sure enough, He provided.
My mind was filled with the genius idea of carefully backing off a curb just enough so that the strings could be pulled out from under the wheel. Awesome idea and I knew the perfect place that it could be done!
I want over to the “perfect place” and and I thought that perhaps a should ask a person from the office to help. Right after I decided against a ride to find help, I was carefully backing one wheel off the perfect location and a man who a man who works at the complex came around me corner. He saw me doing what probably looked dangerous and perhaps even a little crazy. I explained the situation and he assisted. I carefully backed up my hotrod and he untangled the mess.
I had made it home completed the activity that I forgot to do this morning and headed on my way. Now I was time to go back to the coffee shop so I could write. It was nice to arrive for the second time but not as many friends present so I can write. However very shortly Bob1 arrived and gave me and gave me amazing trinkets. I was completely re-excited when he told me for probably the 15th time that he used to be an architect.
Laying here awake at 3:51 in the morning I cannot recall anything out of the ordinary that happened I just think everything that happens is exciting in some form or fashion.
Even though I thought I knew my plans and had them laid out, I lay here and smile realizing that most of my day was not part of my plans. I think of the little things that could have been major catastrophe that were not because God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper and not to harm plans to give me hope and a future Jeremiah 29: 11.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Turning on the radio to a common children's show,
My mind was refreshed of certain Bible verses, it was no surprise that with God's voice-- still and subtle, My mind He did just blow!
As I was browsing through Facebook pages, I began feeling a little down,
But I heard these Bible verses, It hit me like a ton of bricks my frown was flipped around :)!
The following Bible verses also referenced brought so much light to my life:"For if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.” 2 Cor 5:17
“God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in faith and purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12
“I’ve got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart…” Phil. 4:7
Turn my words over to Jesus and let Him use them. I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship you oh my soul rejoice. Take joy My King in what you hear, let it be a sweet sound in what you hear.
If you want to be great in the kingdom of God, be a servant.
I was completely re-excited when I was reminded that the connections never end! (Missy, I met your co-worker Jim)!
That is all for now I'm running, running out another rhyme.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
New School-Year
He remains!!
I went to Starbucks and met a very dapper looking businessman, Rich, said Hi after getting a "do I know you" look followed by the question. He reminded me that we met at Young Life’s Crooked Creek Ranch with Eugene Luning. He assured me that he is no businessman but he was dressed nicely. As we were talking, a precious lady walked by. Although the lady, Rudumpda came in to meet with her friends, she asked me if I had gotten shoes.
Gotten shoes? Now I was thinking of going to Payless to see if they carried any more of these great sandals I have but they were not open when I got out and about so I hadn’t gotten shoes yet. There I was at Starbucks wearing what I thought were old raggedy sandals-- raggedy enough that in a lady comment about them. After looking at my feet I realized that I had on a newer pair of sandals. Out of mere curiosity asked why Rudumpda why she asked me if I had gotten new shoes. It turned out she remembered me from the first time we met-- when had admired and commented on her shoes because they were fantastic! Her shoes were West colored Asics -- she had asked if I had gotten THE shoes. I had actually forgotten about the shoes until I talk to her. Having to be reminded what they look like, she even modeled them again for me again. :-)
Several things happened after the Starbucks visit that made me very sad, but I was encouraged by strangers, family, pastors and most importantly God’s word-- God gave me Peace -- “ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” John 14:27 (NIV).
Although I was a bit nervous about an ongoing situation, I was given Peace that passes all understanding. Glancing back at today’s devotion, I am reminded to relax in God’s presence. If God is omniscient (knows everything) than I should ALWAYS relax. I need to be reminded of that everyday! I am simultaneously listening to Rocky Mountain Calvary’s mid-week service. Pastor Eric preached on joy and contentment. Although difficult events did happen, I was and am being reminded to be content. God is with you through everything. No matter where life has me, I need to be content. No matter what I may be facing or I'm going to face, God remains and is with me for everything.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
One Location!!
One Location!
Later, a war veteran , David, sat in the comfy chairs. With me being in my “hot rod” and David being an amputee, conversation was begging to be opened. Not really because I think Mrs. Renee opened by rearranging the chairs.
I am so excited I was able to spend time with Renee, hear about her son, discuss psychological reasoning behind the decorations in my house (my room is decorated with my high school memorabilia…..yes friends...STILL :-)) . I was also able to watch her be God's hands and feet to two little boys. Meet AMAZING people and chat with Bob1 and Alta!
Just Around the Corner
Not being in the best of moods when I first woke up, I decided to hit snooze a time or two. As I thought of a recent conversation with my brother-in-law, I thought I have to get out of bed :-). Eventually I did, forcing myself to do a little bit of a workout and get ready like I was getting ready for work.
I might be a little bit over the hill to get so excited about “happy notes” and perhaps these notes were not supposed to be that. However my step -mom left me a note on my table with special banana bread and a few other items. The note advised me about actions I need to take (and I am pretty sure that it was not supposed to put smile my face).
This morning as I was making sure that I had my morning schedule figured out when work begins again, I was so grateful to find the “happy notes” that it made me smile as my breakfast was so easily put together and consumed thanks to my mom who packages it so nicely (I had already consumed all but a few crumbs of the magnificent banana bread). Now I was at the door waiting… who would pick me up this morning …. Who would it be? Would it be Bid or Pops?
As I was I was waiting and making sure my supplies were ready, the time past. It seemed like hours but it was probably only a few minutes when I realized, “Kimi, you don't have to go to work yet, you still have time off silly.”
After receiving an invitation from a coworker for a faculty/staff gathering, my excitement about the upcoming year and all of the changes has been released!
Excitement has me shaking -- meeting new students, facing new issues. Oh and my former and new coworkers, it's going to be so wonderful! My gratitude for the job I have and all of the doors it has opened is immeasurable.
Having these thoughts prior to reading today's devotion, the correspondence between the two is incredible!
I also overheard D-11 employees at a coffee shop. When they mentioned the school that the work at, I remembered that's where one of my favorite co-workers will be working this year! I am so excited as the beginning of a new school year is just around the corner!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
The Power to Change It
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
All in One!
Monday, August 1, 2016
Who Plans Your Day?
Thursday, July 28, 2016
The reason for the excitement build up!
On my modified run AKA riding my recumbent trike I took a spill and have scrapes all over. Luckily a neighbor came outside to take her dog out. She found me flipped with my feet stuck in the petals. She woke her husband up to throw my broken trike in his truck back to my house. Recently Ben was telling me about his chain being broken and/or coming off. As I was riding, I was just wondering how the chain could fall off. I thought it was a weird concept. It’s not so weird now!
I thought I cleaned my wounds well so I went to Starbucks. At Starbucks I ran into Sherry, my friend who is from Okinawa, Japan. She noticed the scrapes everywhere and offered to go to Walgreens to get Neosporin but I told her I would go home because I had some. When I arrive home I realized I had many types of oral creams but no Neosporin. I got back on the bus to get some, By the time I got black to Starbucks Sherry was already gone however my friend Joe was there. Joe was there along with Bonnie and Siamak. I was able to say hello when I received a text from Stephanie, a friend who lives in California. She was in town and wanted to grab lunch!
Over lunch Stephanie and I had amazing fellowship and awesome discussions about life. We talked about how God has answered major prayers in her life and her mother came to know Christ before cancer took her Home. Stephanie also encouraged me about being persistent in prayer!
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Build Up
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Almost Summer's Closing Time
- I am the luckiest girl as very recently I have seen Bachan, Grandpa T and many of my immediate family members
- Went on my first trike ride with TRP and got to see Alan, Al and tons of my friends and their families
- School starts in less than a month and I am so excited to see what God has planned.