Monday, June 10, 2019

Things we take for granted.

I read slow and my brain goes fast. Even while I was working at a school I wasn't too fond of reading, but when students needed it, I would read. I have been asked several times by eye doctors, therapists, counselors, and other professionals if I see double. I answered no in utter confusion because I'm not quite sure what that would look like.
I do enjoy reading devotional and inspiration books as they are mostly short passages I sometimes refer to sections of the Bible that can be looked up on the computer for easier tracking. After receiving His Princess, Love Letters from Your King (a small, devotion like sectioned book) yesterday, I have decided that I want to read this actual book everyday and reflect on the fact that with my type of brain injury I am so lucky to be able to read even though it might be slow. Often times there are things that we do so naturally that we just take them for granted, and even though I don't do it so naturally now I still take the ability to read and even to see for granted. Recently I was told that to think about three things that I'm grateful for before beginning the day. This morning I am very grateful that I can read, I'm grateful that I don't have double vision and I'm thankful for my vacation home.
