Monday, April 30, 2018

Is This What You Call a Blog?

I don't normally have the Monday that a lot of people seem to have when they say “oh no, it's Monday” with a ho-hum  kind of attitude. Much like a robot, I complete my daily routine in a particular way seldomly deviating from my routine if at all from it. This morning however was quite different, my alarm went off at 4:45 and I just didn't feel like I needed to get up. I remembered that I had set my clock a few minutes faster than it already was which made it about an hour fast. The first time the alarm went off I thought, “I just won't work out this morning.” Then it went off again and I was like I don't have to get up yet but then it finally went off and I got up and went  I went to work out forgetting that I had decided not to, it was already light outside and the world was functioning- I wasn't used to this. When I got to the gym Sharon and Lynn were in there; I knew I had a huge problem because they normally don't work out until 7 o’clock- or so I thought. I tried to run faster to make the time go quicker but when I figured out that wouldn't work I manage to do probably the slowest run I have done in a while

I was glad that even though it was late when I finally arrived home last night and my brain was settled down, that I picked out my clothes for a couple days because I sure didn't have time to pick them out this morning. I was also glad that I decided wash my hair yesterday because there was no way I had time to blow dry it for an hour this morning.

I was very surprised that I was not hungry when I woke up nor after I worked out so I didn't have to eat either so I worked out, showered, had my clothes picked out and I was ready to go-I was even ready a couple minutes before my stepmom showed up, I was shocked!

Today I do not feel at all anxious and my brain doesn't seem to be racing... This is going to be an excellent day :-). Seeing my favorite student is something I've waited all weekend for! I hope you have an amazing week!

After work...

After having a fantastic day at work I was super excited at the end of the day which is a huge change as I used to get major headaches almost everyday. Even though I felt super productive and very accomplished after I went and saw Avengers by myself this weekend, decided that I'm really fond of Marvel movies and I can't wait to go see the next one (even though I have no idea what it is or when it comes out). This excitement was almost unleashed when I was asked to go on a date to see Aquaman. I have no idea what type of movie Aquaman may not be, but I'm almost sure it is a superhero kind of deal. Feel free to let me know. I am starting to feel so normal again that I don't know what to do :-) I suppose that's enough for right now but more exciting memories may come and just a heads up, I know there was an awesome story I wanted to write while I was watching Avengers but I can't remember it so it will be published when I remember it. Also if anyone would like to send me lines or ideas or Snippets about their day or anything I would love to read it!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Thunder Rolls... Slowly

The Thunder Rolls... Slowly

Went to Safeway and wheeled by a man going the opposite direction who said something about going in there to waste money because their prices are so high,I thought about it and totally agreed. I wheeled all the way down to King Soopers because it was past time of Sunday buses to run. I took a long time shopping. As I was wheeling home when I noticed that my wheelchair had two squares left of battery charge. Only two squares? I shook my head really hard, close my eyes squeeze them shut and opened them back up. Sure enough, two squares. So I started heading home. By the time I got to the Safeway in front of the apartments I live in, the square was blinking and flashing. And I was traveling around to the back of Safeway there is a very slight incline. This used all my juice and my wheelchair started going very slowly -- even slower than it was before. That was a manager of some sort at the back and I told my battery was dying and asked if he would please make sure I made it down the hill and into my are my complex. He agreed to however I lost sight of him when I turned a curb but this lady going down the street somehow knew something was going on because I was going very very slow down the hill. When I finally got across the street on wheelchair would not go up the driveway into the apartment complex so I turned it off for a few seconds and then turn it back on and it let me go about 2 more feet. Had to do a couple times but I have finally made it home. In front of my building, there is a medium-length incline making it wheelchair accessible. There was also two men in front of my building working on a truck. I asked them if one of them would please push my wheelchair up the incline. I'm so grateful one of them offered to and I made it to my apartment. Next was adventure of getting up the incline ramp in front of my door. I tried to turn off my wheelchair and turn them back on but after doing that for a few minutes I realized it wouldn't work and asked the kind man who helped me up the first ramp if you would help me into my apartment. He did and then got back to work on the truck and I was in my apartment. I couldn't even park my wheelchair properly because it had absolutely no juice. After years of whining about the charger box having such a long cord and not a long charging cable, I was relieved that I could bring my charger to my parked, rather my dead wheelchair to plug it in.

Just today while I was tutoring, Aaliyah asked if my wheelchair ever died. I explained that the previous one I had did but this one has not yet. I knew that minute that I should have knocked on wood. And now you see what happens if you don't :-) I'm super excited to share this story with the girl I tutor! That's it for now! Hope you have an amazing week!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Marvelous Monday!

Marvelous Monday!

Today was the absolute most amazing day yet! Yes I did much hall pacing and such as the students racked their brains, but let me tell you about the days preparation. I wore a kind of nice dress when I realized that I had picked out dresses for everyday of this week, and wore pretty comfortable but rackety sounding shoes that complimented my dress. After about the third lap to the end of the school I realized why I had my tennis shoes sitting in the “ wear me tomorrow” section of my room for a reason. I knew there was nothing I could do to fix the situation now so I continued to take laps.
Lunch time finally came; I don't know how much longer I can handle eating at this almost normal time when I've been spoiled having lunch at 10:30 in the morning all school year. I ran into a teacher in the lounge who complimented me on my dress. Now this wasn't just any teacher, this was the teacher who hasn't seemed to be too fond of me. I was also given the chance to say a word or two to other teachers who always seem to have the right thing to say.
I ya know, that makes me think, even though you may think your encouraging word doesn't mean a lot…You never know who might be listening or what they need to hear. So let people know how amazing they are each and every day!

We all have those things in life that nag at us or limit us. Often, we let those things or voices in our head become our excuses for not accomplishing other things. Our mission next week is to pick one thing that limits you and write down, “I will not let this become my excuse to not be productive.” Carry that with you as a reminder throughout the week that you are stronger than what limits you!

Green Lantern

(.....and the adventures continue)
On my way to Wheeling from Church to Walmart to grab a few I know items that were not ready to find a new home yesterday (’tis a much better way to put it instead of saying “look I forgot all this stuff at the store yesterday….”) when I wheeled by this car that was painted crazy.  I did not
When passing the car, I did not wheel will too close to look at the amazing details but purposefully wheeled very slowly by the car hoping the owner would happen to walk out and thinking of an awesome compliment I could give to start a conversation. After I passed it and no one was coming out of the store I thought, “Kimi,  just do your shopping and get home. I wheeled into the store very focused…”must find Just Crack An Egg, must find Just Crack An Egg.” I was very focused not being my normal friendly self I saw a man with a green lantern shirt on. I told him I liked his shirt and he said Thanks, you should see my car. His car, is this safe? After talking more with him and finding out he is the art teacher at Mitchell and has multiple degrees including a Theology degree I was okay with going to see his car. Not only was this man's car that I saw earlier that is painted crazily and was waiting to walk out of the store, but he HAND-PAINTED his car! Dr. Leaf has 3 degrees! Not knowing what to do after Church when I left my house this morning, after Church I had an AMAZING unplanned, grocery store meeting!!! PRAISE GOD!