Sunday, May 31, 2020


"Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow to supply you with food." 1 Kings 17:19

God sent Elijah to a region that was in famine - - to a widow whose pantry was empty - - so she could feed Elijah. Of course, that makes no sense, but God always has a point to make to us.

When Elijah asked the widow to bring him a piece of bread, she replied, " I don't have any bread- - only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am… [going to] make a meal for myself and my son, that we may need it - - and die” (1 Kings 178:12).

The widow's natural response was “I do not have” but God knew what she did have - - and He is never limited by our lack.  He simply asks us to be willing to give Him but we do have.

How do you respond to God? “But, Lord, I don't have the time,” or “ I don't have the qualifications, talents, gifts, or abilities.”

Offer God what little you do have. Then, step out in faith and trust Him. When you choose to put your little into the hands of our very big God, you will always see him make sure you have more than enough.

Miracle-working God, thank You for calling me to partner with You and Your work, and thank You for doing such remarkable things with what I have.

Unshakable by Christine Caine

Saturday, May 30, 2020


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

I confess: I have lost way too much sleep worrying about things I ultimately couldn’t control. Even now, I have to deliberately choose to let go of my anxiety, turn my requests over to God, and trust Him to take care of things. And I know it will happen through prayer.

There truly is a direct correlation between trusting God and praying. Prayer is your way to communicate with the Father, your opportunity to bring before Him your gratitude, needs, and concerns. Sometimes you think you don't have enough time to pray because you have a zillion other things to do. I know that feeling well - - and I know that feeling isn't the truth. You and I always have time to pray.

After all, prayer is not limited to a specific location, nor does it need to be done at a certain time. Simply put, prayer is a way of life. When you pray, you are entrusting your needs to the trustworthy God rather than depending on yourself to make things happen. In essence, unceasing prayer is key to getting close to your heavenly Father. With this He brings Supernatural peace, lavishing love on you, His beloved child (Psalm 66: 19-20). So, talk to him today. He always loves to hear from you.

I praise You, for the privilege of Prayer - - and for the freedom I have to approach You anytime and anywhere about anything! 

Happy tears happy tears! Waking up this morning I thought that I needed to pray with a friend. I have never prayed with this friend so I wasn't sure how to approach the person. After preparing things for next week and working on some fine motor skill activities, (looky here looky here Bid), I had forgotten about my waking thoughts and started on today's devotion. By no coincidence the devotion was exactly my waking thoughts!


“The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

Instead of judging the lost, blogging about the lost, talking about the lost, blaming the lost, avoiding the lost, or ignoring the lost, God has called us to find the lost. He's called us to be “lostologists”!

I love the story of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet at the home of Simon - - a Pharisee and self-righteous judge (Luke 7:36 - 8:3). Simon had invited Jesus to dinner, and the woman entered the home and washed Jesus' feet - - a sign of hospitality, something Simon hadn’t offered Jesus. As she was washing his feet, Jesus looked at the woman and asked Simon, “Do you see this woman?”

How odd. Simeon was sitting right there beside Jesus. How could he not see the woman? Yet, Jesus asked, “Do you see this woman?”

How many times do we look but not see? Who do you look at every day, but not see? Who in your world is lost and needs to be seen - - and introduced to Jesus?

Let's join Jesus in finding the lost sheep, in sharing compassion. Let's be Lostologists! 

Jesus, thank you for seeking me -  - and saving me. Now help me look and see everyone around me needs to find life in You.

Reflecting on this I think about how many times I've looked but don't see. Yes, it is hard in this fast - paced world to be given the chance to get to know every person. I know myself, that I am so quick to judge a person even though I get very defensive about people judging me. I’m in a wheelchair (most of the time when in public), my brain gets easily overstimulated and I flip out, my voice is crazy sometimes, and my left eye is lazy and wonders. Who am I to judge?!?  

Lord, I pray that I take the time to see others with Your eyes and treat everyone with Your gentleness. I pray for forgiveness from the people I have mistreated and not seen with Your eyes. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020


During my years spent in college I would still be awake when Pastor Eric Cartier from Rocky Mountain Calvary was on the radio again at 2:30 in the morning. Since I was in class and would miss him during the afternoon, I really liked being awake and able to hear this. I have been out of college for over 10 years but I find myself waking up to use the restroom when his preaching is on. Now that doesn't seem very coincidental but there are mornings like this morning that I just wake up in time to hear his preaching not needing to do anything. And although this is not always the case, I was up this morning in time to hear the complete message! Yay! 

I don't have scientific data on this, but when I wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning when my brain isn't over-stimulated or full yet, my brain is processing events of the day. I wonder if there's a correlation between... I just got it! When your brain is doing this consolidation and dumping, it is not receiving so much input so it's not over-stimulated. That may have something to do with why I sometimes wake up all panicky or angry about something that happened the previous day but if I wake up to a sermon God helps me re-examine a situation through His eyes! Let me tell ya, I love life!
There's a lot of room for drawing your  own conclusions in that but I can’t think straight and need to go back to sleep.  
I really like this in the wee hours of the morning and I didn't want to get out of bed as I was hoping to fall back asleep. That didn't happen.

“Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds.” James 1:2

Did you just see joy and trials in the same sentence? Yes, you did. You can trust that your trials bring growth, because God is giving you His strength and expanding you.

Said another way, you need storms and trials in your life if your faith is to grow. In fact, faith must be tried to its limits before it can grow Beyond those limits.

As long as you're on this side of Heaven you can be sure that God is not finished with His work in you or through you. You can be confident that God is continuing to make you more like Jesus - - transforming you from timid to an unstoppable champion of faith (Philippians 1:6). His power is at work in you. Your trials are the tools He uses to grow and transform your faith.

James saw trials that come your way as a good thing, “the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything James 1:3 - 4. As you face your trials today, you can look forward to a future where you are mature and complete - - a finished working Him.

Lord God, when I go through trials, help me hang tough  so my faith grows stronger and my trust in You is complete

This is yet another time that the devotion corresponds perfectly with my life--I mean perfectly!  I have been so worried that my condition would never be attractive or something that another person would ever understand. A person might understand the science of a brain injury but would not understand how Starbucks was my office.

I am not getting excited but I recently met a person, with a very respectable career in my eyes, who’s response to my job was “That is so fantastic. I am glad that you are doing what you feel God has called you to do. That is very important.” WOW!  If anything meeting this person showed me that God has the perfect man for me I just need to continue to have patience.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


"I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Galatians 2:20

We each have our own gifts, our own desires, our own passions in life. When we discover and begin to outwork our passion, we begin to see God miraculously work through us in the world around us.

Our passion is our enthusiasm because of Christ Living in us. The gospels have some amazing descriptions of God living “in us”: it's like being clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49), like being “baptized” (Mark 1:8), like water being poured on dry and thirsty ground (Isaiah 44:3). The spirit- - besides doing other things - - comfort's us, teaches us, and empowers us, counsels us, leads us, and intercedes for us.

As the spirit of Christ dwells within you and does these things, you will find yourself passionate about the very things Jesus Himself is passionate about. So invite the Spirit in. Your ongoing openness to God's spirit will mean a life of unstoppable passion fueled by God Himself.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of Your Spirit. Thank you for helping me stay passionate.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. 

Learning the secret of contentment helps us endure life’s challenges and keeps us in the race for the long haul.  Paul learned to be content in the midst of trials, “in any and every situation.”

But contentment didn't come naturally to Paul any more than it comes naturally to us. Paul had to learn contentment - and some of the classrooms where he was tutored was brutal. From being imprisoned, shipwrecked, bitten by a snake, to being stoned and left for dead, Paul endured and learned to be content.

True contentment comes when we choose to depend on Christ and to trust that He is doing a good work inside of us despite all of the external challenges to our faith. It's trusting Jesus that He gives us what we need when we need to endure and overcome.

True contentment is in the presence of Jesus, not in the absence of difficulties. “Be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you’” (Hebrews 13:5).

I find contentment in your presence, Lord Jesus, and I know You are trustworthy. Your presence is more than enough for me.

Oh my goodness I woke up feeling very discombobulated and not sure I would have a very exciting day but while I was trying my hardest to switch my attitude. I dictated my devotion and was reflecting on God's word. 

Be content? I think I'm content. 

I thought about the previous years working at a school and the daily, subconscious thoughts that I wasn’t enough. Even though teachers were encouraging, I began to lose my excitement-- realizing that some never would and never will never understand. They had come to their own conclusions and my mood issues left no room for credibility.

The first year I was at the elementary school I met the counselor, Mrs. Clarke. She introduced me to a former student, Lily, who also had a brain injury and thought that we should connect.

She and I met and my excitement went overboard. Lily is such an amazing, intelligent, beautiful young woman who is dealing with much of what I have been through. Although we have only met in person once, I was so encouraged when I received a comment from her mother on a post I shared about the way I do things that might make life easier for Lily.

I had just described to a friend that I spend a lot of time encouraging others and sharing how I deal with life with life with a disability. Even though people think that is awesome, I often think “Kimi, you just think you are awesome, but think about those who totally dismiss you and think this is all an excuse.”

We all have negative people that come into our lives and most people can ignore and or dismiss the negativity. Although I post things hoping that I can read them and be encouraged, the negativity sticks with me. Not everyone will understand.

Reflecting on this devotion, I am reminded to be content with where God has me. I am so appreciative of the comment that I just opened today from Lily's mom, I totally think that recording myself doing things is pretty selfish; however I am so excited and encouraged to know that it helps at least one (more) person. 

Thank you so much Father God for encouraging me to be content with where You have me. Much to people’s surprise, and even my surprise, I love being stuck at home. 

I attempted to proofread that but my brain is so exciting right now I might have my minute changes eventually.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


"Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and Majestic are his deeds and his righteousness endures forever. Psalm 111: 2 - 3

Not everything goes the way we pray or believe sometimes. At times our expectations end in disappointment instead of victory:
When a friend relapses after you stood with her through rehab again
When you play the political game in the office and still don't get the promotion
When someone dies of cancer after fight of faith
It's in those moments - - when faith-shakers rock our world - - that we have to trust

When disappointment eats away at us, we have to persevere and believe God anyways. We have to allow that experience to build our trust instead. We have to believe God is up to something bigger, working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

So the next time you face an unmet expectation, let it spark in you even greater expectations of what God is up to. Your loving God is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

Thank you, Lord, for the comfort You offer me --and for the greater expectations you provide when my expectations go unmet.

I had apparently unrealistic expectations set for myself insisting that doctors didn’t know best. I had a full-time job for 4.5 years in a “very stressful” environment. I told doctors that it was the best thing that happened to me. Although it was brought to an abrupt stop by a more specialized doctor, working at an Elementary and Middle school was the dream of a little 3rd grade girl at Joyner Elementary in Tupelo, Mississippi. 

This severe traumatic brain injury ain’t got nothing on me! I just remembered that I wrote my first book in that (Mrs. Bristow’s) 3rd grade class and now have my first book published!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Kimi's Kitchen! - 1

This is going to be the first attempt at an idea that popped in my head last week.

Kimi's Kitchen!

I had an amazing time attempting to record while I made a shake/smoothie for possibly the third time. I think I'm going to start recording most things that I make and be sure and share them on Facebook and  especially with my different disability groups so hopefully it'll Inspire them to attempt  cooking. Or perhaps someone will do the same thing and share ways that they deal with having a similar or hopefully completely different issue. One of my arms has ataxia and I also have tremors extremely bad sometimes but others it's fine. I'm looking forward to learning about how others handle their disability and even just anybody showing anyway they may cook something because I can adapt or figure out how to do something the way I need to just like you would hopefully.

The pictures will not upload so here is the link.

Kimi's Kitchen 1


“It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’” Matthew 4:4

Do you long to hear God's voice declaring his love for you? There are so many ways you can drink in the great depths of His love for you. One of those is to read God's love letter to you -- the Bible -- daily. Don't miss a single opportunity to hear from Him, and you will be nourished in a hole new way.

Not a day goes by, I'm guessing, when you don't talk or connected in some way with your spouse or best friend. It keeps our relationship healthy. Well, we would be crazy to think that our relationship with God needs any less attention. And the thing is, it's so easy to talk to him and connect with him in some way every single day. Not only does it feed your soul, but God loves when you chew his words (1 John 14:23-24).

That's why I can't say this strongly enough: read your Bible and other books that deepen your faith, such as this one. My prayer for you is that, as you spend time reading God's word, you may more fully “know this love that surpasses knowledge - - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19).

Lord, give me a hunger for Your Word and make reading a daily priority.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


Silly Saturday
Today is a silly Saturday I woke up with excitement oozing out of my skin,
Warmed up with a morning workout and now it’s into God’s word that I will dive in!

Today's devotion was incredible and absolutely set my soul on fire, running parallel with my waking thoughts, I'm going to be excited for a while!!
In Kim's Kitchen I will be heading, I will make it sometime I hope, but I need to do some cleaning and maybe I'll try to jump rope!

Praise  [God] for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.” Psalm 150:2

When God invites you to stop and help someone he has placed on your path, he never asks you to go on loan. You are His partner, and He comes alongside you. (Hebrews 13:5).

What does district mean for your ability to meet someone's needs? It means that whilqe you may think you don't have enough time, money, resources, or know how for the task, God will use and bless what you have. He won't back you up with acts of power.

You can go wherever God calls you with confidence, but there's surance and in anticipation of the good that will happen. And this confidence has nothing to do with you, your skills, or your passion. It comes because you serve a great God. The Apostle John put it this way: “The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Remember that truth my name is Satan Whispers that your contribution will be so small that you might as well do nothing. You don't have to be afraid of insignificance, I'm not making a difference, of trying and failing. Even if you don't immediately see the fruit of your actions, you can know that your service will not be insignificant because you go with God! 

What a privilege to be a partner in Your life - giving ministry, God - and what a blessing to have You go with me wherever you call me to serve!

How incredible is that devotion!?! When I first woke up I was thinking of how yesterday someone appreciated me showing how I cook things regardless of having to do things very different than most would because of my disability. Or maybe it was what I was putting together and the way I was cooking. He showed so much appreciation and explained that was not something that has crossed his mind.

I share with support groups of different kinds. I have met a very encouraging friend in an AA support group that I didn’t even know or have any business joining- support is support! Although it is helpful to be in groups focused on your situation to gain other perspectives. I think of being part of different groups like an eclectic therapist- gaining useful strategies from different approaches.  

Even though I think it's kind of silly and some may think it is self-absorbed, if even one person is encouraged out of something I post then it is all worth it-- God has a reason he or she crossed my path!  As I was explaining earlier how someone had shown depreciation for seeing how I have to adapt my way of cooking, I thought of the song If just one person. I think I learned that at Widefield Elementary School, I will try to find it but the lyrics that I remember our if just one person believes in you deep enough and strong enough believes in you there's bound to be some other erson who believes in making it a…...

This is Kimi’s Morning Moment...I hope you have a Silly Saturday! Until my next epiphany!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Rooted in God's Love

"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” Psalm 103:8

I want to remind you of something important: Whatever you've given or not given, no matter what you are said or not said, what you have thought or not thought, what you have done or have not done, what you have accomplished or have not accomplished, God loves you. And he always will.

Love is not only what God does, it is who God is. He cannot stop Himself from loving us because He is love (1 John 4:8). His love far surpasses any Earthly love we may have experienced. It is based entirely on His character, not our performance. There is nothing you can do to make God love you less; there is nothing you can do to make him love you more. God loves you with and unfailing, indescribable, and unending love.

Of course, the Enemy would like you to believe otherwise. But you don't have to be plagued by his onslaught of thoughts and feelings of inadequacy, guilt, shame, condemnation, insecurity, fear, doubt, and then worthiness. Decide today not to listen to those lies, but to stand on the truth of God's Word. And His Word states again and again that God loves you. He always will - - no matter what.

Lord God, please seal into my heart the magnitude of Your love for me. As I face each day, may it be the running background to all my thoughts and actions.

Such an amazing devotion!! I know for myself, having all this time at home, I can get lost in my thoughts. Thoughts that the devil and the world have polluted with thoughts of negativity and unworthiness.

Small Successes!

Wide awake at 2:21 I am sweating pig bullets. One would think that if body temperature reachs a certain temperature that blankets would be kicked off or anything get relief from the heat. Apparently that is not the case with me, I put the warm blanket on top of the sheet but woke up sweating profusely-- all of the covers still on.

Although I am excited because after speaking to someone about when they stop drinking fluids so they don't have to get up in the middle of the night, when I woke up expecting that I need to go to the restroom I didn't have to go at all! Small successes I tell y'all, small successes.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

...continued Amazing Adventure

Okay I've been cooking most of the day and this is kind of exhausting. However thank you Chef Henderson for the encouragement!
Looking on the bright side, this quarantine time has hot means I can do a lot turn it he's just very important that I am on no time schedule because then I freak out. However if I know ahead of time 5 days ahead of time and I can prepare for it then life is grand.

An amazing adventure!

Such An Exciting Sunday!!

I woke up crying and I don't know why. I looked at my phone to make sure everyone was okay when  I saw a video from my sister with neon lines. The caption said something about the kids having fun so I thought they had those fun little neon sticks and made figurines-- it was pretty cool and I and I envied the kids fine motor skills.

After the video was over it showed that those were not figurines at all! The kids had neon stripes somehow adhered to their clothing and they were dancing in the dark! How much fun :-)

I turned on a sermon and it was really good talking about how during this time we need to continue to function as we would any other day. Although I have been dressing as I do most days, I have been relaxing and wearing leggings more often than my every other day regimen of outerwear. I decided I will get dressed up and wear a dress to online Church even though at the Church I go to most often wearing a dress is pretty much out of the ordinary for everyone.

Thank you so much for making my day guys!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Supposed to be Breakfast

Supposed to be Breakfast

Planning to use one of my shake or smoothie recipes for great breakfast I began to throw ingredients together not using a recipe. After I put superfood in I realized I didn't have any protein that didn't have SuperFood. However I did have clean green protein and it didn't say there's a super food in it so that would work. I got a little overzealous when adding the juice and chocolate milk and I think it went a wee bit above the fill line- - and that was before I added the peanut butter and the spinach. Needless to say the ninja is upside down and drying out. This isn't the first time this has happened. No matter how tight the lid is when I turn on the Ninja, the contents start to ooze out the side -- however I don't stop it or anything because it needs to be mixed anyway. Oh I just got an idea! Perhaps I should stop it and remove a little bit of the contents-- I might try that next time :-)!! Oh yeah and it just dawned on me I probably didn't need to add the spinach because I used Green Machine powder, too late!

This really doesn't taste that amazing but once I drink it down to the fill line I'm going to add some chocolate milk powder-- that has to help everything! Although it is past lunch time and I just realized Uber Eats is 50% off today and that's pretty exciting so maybe I need to find a salad or something.

Now that I finally have this written it is nearing 1:00 and I haven't finished or even started my shake so I can add the chocolate milk powder. Anyway, have a great Saturday! We are going to get through this sooner or later! God bless you guys!!

Simply Saturday!

Simply Saturday

Today is simply Saturday and at home we should be again,

Clean up the house, cook for the week or maybe just relax :-)

Relaxing for me is so hard to do because a disaster definitely ensues.

The rhyming is not working and all or even a little bit,

Fire sign mean two exercise and get my mind going and not just stay at home and sit.

Well, today is simply Saturday and there are no things that I must do,

So maybe I can rhyme in the last two lines and that can be a present from me to you!

Hope you have a great day and don't forget we're all in this together :-)!