Saturday, July 30, 2022

Prayer-filled Friday!!!

Prayer-filled Friday On this Prayer - filled Friday-- excited for what's to come, It is the last day of the work week for most, not all, but some! Reminded of the importance of prayer Dr Jeremiah explains it in detail I am so sure this sermon is amazing but my sleep, it must hail! Prayer it is such a simple thing that some do not understand, They explain they don't know how to pray and leave my words that are not on hand. Prayer can be at any time, it's talking with a great friend, It's not a prayer in the morning let it go through the day - keep praying without an end!

Friday, July 29, 2022

Jesus Today (4)

Jesus Today (4) When you trust in Me, you take refuge in Me. So trusting Me is much more than a matter of your words; it is mainly a matter of your will. As you go through this day, you will encounter many things that can make you anxious, including some of your thoughts. If you don't stay alert, anxious feelings can slip into your day without your noticing them. When this happens, you may wonder why you suddenly start to feel bad. Usually, you just ignore those feelings. Or you may try to numb them with food, drink, television, gossip, or other distractions. How much better is it to “catch” the worry-thoughts before they take hold of you. That is why I say,”Be on alert!” If you are watchful and alert, you can choose to take refuge in Me whenever anxiety comes to you. A refuge is a place that provides protection or shelter: a safe haven. It is something you turn to for help, relief, or escape. I am eager to be your Refuge, and I am with you at all times. Nonetheless, you must exert your will by returning to Me for help. Thus, you make Me a refuge, demonstrating your trust in Me. Blessed- happy, to be invited- is the one who takes refuge in Me. B of sober spirit, be on the alert. You are anniversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.- one Peter 5:8 NASB Be merciful to me, oh god, be merciful to me! For my soul trust in you, and in the shadow of your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by.- Psalm 57:1 NKJV Oh taste and see that the Lord our God is good! Blessed happy, fortunate, to be envied is the man who trusts and takes refuge in him having Psalm 34:8 AMP REFLECTION

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


JESUS TODAY by Sara Young Put your hope in Me, and My unfailing love will rest upon you. Some of my children have forgotten how to hope. They have been disappointed so many times that they don't want to risk being let down again. So they forge ahead stoically - living mechanically. Other people put their hope in problem solving, the stock market, the lottery, and so on. But I challenge you to place your hopefully in Me. No matter what is happening in your life now, your story has an amazingly happy ending. Though the way ahead may look dark to you, there's brillant, everlasting Light at the end of your earth - journey. My finished work on the cross secured this heavenly hope for you, and it is absolutely assured. Moreover, knowing that your story finishes well can fill your present Journey with Joy. The more you put your hope in me, the more My Love - Light shines upon you - brightening your day. Remember that I am with you continually, and I Myself am your hope.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

In the Secret

12:15 a.m. God opened my eyes 
He said good morning girl, don't rise!
Just sit and think and meditate on Me and how awesome this life is-- just be!
In the stillness, in the quiet place--
After being awake for a few seconds and singing my heart out to that song I go to look it up and realize it is not stillness, it is a secret to me, secret not Stillness. 
"In the secret
In the quiet place
In the stillness
You are there
In the secret
In the quiet hour i wait
Only for you
Cause, i want to know you more

But right now in my life God wanted it to be Stillness and it makes the song so perfect, my heart is filled with joy and my eyes are dripping with tears of happiness because as I lay in bed, in the Stillness in the quiet place, He is here!
I'm not sure if I posted it for anybody realized that I was early calm yesterday.

Monday, July 18, 2022


It is a Majesty Monday who knows what the Lord is going to bring about,

when I jumped out of bed I was singing hallelujah 

(I was) ready to jump and shout!

I heard from the enemy but God called louder to get to the office way before the sun rose

then I remembered that this is what I used to do,

He's always been with me, wherever I goes!

Only He knows of my destination- what the day will bring- what my soul needs-,

just like in our lives sometimes we Veer off course

I'm just following wherever He leads!

Sunday, July 17, 2022



Last week is over…a new week begins

I hope excitement overwhelmes as it's 7 days- each a present to open up and see what blessings are within!

As you bless others the return is tenfold, although not immediate it's a gift that God holds!

Right now right now is such a popular thing, but waiting for a while is a better gift that He brings!

Remember that those words as soon the day's fun will begin,

Hold close to the Lord and be excited as truffle anticipation bubbles up within!

Thursday, July 14, 2022


Trust and Obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey!

At Church Sunday my friend Nanci was able to make it after having to work for quite a few consecutive Sundays.  I was so excited and filled with happiness; this also happened the next day when I hung out with friends from Rocky Mountain Calvary. Hearing and seeing how God was blessing both Nanci (my friend who is wiser than me) and Caitlin, Karissa, Monet, and Stephanie (my friends who are younger and probably still wiser than me) brought so much joy!!! Spending time with Caitlin’s children in the car and making up stories was the best! As I am dictating this right now the happiness and this unknown emotion has me crying like a baby! Then I reflect on the amazing time that I had at Pop and Bid's BBQ (with Ma too!)- how amazing it is to have a family that is so full of love -- I am excited about the way God moves in their lives!

God used amazing women in my life to encourage me to self-reflect and realize the joy and excitement I got from Nanci, Caitlin, Karissa, Monet and Stephanie may be the same (although not as childish as I display LOL) excitement others have when they sit and chat with me. Some people express it and others don't, but as the song says, I will trust and obey that what I am doing is part of His plan!

After that very long intro, today is a Trusty Thursday and it is not always that easy to do, but as you remember Who is guiding and so much pressure will be removed from you!

He leads you and He guides you in every step-- every day 

even when you try to venture off on your own

He gently reminds you that He is THE WAY!

On this Trusty Thursday, in whatever the Lord leads you to do,

Be sure to do it wholeheartedly….

I am falling asleep so this poem is through!

God bless you guys and have a wonderful rest of the day!

Saturday, July 2, 2022

7-2-2022 Saturday....something!

DRAFT FB 2:35am Saving Grace Saturday!

So excited for what this day holds as it's soon to be the present, a gift from the Lord,

We should view every day as a layered present…(one layer is the weather, another layer is  composed of the events that occur..) 

So open everyday with excitement because you don't know what the package contains,

Try not to spend the beginnings of room warning dealing with yesterday's remains.

It's by God's Saving Grace this gift we're given so handle of care, yesterday is in the past, don't dig it up no matter how wonderful or unfair. 249 a.m.

Thursday, June 30, 2022


Prior to proofreading on an actual computer.

Reading messages from friends that will not use an adequate way to communicate was making me so crazy this morning. After letting this occur for too long I decided to go to Starbucks, my office. I remembered about my awesome new "Kimi's Kitchen" Starbucks cup but I didn't think I had any planned appointments so I thought that I had just wasted my time when suddenly an amazingly beautiful lady struck up a conversation (I also realized that I hadn't washed it out yet). Come to find out she is a teacher at an elementary school! This made me reminisce on the amazing time I was able to spend at West Elementary/Middle School. 

The beautiful lady, Laura, was only the second person I met and the excitement of my new newly assigned Laura neuron made it a little tough to sit there after after after our chat.

One thing led to another and God opened doors left and right. I am so excited that, even if it was only for a few minutes, we were able to connect. I am so excited about what God has in store!


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wonderful Wednesday!

I decided to leave my "home" coffee shop, to go on an adventure and experiment going to another Meetup Group. Luckily I arrived before Third Space got completely crowded so I didn't feel rushed by anyone waiting behind me. The baristas were so incredibly friendly. The group was one I had been to but the people that were available to meet varies. After a few minutes of sitting there because I was an hour early I decided to go talk to a person who I thought was random

however it turned out to be Frank, a leader of the group. At times I was just sitting there being a fly on the wall as these men discussed life however this made my neurons fire like crazy and I got so excited! As I'm sitting here expounding the notes I during the meet up I am getting so excited all over again! I may or may not add to this, but I need to go live life while it's still daylight. Oh wait I need to write a poem….

Wonderful Wednesday!

On Wonderful Wednesday plans have changed and normally I'd be sad, 

but life is so amazing the things God has in-store and not be bad!

I mentioned that I was going to put rhyming and be so juvenile, that I did say

however better poems come unexpectedly--when I'm not trying, maybe later today!

Thank you for baristas for being so amazing and for the fantastic meet up!

Friday, June 17, 2022


On this Freedom Friday it's the end of this work week for some but not for all
Outside the temperature is rising-- listen carefully- summer activities they do call!
Forget not your morning cup of joe no matter what blend your favorite may be,
If you stay in Starbucks cafe for more than one cup,
with a Starbucks card your refill of coffee or tea is priceless- not breathtaking but absolutely free!
Okay I sound like a salesperson but I'm shaking with excitement and ready to go--
to head to my office and increase excitatory neuronal activity, with familiar faces to see-
come on sunlight all day long it's your show! 4:10am
Listening to Robert Jeffers this morning I'm reminded to do God's work!

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Sunshineless Saturday so far…

2:08 am Sunshineless Saturday so far…

Saturday oh Saturday you are hidden behind the dark early morning sky,

So tired-

My mind starts to drift to unwanted places so I turn on instrumental Christian music and remember that God, He's my guy!

Soon I'll have to get ready to see Douglas a very awesome friend,

traveling from far far away, I'm not sure when I'll see him again.

So I need to close my eyes, getting much needed neurological consolidation,

Then I'll rise full of energy ready for today's vacation! 2:40



For a very unknown reason I feel so very free! That's because the one holding me down was nobody but me!

It has taken much of the week to reorganize, recategorize my brain,

What exactly I mean by that I will take no time to explain!

I have been praying and attempting for these random poems to return

But this nonsense cannot be conjured up in my mind with any effort I have learned.

I'm sure those last two lines make any sort of Good Ol sense,

'Tis now I will attempt to close my eyes-

Return back to slumber I've been where I came from-- whence?

Monday, March 7, 2022

Mirror Neurons (draft)

3/7 3:21 am woke up thinking about a man I met and how after I said something wishing him luck about the girl he was having dinner with, he made it where I cannot see his Facebook (although that may not be the case at all but she was so excited about it she had posted something on his Facebook but then never explained how good their dinner was). It makes me curious why people put things on Facebook and then don't like when someone says anything about it because this also happened with my ex-fiance who apparently wanted to get back together after he called it off. Awesome, this is the perfect segue into what I wanted to write about later on today... Living vicariously through others. Since I have been blessed with a gift of life after a near-death experience, things have to be done differently. I can hear people saying well that's only because you want things to be different, but quite the contrary. (Side note it is now later and I am somewhat proofreading this and adding information to complete the story). If you took away certain abilities you may think life wouldn't be different, but it is. I have been told this by people who had something taken away but only for a limited time. The story that comes to mind is Bid. She had to give up her car for a little bit and that was enough for her to get a taste of my new life. I already hear people saying well it's been over 20 years it's not new (I hear these things because I have been told them), and you are completely right, but this (true) story is new to some people. A person really has to live in this situation, and apparently, when it happens only a little while, it helps a person realize how different life has to be. I have also had random strangers come on to me when I'm sitting in my wheelchair at Starbucks empathizing because they had surgery and aren't able to walk for a time period. To all those people who have come up to me and mentioned something saying they empathize with me, I totally appreciate that! I am crying happy tears writing this because people have been expressing that they know that their situation is nothing compared to my life change but their honest recognition is huge. I totally didn't mean for this writing to go here but I am finally wearing the gift! I have my wheelchair at Starbucks because I can't drive so I drive my wheelchair. I had to use the restroom and Maria S saw me when I got up from my wheelchair and offered to help me in anyway she could. There's something about the sincerity of people who have faced death, had their life changed, or even those who have a disabled friend/family member that makes them recognizable, sometimes. Maria has experienced something I would consider far worse but is an amazing survivor. She shared part of her story that day and we connected. She made me these sunning green earrings and sent them to me-- she was actually just passing through the day we met, talk about a DEVINE APPOINTMENT!!! I don't like to whine about things but it's not easy however I think I have a pretty awesome life! I can barely mention the truth without thinking "Kimi, get over it!" You may wonder what brought this up. After wonderful things are happening in my mom's life and I was able to vicariously experience the excitement of Baristas getting hired at Starbucks, I realized that this life is pretty awesome--seriously. I enjoy experiencing the excitement with others because it honestly fills me with excitement like it was my own, and my understanding that is what a vicariously means. I had recently been told by family, a random person at Starbucks, someone out of the blue, and even my distant neighbor that I seem to be an empath. Not knowing what that meant, after her description that didn't seem like me but I think it is me more than I realize. It is so unfortunate that so many people don't know how to handle a person like me. When I try to celebrate good things that are happening in their life with them, just because it was decided that God had better things for each of us, me being excited for them is not okay. I am so thankful for the amazing people that I have crossed paths with that have no problem with me being excited for them after our paths went different ways. It has been absolutely wonderful to share in the blessings R and K and precious little M! (Oh my goodness I started out with one story and now it's a completely different train of thought, but I am leaving it because someone might struggle and my honesty how about difficulties I shall on Facebook is proving to pay off! As I was writing this a friend and I started talking and she said "That must have taken forever! But it is so relatable for me with my own disability. I look up to you for your sunny disposition considering all you have gone through! I on the other hand am far too cynical and depressed. So I will continue to live vicariously through you! Lol" Oh my goodness! I am so thankful that I was just told that because that means this really is my job! You guys have no clue how many friends I've made and people I talk to at my office that describe how they either don't know why they wanted to talk to me or they saw God in me. Writing this makes me feel so wonderful about the people who have disabled communication, praise God for removing people that can't handle my (sometimes somewhat distorted) way of shining God's light! I can see how some people think that it only makes me feel better and put others down, I'm not putting others down I'm just explaining exactly what happens. If you could please explain how I'm putting others down let me know. This is just an absolutely wonderful epiphany in the middle of the night. Well, it was the middle of the night but now it's early in the morning. God blesses me with wonderful ideas when all the noise of the world has shut out. This might be changed or updated when I'm more awake and I'm on my computer. I am so excited because I was just talking to bed about writing and I was explaining how it just comes. And for her birthday I got a present the gift of a writing topic! Thanks for the encouragement! 4:46am ADDED after researching a little bit I am so excited to be reminded that mirror neurons are the contributing factor for this excitement. When I was in college and then first learned about this type of neuron I didn't know it was such an important part of my brain injury recovery. But here it is over 15 years later and my job is getting those neurons to fire! Oh my goodness I am so excited, how am I expected to fall back to sleep now?
7/24 just woke up and found out that this was a draft that had never been published. I haven't even proof read it or anything I'm just going to publish it so I can look at it later. Careful consideration