Saturday, December 28, 2019

Adventures of Kimi #122819

One day Chinese food was brought for lunch and there were leftovers. I was super excited because this girl doesn't cook….. much. I ate the leftover noodles for breakfast and saw another container in the fridge. I normally have  the food in my refrigerator separated: top shelf breakfast, middle shelf lunch and bottom shelf dinner. When the leftovers were being placed in my fridge it was mentioned that there was not room on the correct shelf so the leftovers were on different shelf and I said "Oh I'll figure it out."

      The next morning someone came over and made breakfast for the next day. That night I remembered that the leftovers were not on the correct shelf and grabbed what was on the top shelf. After partially heating it up I realized that it was tomorrow's breakfast!

Back to the drawing board….humpf!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Marvelous Monday!

Marvelous Monday!

Today is a Marvelous Monday even though it is freezing cold outside,

it was snowing when I arrived at the office so after work I will have to go for sled ride!

Not sure I have a sled but I can find a collapsed box

I'll have to find any sort of contraption and make sure I have on my warm socks!

I'm getting more excited about this thing that we call life,

My job it gets more exciting, more exciting everyday 

although this excitement may have carried over from my outstanding sister birthday!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wascally Wabbit Wednesday to Emily

Wascally Wabbit Wednesday to Emily Henley because I woke up and thought about how your dad calls you a rascal

On this Wascally Wabbit Wednesday

Emily Henley is who is on my mind.

She introduces herself as a rascal

from her daddy Timothy she was given that name but now proudly claims it as "mine."

Running loss of errands is what I have to get done,

but I am sure hanging out with my Bid will be lots 'o fun.

Wednesday is almost over and I had not written this yet,

However it was not until now that I had the time to just set (calm down, calm down. I know that is not correct it should be sit but then it would not rhyme)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Memory Making Monday!

Memory Making Monday!

Right when I start to feel useless-- like my "job" is of no avail,

I am told of an acquaintance's story and how his understanding is more than that of the internet's conversing portrayal.

It is now-- moments like this God's voice reminds me that my pay is much more than monetary,

that it's those who see past my "freak out" episodes that are worth my time and me for theirs!

On this Memory Making Monday take every moment and hold it close, 

the prospective meetings that seem invaluable can change your perspective on life that only God in His infinite wisdom knows!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Flip-out Friday!

Flip-out Friday!

On this Flip-out Friday I learned it's only 9 days before my age flips,

Each time this thought re-enters my mind I count on my fingers and remember it's six times six!

Going to see my former co-workers and help out, so glad students are back,

They are the mighty Warriors who start out as Wolves until they learn  to attack! (attack schoolwork that is).

Hope you have a Fantastic Flip-out Friday!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thawing Thursday!

Thawing Thursday!

Good morning everybody today Hallows Eve,

after research I've learned what that means but it's also candy for you and me!

The snow that didn't melt yesterday will probably melt or refreeze today,

but that shouldn't happen before nightfall 

thus it won't keep any goblins away. 

On this Thawing Thursday hope a lot of the snow disappears, 

It hasn't been this frigid today for years, many years!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Welcoming Wednesday!

Welcoming Wednesday!

Heading to the office on this wintry day whether it's cold or it's not,

I am so excited that they will have for me an available and open spot.

Clients today may be sparse I'm sure the temperature outside will keep them in.

For those who show up at the office we'll continue our friendly conversation

and make sure their attitude is Win! Win! Win!

Wintry Wednesday!

Wintery Wednesday!

On this Wintry Wednesday as of right now still have to go to work,

Watching the news and praying a lot that Dr.  Thomas decides to give a day off-- a halloween perk!

My job is so rewarding, I often go even on my days off,

With unscheduled appointments waiting to take place it's like a tired racing horse finally drinking from a water trough!

No matter what today brings make it the absolute best,

Especially if you have road rage, pray for patience as today your self-control may be put to the test.

Welcome to this Wintry Wednesday as it's to The Office I get to go, 

Actually Sydney just announced D-11 is closed-- it's working remotely with temperatures remaining far too low!

Have a Warm Wintry Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Treacherous Tuesday!

Treacherous Tuesday!

The roads are fair now but just you wait and see,

This is Colorado but later in the day is what Sydney Jackson  told me.

At the office now and staying warm, just waiting for the weather and I will transform.

Then I will zip up the coat and warm my hands by the mug,

it is supposed to be a Treacherous Tuesday and if work closes you'll be able to head home and unplug!

Be sure to make the best of whatever this day may deal,

Put a smile on your face and do it with zeal!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Welcoming Wednesday!

Welcoming Wednesday!

Awake early in the morning when in my mind I realize 

that I named Starbucks "my office" long before it was actually mine.

When I did it was during breaks from the full time job I had-- I loved,

but the stress it caused was often minimized by others then of course it was by me,

their brains were "normal"-- uninjured

and normal was all I wanted to be.

When I would hear of their issues I would also compare and discount my own,

until I finally got a second opinion--

'twas the same as the first-- that I should take a load off and spend more time at home.

What I once pretended was my office is actually becoming mine--

although my "client's" payments are not monetary,

the payment is priceless-- their payment is time!

On this Welcoming Wednesday I welcome you to this office that's shared by one and by all,

the office is a coffee shop where free refills of coffee or tea are available and not leaving all day I start with a tall (Starbucks term for small).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Time Ticking Tuesday!

Time Ticking Tuesday!

Time is ticking for all you must do, make sure to get the errands run before the snow buries you!

Will I ride 'Tana or will it be too cold,

I have a meeting or two after lunch can I be so bold?

Not sure what's next I'm headed out the door,

Stay tuned for the next poem if you want to see more! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Do it! Take down! Win! Champs!

Do it! Take down! Win! Champs!
While I was doing life early this morning the universe took me down,
I was already fighting an illness, and I don't want to spread it aroun'
So I will rest and recoup to make sure I have a W to bring home.
Wait!! Home sweet home is where I will stay, my appointments will have to be rescheduled.
No going out and riding 'Tana at all it's cuddled up and warm I will stay so I can be a champ over this crud!
Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Moonlit Monday!

Moonlit Monday!
Seasons are changing and that's for sure,
The moon is still alive when waking and the day is pure!
There's a chill in the air but it will warm up
As we go throughout this day drinking from the morning's coffee cup!
Today will be such an amazing day,
just wait and see what your end of the day self has to say!
Have a Magnificent Moonlit Monday!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Split-shift Sunday

Split-Shift Sunday 
Again I'm working a split-shift and I will hear Pastor Brian today,
It will have to be at an alternate location that I hear what he has to say.
I hope to catch up on posting devotions as my schedule has been out of sorts
As I received the doctor's suggestion before reviewing the report.
I am elated at the findings although I displayed them for a while,
I will be returning to my previous lifestyle minus life's stressors--
they're detrimental but I managed them with style.
In my head I am dancing, I am doing an all out jig,
it's as though all that I've been screaming through my behavior 
Has been put into layman's terms,
Oh this is big!
In turn it has shown me that my field of education has done a little harm
as I assume everyone knows the possible causes of certain behaviors,
however that is like finding the perfect straw in a haystack 
or the prefect turnup in Bid's now carrotless farm!
I am SO EXCITED but now I need to head back to sleep,
I plan to have the best of all days yet
And in my mind that I must keep!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Freedom Friday!

Freedom Friday!
So much was explained after the neuropsych eval
Who can truly be my friend if I am a live Dora, will you remain my pal?
It was confirmed that often I do forget, 
but the things I do remember will surprise not only you but me as well-- I can bet!
The reasons for specific adaptations to all it was revealed,
Although I've learned to compensate, my TBI is oh so real!
Very early Friday morning this poem I did compose 
I might head to the office only heaven knows!!
On this Freedom Friday lest you not forget that "freedom" comes in many forms,
I should be getting mine soon (Hot Rod)
It's "freedom^ I can take  the world by storm.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday!

Wonderful Wednesday!
Here, here it's hump day, Wednesday is now here,
it's to the office the car does steer.
These childish poems many do not understand,
but put yourself in my shoes and it may be easier to comprehend.
First thing in the morning and then in the afternoon,
working a split shift before I see the next moon.
Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday and remember who you are,
you are unique, you are amazing,
You are a masterpiece by far!

Terrible Turn Around Tuesday!!

Terrible Turn Around Tuesday!
Waking up this morning feeling absolutely rotten,
My day was put on leave when my mom realize her phone she I had forgotten.
She did not freak or shout expletive words,
She calmly told me her change of route and then she'd be at work
So at the office I am where I got to talk to Mr. Dave, 
I have met some new people and a friend is coming to say hi and wave!
In the middle of the poem I met a sweet lady whose name is Tammy,
Next thing I knew it was time to go with my therapist I began feeling a little clammy.
Now I am back at my office with only a few appointments yet to come,
even though one canceled the office is a lot of fun!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Monster Mash Monday!

Monster Mash Monday!
Today is a Monster Mash Monday,
be sure to mash those monsters standing in your way.
The monsters of self-doubt, self-pity, and self-destruction-- 
push them aside, tell them to go away!
After you mash the monsters stand tall, walk confidently forward and say
"I am a Monster Masher, I am strong, I control my day!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Singing Saturday!

Singing Saturday!
When I first woke up at 4 in the morning a poem would not come to my head,
I stayed awake thinking for a little while and then I found myself sleeping again..
But just now I re-awoke ready to begin my day
singing with every move I made because today is a Singing Saturday!
And my song went a little like this….
Good morning good morning good morning I'm so excited to start this day!
Good morning good morning good morning several appointments at The Office today!
I can't wait I am so excited but I better get ready and stop singing singing and be on my way,
Even though today is a Singing Saturday!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Finally Friday!

Finally Friday!
It's Finally Friday this week was so long,
I know, I know it was the same 168 hours as every other week but this one drug on!
Each day seemed longer than the day before,
But today is finally Friday SCORE! SCORE! SCORE!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Transition Tuesday!

Transition Tuesday!
At the office I sit today,
ready to transition through many events of life- - hooray!
Today is Cole's birthday and I hope it is the best,
sooner or later I will head to West!
Transition this Tuesday from one thing to the next,
Just put a smile on your face knowing it will have some effects!
Whether it is your day changed or maybe it's another,
Weather a sister, Dad or Mom or perhaps even your brother!

Friday, September 20, 2019


Dance with me; even if we both have 2 left feet! 🎼 Sing with me even if everyone leaves their seat! It won't be the first time it won't be the last, but just focus on tomorrow and let the last be the past!.
I need sleep!

Fantastic Friday!

Fantastic Friday!
Today is a Fantastic Friday, get to see Mrs. Montana and her crew,
When I am feeling useless, helpfuless (probably NOT a her students  help remind you
that life is not always roses but we all are doing the best we can,
whether it's teaching an entire classroom or being the librarian (Mrs. Smee's) righthand (wo)man!
So excited I am shaking like a leaf-- just released and falling from a beautiful autumn tree,
Today is already off to a great start for us all just you wait and see!
Hope your Friday is Fantastic!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wonderful Ways Wednesday!

His Wonderful Ways Wednesday!
Waking up ready with my day planned out, thought after my appointment I was going to volunteer yippee yia I would shout!
Then I looked at my prayer  journal and it's for other plans I must prepare, 
My first appointment is set but for my other is in the air!
What will I be doing? Only God the Father knows in the end
I will do my best to follow His voice, most will not understand or comprehend!
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and you follow in the path,
God has stretched and laid out before you
You don't even have to calculate the terms or do any math!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Trying Tuesday

Trying Tuesday
Today is a Trying Tuesday, make it through and you'll be stronger yet,
Smile when you're down and give high fives it will brighten your day even if only a little, I bet!
Make it a goal to change someone else's day and look whose perspective will change,
There's a possibility it will be yours, your perspective will change -- hot diggity dog, it will rearrange!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Witty Wednesday!

Witty Wednesday!
Today is a Witty Wednesday and I have to go take a test,.
To show them how my brain is healing and let them know that I am the absolute best!
I talk to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or family doctor and show them what they want to know,
I was told last time that I'm doing well although my processing is quite slow,
Given the depth of my injury the doctors were pleased that I was living on my own,
Then life threw me a curveball or two,
And now I call Mama's duplex my own!
Neurological Reconstruction and Rehabilitation is the title of my new job,
I've had a hard time digesting my lack of financial contribution,
But seems okay if my heart throb!
I must get ready my hair is still wet, it's dripping all over the couch--
I better finish dressing and pulling my act together
Before my roommate becomes a grouch!
So on this Witty Wednesday have fun with everything you do,
Keep your act together and head on straight,
While you laugh and smiled the whole way through!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Totally Amazing Tuesday!

Totally Amazing Tuesday!
Monday is now over and the week is starting off well,
But now we have all been given a Tuesday,
Don't forget to workout and lift each dumbbell!
Whether you have the chance to go outside or you're stuck in an office, fresh air you will definitely need,
The weather so calm and refreshing maybe you'll be able to plant a seed.
On this Totally Amazing Tuesday do whatever you may need to do, 
To transform the day into amazing for each person, especially you especially you!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Magical Monday!

Magical Monday!
A Magical Monday up ahead once the sun rises and I get out of bed.
The appointments today are not set in stone, there will be sporadic meetings first thing in the morn'!
I am so excited for who I will see, 
The weekend was off schedule however was met with surprises for some, even me!
But now the time is late and I must get ready to go,
What today holds only God the Father knows!
Hope you have a fantastic day full of many magical adventures!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thrilling Thursday!

Thrilling Thursday!
Today is a Thrilling Thursday as I'm heading back to West;
where I'll help my favorite librarian
teach elementary students why reading is the best!
We might work with Jiji and do a little math,
the penguin is where my work at West started
and now I will volunteer bringing my short- lived career to a final rest.
Make today a Thrilling Thursday
to do that the choice is yours,
take every opportunity your given 
walking through every open door!
That will make today a Thrilling Thursday expecting nothing less,
Where West Wolves mature into West Warriors 
and with their acquired knowledge each student will impress!
Hope you have a Thrilling Thursday!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wishful Wednesday!

Wishful Wednesday!
On this Wishful Wednesday my wish is for you and for you,
That you will have the best day yet from this time and the whole day through!
Arrived at the office a little early but it's just find time
To sit and think of a poem or two and hopefully they'll rhyme!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tack 'Em Tuesday + Movin' It Monday

Tack 'Em Tuesday + Movin' It Monday
Tack 'Em Up Tuesday!
Was able to ride the horse around today,
He was already tacked up, ready in every way!.
His name is Cowboy and that he definitely is
once was wild feral¹ but is tamed and trained for therapeutical reasons, he's in Showbiz!
I hope your day was all packed up and fun too!
If not tomorrow will be marvelous, fantastic, brand new!

Movin' it Monday!
It's A Movin' It Monday for me and for you,
Before you get on the horse to ride be sure he has on every shoe!
The ride will be different, we will go down below,
Trying to protect ourselves from the wind because over we don't want to blow!
But man but man oh man it sure was fun,
It has me worn out and panting just like I want for a long distance run!
When I get off I need to go running up and down their huge oh hill,
Laughing so hard my partner will pass me, and I will be left standing still!

At first I thought today was Monday so...
Today will be a Movin' it Monday as long as you don't forget to,
Put on your sneakers and go for a walk,
Inhale and exhale all the way through!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Moonlit Monday!

Moonlit Monday!
It is a Moonlit Monday, I woke early but not early enough,
To go see the balloons and be in the Fountain parade with the Henley's, please tell Emily I love her so much!
The festivities here do not start 'til a lot later but now I can chill and let my brain  rest;
I might hang out and discuss the different diagnosis or lables friends have been given and why the names fit them the best!
Laying here writing this poem the moon light has almost become the sun,
Let's get up and shake off all of the sleep and go for an assisted run!
Hope you have a 'Mazing Moonlit Monday!

Friday, August 30, 2019

Freakin' Friday!

Freakin' Friday!
On this Freakin' Friday hold onto your hats and don't freak out,
There will be one day added to the weekend...a free day?!? Scream and shout!
So enjoy friends and family and all the festivities too,
Go out to the park for Labor Day Lift Off where you might see a balloon or two!
I hope your day is absolutely marvelous preparing for the fun,
Even though it's not in the forecast I hope there will be some sun!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thirty Thursday!

Thirsty Thursday!
Waking up this morning I needed to quench my thirst,
I had a thirst for life, my excitement bubble was about to burst.
With so many fun plans on the docket, I don't know what to choose or pick first!
After a few appointments gonna dive into The Word.
I'll kick and paddle around for a bit, for His voice I'll wait-- I'll sit!
My mouth will be numb--I'll be droolin'
Not able to talk for a bit.
But I will be thirsty on this Thursday, too much medication not given a  $@#!!
(only for the sake of poetry!)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Wide Awake Wednesday!

It is 12:15 in the morning and I have this need, this urge
To write the poem for the morning,
When I normally have an energy surge!
I only have one set appointment, then it's to the school or to the office I will go
Someone find out and tell me quick because where I will be not even I am sure I know?!?

Tare 'em Up Tuesday!

Although it is not in the morning the poetry still comes.
This day was started with some errands that absolutely had to be run.
From turning in legal documents to equine therapy at the marvelous Reigning Hope,
Then I showed up at my sisters, and it was a pizza party with my new favorite little sisters-' they definitely widen my microscope!
Next Bid and I had quality time if that's what it can be called,
it was preceded by a mouthful of dessert whipped cream for me myself and I (yes, daddy shared)!
My poetry it's not poetic, I must go to bed,
Maybe a poem will come in the morning after I rest my cattywampus head!
Oh yes I forgot to mention the reason for the title,
At my sister's I shot a bow and I sent the arrow flyin'!
So it was later the title I was given a Tare 'em up Tuesday today would be
But now it's inside of my eyelids my eyes are begging "Oh please let me see!"

Monday, August 26, 2019

Magical Monday!

Magical Monday!
It's back to work/school we head with a Magical Monday on the horizon.
Let's open up at book and find the adventure that lies within!
Books are amazing-- oh the places you'll go!
While one may read and picture themselves in Paris, another can cover the exact information that one needs to know!
a trip lead by your imagination, it's something not everyone will enjoy-- you are the only one!
So head to the library-- pull out a new favorite book,
Head back to the classroom and nestle yourself in quiet reading nook!
This is why it's a Magical Monday
one's going to school but can end up in any other place,
Just pull out a book and read, embark on the adventures-- the princes or demons you'll face!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday!
Headed back to West today I am,
I will be in the library with Mrs. Smee again!
That is where my educational career began years ago when I was an employee working with Jiji-- a penguin who does math, a fan I am!
I am so excited, the students I will see helping with their education--
the librarian and me!
So thankful for this opportunity and I've been given,
It's a stress free life that the doctors recommend I should be livin'!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wondering Wednesday!

Three o' clock in the morning, awake and my thoughts race.
Jotting them down -- re-living my day -- I confuse myself, who did I meet face to face?
A pastor who Katherine knows and Anna knows him too?
He Pastors in Gleneagle... and rides a motorcycle -- who knew?
Today I may not be at the office, although it's almost bringing tears. 
I get to visit a Safeway Starbucks where the barista is so dear.
Wait, I am overthinking how will I get home in time-- 
to visit my favorite Debra and tell her 'bout my confusion hoping she has an instance that relates to mine.
This has me left wondering, what will I do and who will I see?
Perhaps Bid and I will spend quality time and that's enough for me!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Miraculous Monday!

Miracles come in many ways, whether it's as big as having a newborn baby or sleeping in a few more minutes some days. 
Today I made it Starbucks carried by My trusty ole Hotrod,
my arrival was much later so I pretty much missed my entire pod. 
Mr. Rich works a crazy schedule he's here consecutive days and then suddenly he's not,
Mrs. Sherry was just leaving and somebody else was taking her spot.
I did have a chance to talk to Mrs. Bonnie, our chats are always fun,
but before I knew it the time disappeared and I had to take off and go for a run! 
Wait a minute, that right there would be miraculous... but please do not hold your breath.

A New Adventure!

Not getting out of bed this morning at the normal time My adventure started a little later. I left dad's house heading to Starbucks and by car it doesn't seem like it takes that long but traveling via wheelchair I thought I had taken a wrong turn somewhere. I wanted to turn back around but soon discovered I was traveling in the right direction and eventually arrived at the bus stop that would take me to Starbucks. But that is only the beginning of this adventure. Hopping on I had to instantly I had to let my family know I was still alive and that I was headed to Starbucks. I was so engrossed in texting that I didn't realize how fast I would arrive at Starbucks. I looked up as we passed a few stops after the one I meant to get off at. I rode on the bus to the other end of his route and he dropped me off on the other side of the road. I went into Starbucks and missed most of my friends although in a hurry Mr. Dave stopped back by and my favorite Mrs. Bonnie (Rouhani), that lives in Colorado as opposed to my favorite Mrs. Bonnie (Stowers) who taught me Chemistry and Physics during high school in Mississippi, stopped back by. Mrs. Bonnie and I were able to discuss life and help each other out. I thought that I needed to leave by three to get back home on time for my helper Becky. From my calculations I would have plenty of extra time to decompress once I arrived home. 
Let me remind you this was the first day of attempting this from a new location and I didn't ride long enough on the bus so I had to travel through a few neighborhoods. It also didn't help that I had Google Maps set to walking as the mode of transportation so I had to take a few double takes.
The plans I had made thinking I was going to arrive home early abruptly changed when I rolled up into the driveway followed very closely by my helper, Becky. I was so excited when I came inside and got to see Bid and Daddy and it was an added bonus to see my nephew even though I was told just yesterday that he would be here after school most days! With all this excitement not much writing was accomplished but I hope it will be done soon as I have obligations that will keep me home in the morning for a few days. Actually maybe it's only one.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunny Sunday!

Sunny Sunday?
As I lay here when the dawn has not even broke
I pray for sunshine when the day is awoke 
Wonderful Walking Wednesday was put on hold because of the rain,
We're going to try it again we'll each walk in our lane 
What does this mean for the rest of the day? 
I can listen to sermons, wait on God, be still and see what He has to say.
My ears have been cleaned since the last incident,
I hope discernment is more clear
Now I know what He meant!
Hoping for sun on this glorious day
so I can walk and walk all my worries away!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday!
Yesterday my future career was confirmed
It is to be a writer, no ifs, ands, buts, buts-- I learned
that I have been given a gift that I must use
blogging; writing, journaling-- these "silly" poems they just might be the fuse  
that ignites the world of writing-- 
my first book was not enough 
I will accept this job although it will be tough.
The preconceived notion that others may have 
when I say I am a writer-- maybe it's me-- I make  it bad.
All of my work is done internally,
but it is this work that has been released and set me free.
I am so thankful for the confirmation I've received
to pursue writing when "my teacher" she believed!
Others have confirmed, friends even foes;
it's now "my office" becomes my office--
but where my office will be tomorrow only Jesus knows!
So thankful I am for the confirmation along the way,
it finally made sense just yesterday!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Walking Wednesday!

Wonderful Walking Wednesday!
It is a Walking Wednesday we'll go walking with the best,
I'll push my wheelchair 'round and 'round until I need a rest!
Then I will ride in my wheelchair getting tons of fresh air,
We'll walk and walk 'till we turn around and we're missing our dairy air!!
Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday whether you walk or take a ride,
The forecast says the sun will shine 'til behind the clouds it will hide!
Hope you have a Wonderful Waking Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Trailblazer Tuesday!

Trailblazer Tuesday!
Wide awake at 3 am today is the day I am going to try this again.
Elementary work is in my past; it could be in the future if this interview goes better than the last.
Very thankful for the opportunity to explain my skills, will they be the right fit? Can I climb their educational hills?
I will give it all I have and I hope I fit their need,
but if another candidate is chosen then I just wasn't the right seed!
This interview falls on a perfect poem title day, it's a Trailblazer Tuesday and I could have it no other way!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Magical Monday!

Magical Monday!
Today is a Magical Monday where dreams and work come alive,
It will be the best of all days 
when it all comes to fruition 
Everything that you did strive!
That will make your Monday Magical,
But magic it does not have to be,
hard work and dedication will pay off 
just you wait and see!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Sunlight Saturday!

Sunlight Saturday!
Giving out filled backpacks no questions asked-- no plead 
Each child they will head to school with the supplies he or she may need.
The giving is at Discovery Church done by Pikes Peak United Way,
Each person will get a pack filled with different supplies and be ready for the first day!
Hope this will be the sunlight in each recipient's next day of school,
they will be filled with joy and prepared for the year with an assortment of every tool!
We will be there rain or shine as I look at the forecast,
Make your way to Discovery Church,
hurry, I'm not sure how long this will last!

Friday, August 9, 2019


Here I go it's 2 again this cannot become the norm I want to sleep in!
I only wake up to get some relief, but then poems dance in my mind even though my visit with Jon was but a second-' very brief!
This information is too much too much and I need to go
back to the land where nobody knows
if you can run fast enough--
do you ever get away?
Wide awake-- you're up now,
did you save your day?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday!
I lie awake here at 2 a.m. thankful that I could be there again,
I was at West, my former job-- my career
Hoping my days there at work will come oh so near.
Whether I am selected or not, I know the kids will get the best
'Cuz  keeping kids first is how it's done over  West!
So very thankful I was given the time to chat with former coworkers and try to explain why the job should be mine.
Today is new and so thankful I am it's to my office I return
I will process, I will meditate -- about my inner Strength will I learn!
Be thankful for each opportunity you are given every day!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Which Way Wednesday!

Which Way Wednesday!
Excitement is upon us, the day is almost here
When students will return to class and we can help ease every fear 
of learning and of growing-- of facing the world today.
Let's do our best to educate and prepare in every way!
Hope you chose the right way on this Which Way Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Transformed Tuesday!

Transformed Tuesday!
Perhaps yesterday was a bad day to get the week off to a start,
It's the beginning of the week and ya haven't quite learned the art….
of waking up now that summer's gone
there is no more playing out on the lawn.
However there are several days to open up,
each is a present so fill your cup.
Fill it with laughter and with joy and with your dreams
and with patience and success and other pertinent things!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Miiracle Monday!

Miracle Monday!
On this Miracle Monday don't you forget who you are….
A unique blessed individual, as different as every star!
Each person is a miracle just look at the science, you'll see,
Out of trillions of different chromosomes 
Certain ones were knit together to make you-- to make me!
Remember that as the day goes on with everything you face,
that you may not be where you want to be,
but you are in the right place!
Have an AMAZING Miracle Monday!

'Mazing Monday!

'Mazing Monday!
Arriving at the office wondering what picture the day would paint
I ran into Karley, a former co- worker and boy oh boy is she a saint!
She was as an Educational Assistant when we first met,
But now she is painting a picture in her art room at RMS!
She moved from an elementary-- across the hall was were I worked in middle school,
Now she teaches at that grade level making art oh so cool!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sunrisin' Saturday!

Sunrisin' Saturday!
On the sunrisin' Saturday a song I'm going to sing,
And I hope to your face a smile it does bring!
…. This is my message to you ho ho
"Don't worry 'bout a thing
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Singin': "Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"
And that my friend is what I need to remember every day, especially on this sunrisin' Saturday!
Read more: Bob Marley - Three Little Birds Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Not Mine to Throw!

Not Mine to Throw!
The job that I've been given is far more complex than even I can see,
I've been given strict directions to relax and better me!
"Relax, have fun and in every way reduce your stress"
that's what I have been told and the doctors expect no less.
But still I am stressing letting the world's preconceived explanations (the self-imposed ones) get to me,
If only the daily battles I fight everyone else could get a glimpse of-- could see.
Now that is unrealistic, this battle is mine and mine alone,
however if I think that I am alone let me be the one to cast the first stone.

Send Away Sorrow Saturday!

Send Away Sorrow Saturday!
Early in the morning I Iie awake this beautiful day,
no longer am I anxiously waiting for what others have to say--
 'cause what is supposed to be will happen, 
it will happen anyway.
Still it's wide awake I am this morning at only 1AM
so excited for what this new day will bring 
starting all  over once again.
I'm glad God's plan is perfect and will happen in His perfect way--
no matter if I internally scream and shout at the ending of yesterday.
A new day is a comin' in fact it's already here,
but now it's time to lie down and rest again for the rising sun is so very near.
It is already Saturday the day any sorrows are sent away
gearing up for the start of a brand new week but today I'll try to relax and play.
This poem it is a  disaster, but it's too early-- it's what you get,
My thoughts are so discombobulated, they are leaving on a jet!
Sing with me now--
Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again!
Sleep well and be ready to send any of the week's sorrows away!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Flexible Friday!

Today is Friday morning, early as can be
the excitement of today is coming just you wait and see.
What's arrive is unknown that's why each day is so fun,
Ya get prepared for one function but it's to another you do run!
So enjoy every moment wherever it finds you,
Savour and make the best of it, be flexible because you cannot spit it out!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strangely Calm

Strangely Calm
I woke up this morning not panicked, I had not a poem to write.
Although I had glanced at my schedule, I was chillin' and it was nice.
Then I transferred my calendar to my journal everything lined up,
Right now is my only downtime--  The rest of my day is booked!
After reading today's devotion my heart is so at ease 
Because the Lord has gone before me to see that things happen as He does please.
Today will be the best day of every day that I've had yet,
I suddenly became excited, the butterflies (in my stomach) are taking off like a jet!
Hope your day is also exciting and filled with so much joy,
Remember that God has got your back, all you need to do is deploy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Awake at 3:30 feeling so sad,
I must write a poem with hopes to get glad.
I woke up-- I'm dying but wait, aren't we all
I can't let that stop me, I need to go paint mural-- an urban sprawl!
Today's not a good day but maybe the next,
I must first do some planning and consulting 
But I"ll try not to make it too complex!
That's really a comic, I'll go back bed
And not rise again until I have 'happy' in my head!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Movin' It Monday!

Movin' it Monday!
Today, a Movin' it Monday and movin' we will continue to do,
From celebrating a birthday, feelin' the beat yesterday 
to making it home in just a few!!
Excited about the future, what I'm aware of and what I'm not,
I'm holding onto my britches with confident hope it will be a lot!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Singing Saturday!

Singing Saturday!
Today brings us a singing and even if you woke up singing the blues
There is excitement of Lies just in front of you and it will definitely change your tunes.
Go out and enjoy the sunshine as today is supposed to be very warm,
Be sure to drink lots of water,
Even if their plans are to hang out in the dorm.
The day is finally here to go hear reggae and hang out with Jamaican friends,
To increase my education fellowshipping with Rastafarians at the end!

I just realized I missed a whole week of posting poems on this site. If anyone would like him please let me know I'll post them.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Starstruck Saturday!

On this wonderful Saturday I see not a cloud in the sky,
Excitement is now overflowing when yesterday all I could do is sigh. 
Today's plans are filled with excitement to meet with a very good friend,
To plan a little aventure,
a first for both of us,
but a first on different ends.
So on the Starstruck Saturday
don't dodge all of the falling stars
let one strike you without any warning
and let it be a reminder of how awesome you are!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Fantastic Friday!

Fantastic Friday!
An Fantastic Friday is up ahead 
Who knew my dreams would come true
that I'm having as I lie here sleeping in bed? 
My daily poetry was missing for a while but not for long,
Because I'm already back to singing my early morning (or middle of the night) hopeful song!
I'm going to post this and hope that maybe another will come in the morn,
But if not you'll know that it is the middle of the night that these encouraging poems are born!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thankful Thursday!

The poems come out in the morning-- it is what I do,
unless I am on a strict morning schedule unable to process, a brain fog - - a hue.
Slowly the hue will be passing and out wI'll come the wonderful sunshine,
This day will be oh so wonderful for yours and for mine!
For this you can be oh so thankful that you have been given another day
to encourage, inspire, to lift someone up
alter their perspective in a positive way!
Be thankful and excited when you head out the door,
Watching wonderful events occur nd maybe even more!
As you go through this day think of how you can be thankful for everything that occurs.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Waking up this morning excitement fills my mind,
Today is but a present, who knows what you're going to find?
Will today be full of adventures, uncovering the unknown a little more throughout the day,
or will it be full of surprises,
Filing my emotions with excitement,
so much I can hardly contain?
Although I've told my doctors that I write these silly poems,
that it recenters my emotions,
I guess you can call me ET,
And this is how I phone home!
Today is but a present that you can mostly control,
Are you on top, inside of, or standing over
What is your relation to this day as a hole?

Oh my goodness that is so funny, picture is so much,
When these are written it is one side of my brain
And then the reading - - - oh that's a different train!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Daily Adventure Already?

Woke up to take care of business early in the morning  Deciding that I have night vision I didn't turn on the light. I knew my clothes for tomorrow were draped near the toilet but it was early so I also didn't want to risk totally waking myself up by turning on the light (writing this story without using voice texting and taking forever to key this in IS NOT totally waking me up, psh)!
Doing a perfect pirouette when it only needed  to be 25° pirouette to make it on the toilet, I landed on the floor knocking my horse therapy outfit into the large porcelain dish of water. Oh no! I need  to throw my pants in the dryer. If I turn on the dryer it might be a disturbance so I will drape them. I sure hope horses don't mind a wet rider!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Things we take for granted.

I read slow and my brain goes fast. Even while I was working at a school I wasn't too fond of reading, but when students needed it, I would read. I have been asked several times by eye doctors, therapists, counselors, and other professionals if I see double. I answered no in utter confusion because I'm not quite sure what that would look like.
I do enjoy reading devotional and inspiration books as they are mostly short passages I sometimes refer to sections of the Bible that can be looked up on the computer for easier tracking. After receiving His Princess, Love Letters from Your King (a small, devotion like sectioned book) yesterday, I have decided that I want to read this actual book everyday and reflect on the fact that with my type of brain injury I am so lucky to be able to read even though it might be slow. Often times there are things that we do so naturally that we just take them for granted, and even though I don't do it so naturally now I still take the ability to read and even to see for granted. Recently I was told that to think about three things that I'm grateful for before beginning the day. This morning I am very grateful that I can read, I'm grateful that I don't have double vision and I'm thankful for my vacation home.


Saturday, January 19, 2019

Starbucks #11919

     Josh when I went into the Falcon Starbucks in the Safeway and were spending some Kimi and Joshua time. I hadn't given him $5 for his Starbucks card. When he purchased the two things he needed to in order to fulfill a star streak ending today it was more than $5. As I was pulling out the change a stranger, Mr. Bill behind us said, “here I will just pay for it. What did you say oh I will just pay for it.” An absolute complete stranger but he is part of the family of God! This reminds me a song from my childhood at First Baptist Church in Security, family of God! As I previously mentioned, I have been given complete peace about life and how I've had sudden changes arise. The only thing that I'm a little unsure about is because I haven't yet found a job although I went to an interview and it was so amazing! But I still do not know about that job. And if you will please continue to pray with me about finding a job. The song Trust and Obey is playing in my head.

Friday, January 4, 2019

The Lost Earring

           I was recently given amazing earrings by my future stepson. Filled with excitement last night as I picked out my clothes for today realizing I had a brand new pair of fabulous 60s looking earrings to wear oh, my outfit was complete. The new earrings didn't even have backs on them - - you know, the Christmas hook type of earring backs. I put them in this morning with my halfway 60s outfit for the conference and I was so excited!
           Arriving at the conference I had the new earrings in and I was thrilled to show them off. Before I even made it to the first breakout session location, I realized that one of the earrings had already fallen out. How in the world did this happen? The Christmas hook like earring backs did not stay in on one side at least... I was devastated. I told one of the ESP conference workers that I had lost my earring and I showed her about where I was that I knew it fell out but I didn't have time to look and people walking everywhere. She told me to go to the breakout session and that she would look for it. I had totally forgotten about my missing earring after all of the exciting sessions that I had been to, especially after the amazing keynote speaker, Craig Zablocki. They had given away most of the door prizes at the end of the conference and I still I had not thought about my earrings. All the sudden I was approached and handed a small bag with my earring. The amazing ESP conference worker had told me she would look for it at the beginning of the day had found my earring! Not only had this conference been absolutely amazing full of useful information, the addition to my 60’s outfit I had had been lost was found!
            I was glad I was able to bring both of my earrings back home but I was even more excited that my earrings would be fixed before the night was over. After I had explained what happened, the supplies were purchased to fix my earrings. Almost the instant I got home Joshua was excited to fix my earrings and make them secure. I now have have brand new pair earrings with wonderful securing fasteners on them.  

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


I was kind of nervous about all of the events that are happening in my life however they seem to be falling together so perfectly. At the family gathering to ring in the new year I mentioned what was happening in my life. After praying about receiving clear discretion for a while, it may be happening. If it is,  why am I so apprehensive? After all, this is in God's hands.
          During a Bible study I was reminded that even if something not part of God's will, events may still fall into place-- God allowance doesn't always mean God's approval. After having a wonderful meeting with my cousin Randi I was reminded to pray for clarity along with additional benefits from God. Will you please pray with me for discernment and Stillness to hear God's voice and understand if this is what is best...
          Sitting at a different Starbucks I was not just observing other people and coming up with stories about events in their life, I conversed with the barista and talked about her enjoyment of Starbucks and the vast differences between two particular locations. Eventually I was sitting there composing this story watching Charles play cards with his children... and every so often I would get a huge squeeze and an “I love you Miss Kimi” from one of the boys. Pestering the two random strangers in the store, the second one, Josh, was the reason we were there.
         Josh explained his college plans at Colorado Christian University and as child- like excitement welled up in me I explained my time at CCU. I gave him a quick summary of what I was trying to handle and...THIS JUST NOW ENTERED MY MIND, I've sought God's, family member’s, and friends approval but what about mine? What do I think? Yes, certain areas differ from the “norm” in each of our lives tremendously due to what life has handed each of us, but will dealing with these be fun? I am often told that I can ask for as many opinions as there are stars in the sky, but it all comes down to my decision. Side note: Frontal Lobe damage hinders decision making which could be why I write blogs before deciding-- I write them,  sleep on it, re- read them being removed from the situation (I don't always remember what I am dealing with). Then I think about what I would do if I were her. Remember that I am actually her.
Back to the story, I have sought God and Godly counsel but now it is up to me… Signing out as I attempt to be still...