Saturday, June 27, 2020

Savannah / Shannon Saturday!!

Sleep 12:10am
Awake 3:30
Savannah/Shannon Saturday!!
Okay friends, I normally do not use a person's name when coming up with random names for the day but the outfit I have picked out for tomorrow is a shirt I got from the Color Me Rad 5K that Savannah, Shannon and some other nurses and I ran. This also ties into the Bible study title - A True Friend. I'm aware that I said I would not tie them all together all the time but when it happens to work, it happens.

“At that time Mary got ready and hurried to town in the hill country of Judea, when she entered Zacharias home and greeted [her relative] Elizabeth.” 
Luke 1: 39 - 40

When Mary heard God's promise that she would give birth to the Messiah, she wisely went to be with a friend - one who would speak life, hope, faith, and blessing over her and her child. She stayed with her cousin Elizabeth for three months. There Mary was protected, provided for, and loved as our promised Savior grew in her womb.

When God gives us a promise, it normally begins in seed form just as the baby Jesus did - and what we do with that seed is crucial. As we plant it in nutritious soil and water it daily with faith, we also rely on the people with whom we share those dreams and promises. Wisely chosen friends can offer us support that’s invaluable to the unfolding of our dreams.

Just like Mary ran to Elizabeth, surround yourself with people of faith and prayer, people who you believe in you, who are committed to you,  and who are committed to helping you run the race well. Whether through Church, from your family, or by some other blessed connection, ask God to fill your life with true friends, for His glory.

Lord, please bless me with true friends - and help me be the kind of friend who supports, prays, encourages, and loves with Your love.   

Even though numerous professionals have described what stress can do to one's brain and especially to my already injured brain, I never fully accepted what they said. I didn't believe it until now. Now that I don't deal with nearly as much stress as I did in Higher Education and working for the public education system. Although finishing high school and going to college were definitely part of this job (or at least I made them part of this job for me). The job I was given by God on 3/21/01 that I never fully accepted was cerebellum reconstruction and rehabilitation -- rebuilding neural connections. I will be reaccepting it as often as needed and with God as my boss, my specific job changes daily. After spending years in college and working in education, I am finally letting this job be my life--thanks for the forced encouragement quarentine!

Perhaps you're thinking, “didn't she just write about this?” Maybe I did, but welcome to the life of my brain injury-- ideas circle 'round and 'round and 'round in my head until I do something with the thought. What do I choose to do with the thought? Journal. So maybe one day, before I write this story again, I will look back in my journal to see whether or not I have written about it, but I am not making any promises. Isn't that the fun of keeping a journal-- being able to look back at things and see how about one time in life a situation was viewed one way but now it is viewed completely different?

Oh wow that took me about an hour and a half, and I just realized I didn't tie it into tomorrow’s (Saturday’s) devotion.

As I reread the devotion I realized that God has put amazing people in my life. They have been encouraging me to live this way before I ever thought about doing it. I love and am so thankful for my family and friends.

It is such a God thing to kindly, softly, gently and continuously show us the way that He has for us to go until we are ready to hear His voice and actually listen. Not listen just to hear, but listen, understand (gnosco), and do! And now, I think I’m doin’!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Not Bad People + a word


A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed on the other side. So too, a levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.” Luke 10: 31 - 32

Read today's passenger again. Nowhere does Jesus say that the priest and Levite were bad people. But we know from the way Jesus referred to them - - priest and Levite - - that they were busy people and religious people. They were focused on staying on schedule, keeping their appointments, and obeying God's commandments. They were so focused that they ended up walking past someone they should have helped.

Busy. Religious. Not bad. But let's ask ourselves the tough question: When have I been so focused on the people I've chosen to help that I've walked past other hurting people who God put right in my path to help? 

Let's start today being free from the kind of business that is really rooted in fear - fear of falling behind or falling short, damaging our reputations or letting others down. I must quit being busy or religious. Let's look past our business and seek His heart for people. Then, we can minister as He would mister, out of the overflow of love in our heart.

Holy Spirit, please give me eyes to see the people around me the way Jesus does, and I'll minister to them the way You would, with love and compassion.

Wow, this makes me recognize many different things on several levels. How often have I been too busy or religious that I've overlooked what God has right in front of my face? 

Father God pray that You will help me refocus on living what life is not what it could be. Thank you so much for the friends who help me realize that I am wasting so much living what 'could be' forgetting that ultimately Your plan will prevail regardless of what I do.

For example, I started filming myself cooking and completing daily tasks that most people would find easy for disability groups I am part of. Much to my surprise I've gotten more comments and encouragement to keep filming from able-bodied people. Thank you guys so much!

Sunday, June 7, 2020



“God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

It's a message we see throughout our culture: “You can have it all!” It's an appealing thought that easily can compel us to seek after all we want. But there's so much more for us than this unattainable goal. For real fulfillment in life, our pursuits and dreams should result from seeking first the kingdom of God and His guidance for our lives, trusting Him to give us all we need when we need it.

When you receive from God all you need rather than striving on your own for all you want, you will know peace. You will be free from stress, anxiety, and too many hours at work. When you choose to put God first in your life, He will provide all that you need in order for you to do what He wanted you to do. When you aren't doing the good works God planned for you, you will fulfill your purpose - - and always, have all the time, energy, and resources you need to do those work.

Seek God first today, and he will bless your life abundantly, for your good and His glory.

Thank You, Lord, for guiding me and providing all I need, and blessing me beyond what I could want or expect.

The truth of God being all I need is becoming more and more evident since I stopped trying to control what I thought was best in my life and allowed God to be in complete control!

Friday, June 5, 2020


I know that my redeemer lives. Job 19:25

God grows our faith in good times and hard times, but, truth be told, usually more in hard times. A faith that can't weather the storms of life doesn't do us much good, but learning to weather those storms requires experience in them. And God and His mercy promises to be our Redeemer and carry us through.

Job was a man in the Bible whose wife told him to curse God when he lost everything in a cataclysmic series of events. Definitely unhelpful, but certainly understandable.

Job replied to her with Godly wisdom, “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” (Job 2:10). With the storm raging around him and undoubtedly within him as well, Job nonetheless landed on “I know that my redeemer lives” (19:25).

Maybe you have found yourself facing circumstances that seem unfair, or loss that seems unbearable. I know that your pain is real and should never be minimized - and it may never be understood. That's why our Redeemer lives - and despite how painful today may be, He will not let us be tested beyond our strength (1 Corinthians 10:13). He longs to build you up and set you free. He longs to carry your cares and sustain you (Psalm 55:22).

Lord, I know that You live. You Are my Redeemer. Help me to cling to Your wisdom in hard times and keep hope in Your ultimate deliverance.

There have been times life has felt unbearable and I'm sure there I'll be many more. Even though sometimes I feel like it may not be working, I try to cling to God and the Hope I have in Him because my Hope is found in nothing less than Jesus'  blood and righteousness. I dare not trust  the sweetest frame, I wholly lean on Jesus' name!

On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand…

Make sure to stand on a firm foundation-- Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020



{Our God} is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He. Deuteronomy 32:4

I was on a boat on the Mediterranean Sea when a sudden and rather strong storm arose. The boat was rocking like crazy, but the captain was completely calm. As an experienced sailor who knew storms like this one, he had dropped the anchor. He knew that as long as the anchor kept a firm hold, his vessel - - and passengers  - - would be fine. The captain's confidence in the anchor brought me great comfort.

Of course, this talk about the anchor made me think about our hope and God that is “an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19). Anchored in the knowledge of God, His promises, His faithfulness, His guidance, and His unfailing love, our souls are secure for now and eternity.

As you journey through this life, waves will get big and winds will blow strong. If your hope is in your possessions, your position, or other people's opinions, you might start taking on water and perhaps even find yourself shipwrecked. But when you are anchored in the Lord, you will weather the storms of life no matter how fierce they get. He will guide you, uphold you, and keep you anchored to Himself. 

I praise You, Lord, for You are my Rock, my Fortress, my Stronghold, and, yes, my Anchor! Thank you for keeping me secure in the storms of life.

Oh my goodness God is so awesome! Why I get surprised every time this happens (everyday), I don't know.

I woke up very catawampus because I made the huge mistake of taking a nap again yesterday so I had already been up at 3 in the morning. Somehow I had convinced myself to stay in bed for a few more hours -- CRUD! I did not even think about praying, meditating or working on any of those fall-back-asleep-skills I researched yesterday-- well I thought about praying but I want to pray about what the devotion is about and I don't want to wake up enough to go get my devotion. Ya know I think it would be okay if I just prayed about other stuff but I didn't think about that when I was awake (Actually I did but my mind was wondering what the devotion could be about -- all I had typed was AN ANCHOR FOR THE SOUL. Instead of thinking about what that could mean my brain was just caught up in the fact that I had not dictated the whole devotion for today.

Wow that was a lot of crazy thoughts, but anyway when my mind is going crazy I need to drop my anchor (God) and let Him keep my mind from going everywhere. You know what I am realizing is that I have so many things going on simultaneously in my brain, unless I see it written -- not being mixed around in my thoughts-- it's hard to implement and act upon. 

Now I will hopefully remember this devotion and picture myself writing on/reading off an anchor (God) as He holds my thoughts secure (uncatawampus). 

Monday, June 1, 2020


The angel said to her “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call him Jesus.” Luke 1:30 - 31

When God chose young - and betrothed - Mary to carry, birth, and raise Jesus Christ, the son of God, it was the greatest honor for any woman in history. But it was hardly an easy assignment. It was, however, incredibly filled with purpose - purpose that required His divine favor.

The future didn't look easy for Mary. She would have to tell her fiance, family, and friends about her conversation with Gabriel and she - unlike us - did not know how the story would end. I'm sure that, after the angel left, Mary anxiously wondered if Joseph would leave her, if her family would ostracize her, or if her friends would ridicule her. How would anyone believe her story? It could cost her everything she knew. Yet she still said yes to the will and purpose of God.

We all want God's favor - but it's much more than everything going our way. To live in the true favor of God, we must be willing to accept His divine assignments and all their ramifications. We must embrace the responsibility, cost, and commitment favor requires. We must be willing to fulfil the purpose of the favor.

Lord, I choose your purposes - and I thank You for the favor to complete Your purposes.

The accident I was in that caused my life changing brain injury was not God's fault nor had He planned it. Yes, He is an all-knowing Father and knows the beginning to the and knew that I would be in an accident. However, we as humans have free will- - would I choose to allow the situation to pull me away from God or closer to Him?

Life after my accident has not been a walk in the park but I can see God using the ups and downs of my life to bring me and other believers closer to Him.
This devotion talks about being willing to accept God's Divine assignments-- I have never thought to call them Divine assignments, but thinking about my previous writings and my prayer journal, I've called situations that God has put me in at my office Divine appointments.

A lot of this took place before Starbucks actually became my office and I've dealt with a few pride issues when describing how Starbucks is my office. God is showing me in some of the most amazing ways that pride is not a character trait of God and He is in control!

With the world in such a crisis and our country going through major issues, I praise God for such an amazing Devotion to move my attention from such a dismal perspective. I hope you will join me in this celebration of life that we are living and have the most amazing day!