Friday, August 30, 2019

Freakin' Friday!

Freakin' Friday!
On this Freakin' Friday hold onto your hats and don't freak out,
There will be one day added to the weekend...a free day?!? Scream and shout!
So enjoy friends and family and all the festivities too,
Go out to the park for Labor Day Lift Off where you might see a balloon or two!
I hope your day is absolutely marvelous preparing for the fun,
Even though it's not in the forecast I hope there will be some sun!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thirty Thursday!

Thirsty Thursday!
Waking up this morning I needed to quench my thirst,
I had a thirst for life, my excitement bubble was about to burst.
With so many fun plans on the docket, I don't know what to choose or pick first!
After a few appointments gonna dive into The Word.
I'll kick and paddle around for a bit, for His voice I'll wait-- I'll sit!
My mouth will be numb--I'll be droolin'
Not able to talk for a bit.
But I will be thirsty on this Thursday, too much medication not given a  $@#!!
(only for the sake of poetry!)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Wide Awake Wednesday!

It is 12:15 in the morning and I have this need, this urge
To write the poem for the morning,
When I normally have an energy surge!
I only have one set appointment, then it's to the school or to the office I will go
Someone find out and tell me quick because where I will be not even I am sure I know?!?

Tare 'em Up Tuesday!

Although it is not in the morning the poetry still comes.
This day was started with some errands that absolutely had to be run.
From turning in legal documents to equine therapy at the marvelous Reigning Hope,
Then I showed up at my sisters, and it was a pizza party with my new favorite little sisters-' they definitely widen my microscope!
Next Bid and I had quality time if that's what it can be called,
it was preceded by a mouthful of dessert whipped cream for me myself and I (yes, daddy shared)!
My poetry it's not poetic, I must go to bed,
Maybe a poem will come in the morning after I rest my cattywampus head!
Oh yes I forgot to mention the reason for the title,
At my sister's I shot a bow and I sent the arrow flyin'!
So it was later the title I was given a Tare 'em up Tuesday today would be
But now it's inside of my eyelids my eyes are begging "Oh please let me see!"

Monday, August 26, 2019

Magical Monday!

Magical Monday!
It's back to work/school we head with a Magical Monday on the horizon.
Let's open up at book and find the adventure that lies within!
Books are amazing-- oh the places you'll go!
While one may read and picture themselves in Paris, another can cover the exact information that one needs to know!
a trip lead by your imagination, it's something not everyone will enjoy-- you are the only one!
So head to the library-- pull out a new favorite book,
Head back to the classroom and nestle yourself in quiet reading nook!
This is why it's a Magical Monday
one's going to school but can end up in any other place,
Just pull out a book and read, embark on the adventures-- the princes or demons you'll face!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday!
Headed back to West today I am,
I will be in the library with Mrs. Smee again!
That is where my educational career began years ago when I was an employee working with Jiji-- a penguin who does math, a fan I am!
I am so excited, the students I will see helping with their education--
the librarian and me!
So thankful for this opportunity and I've been given,
It's a stress free life that the doctors recommend I should be livin'!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wondering Wednesday!

Three o' clock in the morning, awake and my thoughts race.
Jotting them down -- re-living my day -- I confuse myself, who did I meet face to face?
A pastor who Katherine knows and Anna knows him too?
He Pastors in Gleneagle... and rides a motorcycle -- who knew?
Today I may not be at the office, although it's almost bringing tears. 
I get to visit a Safeway Starbucks where the barista is so dear.
Wait, I am overthinking how will I get home in time-- 
to visit my favorite Debra and tell her 'bout my confusion hoping she has an instance that relates to mine.
This has me left wondering, what will I do and who will I see?
Perhaps Bid and I will spend quality time and that's enough for me!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Miraculous Monday!

Miracles come in many ways, whether it's as big as having a newborn baby or sleeping in a few more minutes some days. 
Today I made it Starbucks carried by My trusty ole Hotrod,
my arrival was much later so I pretty much missed my entire pod. 
Mr. Rich works a crazy schedule he's here consecutive days and then suddenly he's not,
Mrs. Sherry was just leaving and somebody else was taking her spot.
I did have a chance to talk to Mrs. Bonnie, our chats are always fun,
but before I knew it the time disappeared and I had to take off and go for a run! 
Wait a minute, that right there would be miraculous... but please do not hold your breath.

A New Adventure!

Not getting out of bed this morning at the normal time My adventure started a little later. I left dad's house heading to Starbucks and by car it doesn't seem like it takes that long but traveling via wheelchair I thought I had taken a wrong turn somewhere. I wanted to turn back around but soon discovered I was traveling in the right direction and eventually arrived at the bus stop that would take me to Starbucks. But that is only the beginning of this adventure. Hopping on I had to instantly I had to let my family know I was still alive and that I was headed to Starbucks. I was so engrossed in texting that I didn't realize how fast I would arrive at Starbucks. I looked up as we passed a few stops after the one I meant to get off at. I rode on the bus to the other end of his route and he dropped me off on the other side of the road. I went into Starbucks and missed most of my friends although in a hurry Mr. Dave stopped back by and my favorite Mrs. Bonnie (Rouhani), that lives in Colorado as opposed to my favorite Mrs. Bonnie (Stowers) who taught me Chemistry and Physics during high school in Mississippi, stopped back by. Mrs. Bonnie and I were able to discuss life and help each other out. I thought that I needed to leave by three to get back home on time for my helper Becky. From my calculations I would have plenty of extra time to decompress once I arrived home. 
Let me remind you this was the first day of attempting this from a new location and I didn't ride long enough on the bus so I had to travel through a few neighborhoods. It also didn't help that I had Google Maps set to walking as the mode of transportation so I had to take a few double takes.
The plans I had made thinking I was going to arrive home early abruptly changed when I rolled up into the driveway followed very closely by my helper, Becky. I was so excited when I came inside and got to see Bid and Daddy and it was an added bonus to see my nephew even though I was told just yesterday that he would be here after school most days! With all this excitement not much writing was accomplished but I hope it will be done soon as I have obligations that will keep me home in the morning for a few days. Actually maybe it's only one.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunny Sunday!

Sunny Sunday?
As I lay here when the dawn has not even broke
I pray for sunshine when the day is awoke 
Wonderful Walking Wednesday was put on hold because of the rain,
We're going to try it again we'll each walk in our lane 
What does this mean for the rest of the day? 
I can listen to sermons, wait on God, be still and see what He has to say.
My ears have been cleaned since the last incident,
I hope discernment is more clear
Now I know what He meant!
Hoping for sun on this glorious day
so I can walk and walk all my worries away!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday!
Yesterday my future career was confirmed
It is to be a writer, no ifs, ands, buts, buts-- I learned
that I have been given a gift that I must use
blogging; writing, journaling-- these "silly" poems they just might be the fuse  
that ignites the world of writing-- 
my first book was not enough 
I will accept this job although it will be tough.
The preconceived notion that others may have 
when I say I am a writer-- maybe it's me-- I make  it bad.
All of my work is done internally,
but it is this work that has been released and set me free.
I am so thankful for the confirmation I've received
to pursue writing when "my teacher" she believed!
Others have confirmed, friends even foes;
it's now "my office" becomes my office--
but where my office will be tomorrow only Jesus knows!
So thankful I am for the confirmation along the way,
it finally made sense just yesterday!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Walking Wednesday!

Wonderful Walking Wednesday!
It is a Walking Wednesday we'll go walking with the best,
I'll push my wheelchair 'round and 'round until I need a rest!
Then I will ride in my wheelchair getting tons of fresh air,
We'll walk and walk 'till we turn around and we're missing our dairy air!!
Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday whether you walk or take a ride,
The forecast says the sun will shine 'til behind the clouds it will hide!
Hope you have a Wonderful Waking Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Trailblazer Tuesday!

Trailblazer Tuesday!
Wide awake at 3 am today is the day I am going to try this again.
Elementary work is in my past; it could be in the future if this interview goes better than the last.
Very thankful for the opportunity to explain my skills, will they be the right fit? Can I climb their educational hills?
I will give it all I have and I hope I fit their need,
but if another candidate is chosen then I just wasn't the right seed!
This interview falls on a perfect poem title day, it's a Trailblazer Tuesday and I could have it no other way!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Magical Monday!

Magical Monday!
Today is a Magical Monday where dreams and work come alive,
It will be the best of all days 
when it all comes to fruition 
Everything that you did strive!
That will make your Monday Magical,
But magic it does not have to be,
hard work and dedication will pay off 
just you wait and see!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Sunlight Saturday!

Sunlight Saturday!
Giving out filled backpacks no questions asked-- no plead 
Each child they will head to school with the supplies he or she may need.
The giving is at Discovery Church done by Pikes Peak United Way,
Each person will get a pack filled with different supplies and be ready for the first day!
Hope this will be the sunlight in each recipient's next day of school,
they will be filled with joy and prepared for the year with an assortment of every tool!
We will be there rain or shine as I look at the forecast,
Make your way to Discovery Church,
hurry, I'm not sure how long this will last!

Friday, August 9, 2019


Here I go it's 2 again this cannot become the norm I want to sleep in!
I only wake up to get some relief, but then poems dance in my mind even though my visit with Jon was but a second-' very brief!
This information is too much too much and I need to go
back to the land where nobody knows
if you can run fast enough--
do you ever get away?
Wide awake-- you're up now,
did you save your day?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday!
I lie awake here at 2 a.m. thankful that I could be there again,
I was at West, my former job-- my career
Hoping my days there at work will come oh so near.
Whether I am selected or not, I know the kids will get the best
'Cuz  keeping kids first is how it's done over  West!
So very thankful I was given the time to chat with former coworkers and try to explain why the job should be mine.
Today is new and so thankful I am it's to my office I return
I will process, I will meditate -- about my inner Strength will I learn!
Be thankful for each opportunity you are given every day!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Which Way Wednesday!

Which Way Wednesday!
Excitement is upon us, the day is almost here
When students will return to class and we can help ease every fear 
of learning and of growing-- of facing the world today.
Let's do our best to educate and prepare in every way!
Hope you chose the right way on this Which Way Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Transformed Tuesday!

Transformed Tuesday!
Perhaps yesterday was a bad day to get the week off to a start,
It's the beginning of the week and ya haven't quite learned the art….
of waking up now that summer's gone
there is no more playing out on the lawn.
However there are several days to open up,
each is a present so fill your cup.
Fill it with laughter and with joy and with your dreams
and with patience and success and other pertinent things!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Miiracle Monday!

Miracle Monday!
On this Miracle Monday don't you forget who you are….
A unique blessed individual, as different as every star!
Each person is a miracle just look at the science, you'll see,
Out of trillions of different chromosomes 
Certain ones were knit together to make you-- to make me!
Remember that as the day goes on with everything you face,
that you may not be where you want to be,
but you are in the right place!
Have an AMAZING Miracle Monday!

'Mazing Monday!

'Mazing Monday!
Arriving at the office wondering what picture the day would paint
I ran into Karley, a former co- worker and boy oh boy is she a saint!
She was as an Educational Assistant when we first met,
But now she is painting a picture in her art room at RMS!
She moved from an elementary-- across the hall was were I worked in middle school,
Now she teaches at that grade level making art oh so cool!