Thursday, June 30, 2022


Prior to proofreading on an actual computer.

Reading messages from friends that will not use an adequate way to communicate was making me so crazy this morning. After letting this occur for too long I decided to go to Starbucks, my office. I remembered about my awesome new "Kimi's Kitchen" Starbucks cup but I didn't think I had any planned appointments so I thought that I had just wasted my time when suddenly an amazingly beautiful lady struck up a conversation (I also realized that I hadn't washed it out yet). Come to find out she is a teacher at an elementary school! This made me reminisce on the amazing time I was able to spend at West Elementary/Middle School. 

The beautiful lady, Laura, was only the second person I met and the excitement of my new newly assigned Laura neuron made it a little tough to sit there after after after our chat.

One thing led to another and God opened doors left and right. I am so excited that, even if it was only for a few minutes, we were able to connect. I am so excited about what God has in store!


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wonderful Wednesday!

I decided to leave my "home" coffee shop, to go on an adventure and experiment going to another Meetup Group. Luckily I arrived before Third Space got completely crowded so I didn't feel rushed by anyone waiting behind me. The baristas were so incredibly friendly. The group was one I had been to but the people that were available to meet varies. After a few minutes of sitting there because I was an hour early I decided to go talk to a person who I thought was random

however it turned out to be Frank, a leader of the group. At times I was just sitting there being a fly on the wall as these men discussed life however this made my neurons fire like crazy and I got so excited! As I'm sitting here expounding the notes I during the meet up I am getting so excited all over again! I may or may not add to this, but I need to go live life while it's still daylight. Oh wait I need to write a poem….

Wonderful Wednesday!

On Wonderful Wednesday plans have changed and normally I'd be sad, 

but life is so amazing the things God has in-store and not be bad!

I mentioned that I was going to put rhyming and be so juvenile, that I did say

however better poems come unexpectedly--when I'm not trying, maybe later today!

Thank you for baristas for being so amazing and for the fantastic meet up!

Friday, June 17, 2022


On this Freedom Friday it's the end of this work week for some but not for all
Outside the temperature is rising-- listen carefully- summer activities they do call!
Forget not your morning cup of joe no matter what blend your favorite may be,
If you stay in Starbucks cafe for more than one cup,
with a Starbucks card your refill of coffee or tea is priceless- not breathtaking but absolutely free!
Okay I sound like a salesperson but I'm shaking with excitement and ready to go--
to head to my office and increase excitatory neuronal activity, with familiar faces to see-
come on sunlight all day long it's your show! 4:10am
Listening to Robert Jeffers this morning I'm reminded to do God's work!

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Sunshineless Saturday so far…

2:08 am Sunshineless Saturday so far…

Saturday oh Saturday you are hidden behind the dark early morning sky,

So tired-

My mind starts to drift to unwanted places so I turn on instrumental Christian music and remember that God, He's my guy!

Soon I'll have to get ready to see Douglas a very awesome friend,

traveling from far far away, I'm not sure when I'll see him again.

So I need to close my eyes, getting much needed neurological consolidation,

Then I'll rise full of energy ready for today's vacation! 2:40



For a very unknown reason I feel so very free! That's because the one holding me down was nobody but me!

It has taken much of the week to reorganize, recategorize my brain,

What exactly I mean by that I will take no time to explain!

I have been praying and attempting for these random poems to return

But this nonsense cannot be conjured up in my mind with any effort I have learned.

I'm sure those last two lines make any sort of Good Ol sense,

'Tis now I will attempt to close my eyes-

Return back to slumber I've been where I came from-- whence?