Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Too Prepared?

Too Prepared?

After getting ready this morning I headed to the kitchen. I knew I wanted to eat the other slice of French toast I had made yesterday that I so carefully slipped into an oversized Ziploc bag on the plate. Opening the fridge there was no French toast to be found-- I was distraught. I opened the freezer remembering that Ma had stopped by and dropped off a few needed items yesterday including waffles. I pulled out the waffles growing extremely ecstatic because these want just any waffles, they were Belgium waffles-- huge and fluffy! These waffles may not be vegan but I'm not going to turn away a gift. I stuck the huge waffles in the magical toaster and while they were toasting I grabbed the vegan butter out of the fridge and was planning to stick it in the microwave for a few seconds. I opened the microwave and what did I find? My plate with French toast. I turned on the microwave for a few seconds just as the Belgium waffles popped up from the toaster. I immediately put them back in the wrapper and into the freezer. I heated up the French toast that was already buttered, put syrup on it and happily ate my French toast. So I already have breakfast for tomorrow cooked but it is in the freezer.

Welcome Wednesday!

Welcome Wednesday!

Here we are it's another day-- of quarantine so at home we must stay!

As bad as some want to frolic about,

we shall stay safer at home but to our neighbors we can shout!

So exciting this day will be,

Who knows what will happen let's just wait and see!

Side note this is what happens when it's a not wash your hair day

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cold Supper!

Moms often say they're used to eating dinner cold because by the time they get all of the kids ready for dinner their plate is cold. I can understand that even though I don't have any children.

I made this awesome dinner tonight-- fried asparagus topped with vegan cheese and miniature potatoes... I just now realize as I write this that I think I need to make something to go with it. Anyway, I cooked it all on the stove except the potatoes because instructions are to microwave them. It was pretty amazing. As I was frying the asparagus I  was using all kinds of seasoning, something I never do… okay the seasoning was a little bit of what my step mom or dad sent to my house. I knew I was saving that for some reason. So after preparing the amazing meal, I went to sit down and my devotion was where I was going to set the plate. I realized I haven't posted today's devotion or yesterday's! I moved my plate away and it took a long time to get the pictures taken so I could post the devotions. Boy oh boy are they amazing devotions!

Before I remembered where I had set the plate I looked in the kitchen ready to go grab a bite and the plate was not anywhere. I thought "where is my plate of yummy food?" Then I remembered that while I was trying to take pictures I set it in the chair next to me and after I found it I did grab a bite every once in a while. Now that I'm done posting, the plate is almost empty. I am still hungry, perhaps that was lunch. I am so glad I have more home cooked meals that my mom keeps stocked  in my freezer! 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Starting Over Sunday!

It is a Starting Over Sunday, the week begins again!

We get to hear more about Jesus and how he washes away our sin!

For Him, forgiveness is easy unlike it is for many of us,

We like to carry our sins, keep them and hold them--

Instead of sending them away on the Jesus bus!

I can say this because I'm guilty of doing much the same!

If I cannot handle dealing with sins myself,

I begin to believe I'm lame!

Recently I've been given freedom when I told God what was going on,

How people get stuck and offended by seeing things one way,

I'm over here in utter confusion letting misunderstanding set me on fire and have a hayday!

I'm so thankful this was described to me

By a lady so sweet so kind,

but like most things most things it didn't make absolute sense

until being told the same thing by several different people-- they explained it and now I feel fine!

I am concerned about those that just get mad and never communicate,

I can give it to God, hope that one day they understand and God willing-- lose the hate!

Hope you have a great Starting Over Sunday,

The week is fresh and new

I pray our state will open up

Only if it is safe- - so much to do!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wintry but Warmer Wednesday!

Waking up the meteorologist says it is oh so cold,

but it is warmer than yesterday to go outside you'd still have to be oh so bold!

I've been prepared for this as I've tried to hoard,

But I was convinced not to do it in my new place with nothing more than an extra cord!

I haven't yet had to water down milk but with that juice I should have done,

Because now that I need more,it's to the store I can't run :-(

Have a great Wintry Wednesday although it's warmer than before,

If you just wait for a little while there might be a delivery at my door... I hope

Oh my goodness that is so hilarious!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sunny Saturday!!

Sunny Saturday!

Welcome to this sunny Saturday

Be sure to step outside (keeping your social distance of course),

But then return to your lovely abode,

It's for the health workers we'll stay inside!

When all of this is over, I hope we'll realize the gift of everyday,

The importance of together time--

of fellowshipping, of going to play!

I hope you have a Sunny Saturday that you enjoy this glorious time,

After all it is the weekend and the way of looking at it is creating a new paradigm! Don't forget to smile on this Sunny Saturday!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Salad for Breakfast?

I love being given unintentional challenges ... a friend recently told me that he really likes Basil & Barley Pizzeria Napoletana and how he was really excited that they deliver now. I have read posts about him going to this restaurant and how it's really good so I definitely wanted to try it! He told me that they only deliver within a certain radius of the store basically telling me  that I would not be able to get it. That was a definite challenge to me. 

Many things were going through my head like how my location of living provides optimal self- efficiency, well that is when the world is not going through a crisis. And how since my brain injury I thrive off of being given challenges. I mean I look at everything

 as a challenge. Even when a doctor told me I would not be able to get my PhD in Psychology and practice because I have a brain injury, I thought that was a challenge. Until in grad school at Colorado Christian University where they explained that I cannot get my Ph.D and practice because in this state there's a law against it, they even took the time to show me. That doctor may have been right about me not getting my Ph.D, but I do have my own practice!

I called the pizza place yesterday which probably wasn't a good idea because I didn't want to order anything, I just wanted to see if they would deliver to my house. I didn't even want to order anything today as I did prepare my lunch while I made breakfast but I did decide to order something to celebrate Good Friday! Now I am really excited about getting this pizza to go with a salad I made this morning!

Good Friday!

Today is Friday and many call it good,

whether you life is faith driven

or you believe a man hung on some wood.

Today is Friday-- 

even Jesus Christ knew that Fridays were good!

We are a day further in defining this new normal, 

it's a brand new start at chasing the same old dreams--

….. my brain is going everywhere this morning, how long you finish this?

Thursday, April 9, 2020

More than ever a Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday!

More than ever today is a Thankful Thursday, rise and shine-- thank God that you are still alive!

Inhale and feel your nose tickle, exhale- - jump jive!

What lies ahead is unknown just be as ready as can be,

So when the day is over you can reflect over each accomplishment and smile over what you can see!

Thank you for helping out in all the ways you do,

Especially while the world is going through this pandemic, this situation called the beer flu?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Cold Meal!

Waking up a little later than normal for my middle of the night bladder relief, I laid back down and started looking for a place that offers delivery for donuts. I spent a good hour doing this even though nothing was open at that time in the morning. Then, because I finished a life water bottle full of water when I woke up even though I never fell asleep, I rushed to the bathroom -- I had to go again. That time I happened to get on the scale. I looked at the scale and it started shouting NO! NO! NO! No donut for you! Even though I am just realizing that weight was a lot of water weight, I still don't need a donut because I want to make a breakfast burrito

Side note I realized that I do need to look at restaurants and see what they offer because I can whip up some exciting breakfast entrees, I just need to remember what they are :-)! 

Oh my goodness I wrote that way early this morning and then I decided to go make a breakfast burrito and I thought that I needed oatmeal too. I got the oatmeal boiling and then I decided I might need some of that green chili sauce that I bought a huge container of on my burrito. I pulled off the top and there was of course the safety still inside.

When I first took the lid off I was like you shouldn't put this on the edge of the counter because it can fall down and then you can't reach it. However if I put it to the left of me it would be close to the eyes of the stove and that would be no good. I set it on the counter not even close to the edge but when I went to pull the top off I had to do all sorts of contortionist moves and the lid fell down between in the refrigerator and the cabinet. When I tried to use something to get the lid out from under the fridge I pushed it further under the refrigerator. Now I had to remove the vent cover that goes at the bottom of the refrigerator trying to reach just a little bit more. I pushed it all the way to the back. I knew what to do, I could go grab a wire hanger! I went to my bedroom and remembered that I purposely got rid of every wire hanger I had. I tried to use my felt-covered hangers and besides getting covered and disgusting stuff that you find under a refrigerator, the hanger just wasn't long enough.

Long before I started digging under the refrigerator I made a makeshift cover cover for the green chile sauce. I am now sitting on this awesome foam mat in my kitchen amongst a total disaster. As I glanced around and looked at the mess, I noticed that I left the vacuum plugged in yesterday when I vacuumed up whatever I made a mess of. It was that still Small Voice that told me just to leave it there. Even though my apartment is not huge and leaving the vacuum cleaner not in the correct spot made me crazy, I'm glad I did because I now have quite the mess to clean up which will be swept onto a carpet this morning. And I still haven't eaten what I made because I had to write this story and I need to vacuum and do all that stuff and then I will eat. It is 9:30 I am and I am just now going to eat my exciting breakfast! And this is why I understand how moms feel when they always end up eating a cold meal, because so do I!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I haven't been working (volunteering) at the school (West) for a while so my morning routine has been a little disheveled. My clothes for the week haven't had to be laid out and consequently I have not needed to pick out the shoes I planned to wear. I was beginning to enjoy this obla di obla da kind of routine. 

I wanted to start my day sort of normal and needed to go through my morning routine until I got ready to leave the house.  With that not being an option; I don't have to wear shoes around my house and actually that might be bad for the carpet. 

When I woke up this morning I was dragging a little bit but I knew I would feel good once I started the day. Doing everything a little backward, I posted the devotion and other things before I took a shower. This may have been my way to try and wake me up. And as I am just now sitting down to finish writing this (4:15), things very backwards today as well.

Well that was yesterday and that didn't get very far but we're going to try to finish this today before 10:30 this morning. Back to not having to wear shoes... I had finally been approved to wear my Vibrams to work as they are therapeutic for my flat feed and allowed me to walk faster. Well since I have not been working at the school or at my office I haven't thought to wear them. Although thinking about it I did wear them a few times before this whole outbreak, but for some reason I wasn't wearing them so much recently. I did already describe that wearing shoes in the house is not the best idea.

I didn't wear them to my office a few times but I think I'm focusing on the couple days that I forgot and I'm therefore thinking I never remembered. But now that I'm stuck in my house even though I don't think walking shoes with thick rubber soles is and the best for the carpet I don't think the soles of these shoes are much more than the bottoms of slippers however way the shoe is engineered and that's science behind the way your toes are separated really does help.

How do you know that, you ask. Well that's precisely how I realized I needed to start wearing them again after getting out of the shower that morning. When I got out of the shower and stepped onto the black carpet it was like a big blob, no arch, no cute little toes- nothing. I started a few days ago but I'm going to hopefully remember to wear these everyday all the time and see how much my foot changes. Although I did try to take a picture of my Sasquatch foot, I have a black carpet and the color differentiation over a cell phone camera is not that beautiful but I will try it again this morning just to make sure.