Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It is well with my soul!

I woke up with the extraordinarily exciting thought -- After being told that I wouldn't be able to  substitute for pay any more, I was sad; the experience has to look good on my teaching resume. But as I woke up it all hit me like a tidal wave crashing into my mind-- Schools are going to love it that I volunteer and I'm not expecting to be paid. God always has His ways! Even though my mom was apologizing saying she was only following what she had been told at the crazy and chaotic time when she thought life was going to be snatched from her baby girl, all IS WELL WITH MY SOUL! Kimi's thought for the day--- It is well with my soul!.
*I'm sure that there are many people reading this who have a unique story. If ever you feel like sharing your story with me, you can definitely post it or send it were only I can see it. I would love to read it.

*Be blessed!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pre-waking up??

During my "pre--waking up moments" I felt that I was going to be in a bad mood. I started praying "Thank you God for this wonderful day and everything exciting that is going to happen!" Then I opened my eyes and turn on the radio to listen to the morning programs as I was getting ready for the day. I was so excited to hear Joni Erickson-Tada as she talked about going through difficulties as she Wolf up each morning and struggled through her daily routine. As I began to hear about the different obstacles that she has to deal with and the things her "helpers" have to do for her, I began to rejoice and thank God for everything that I have and am able to do.  
This evening I got to see one of my favorite bus drivers and he told me that it was such a blessing when he got to see me and that just made my heart smile. It was well worth missing my stop and having to go a few more miles to turn around and then back to where I wanted to get off in the first place with just enough time to sit in a coffee shop for a total of 7 1/2 min. before I had to go home.
Kimi's thought for the day--- Even when everything seems to be falling apart all around you be thankful for the “little” things.

I'm sure that there are many people reading this who have a unique story. If ever you feel like sharing your story with me, you can definitely post it or send it were only I can see it. I would love to read it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7/16/13 He makes my day

He makes my day! 7/16/2013

Yesterday I went to bed determined to make the next day a fabulous day however I woke up this morning with an insane headache and I thought if I went back to sleep it might go away. As I tossed and turned I ended up thinking about how my life has gone crazy. Praying that through my morning devotions God would pull me out of this crud, I began to think of how at one time in my life I was sure that I was on the right track, doing what God wanted me to do. Then the stresses of school came and went and came again. The additional stress of looking for a job and not finding one came. Not being able to accept the wonderful things that God has already put into my life like FABULOUS parents and family made me think… "How often does God provide you with everything you need but you are too arrogant to accept it?"
I decided I was going to work on my homework and was really still feeling down in the dumps. Then suddenly it friend from Church called inviting me to a BBQ where I would potentially get to meet some amazing people. It isn't really about the people like it me, I am way excited to get to spend time with my friend and meet his wife! I have no idea what this is going to be like but the one thing I do know is that everything happens for a reason.
Next I went to open up Pastor Eric's daily devotion and this is what I found
“just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world...”   Ephesians 1:4

There is nothing like being chosen!  Remember on the playground when it was time for a pickup game of football.  If you were chosen first it felt so good.  On the other hand, nothing is worse than that feeling of being the last one chosen or having the team captains arguing because you were on their team last time and they didn’t want you this time.  Yet, God has chosen us.  He chose us before He formed the world.  This is mind blowing to consider, the Creator of the Universe wants us to be His children.   He knows everything about us and He still chooses us.  This choice cost God dearly; the price of our adoption was the blood of His son, Jesus Christ.  He paid the ransom for our sins on the cross.  Stop for a moment and rejoice that you are loved by God and you belong to Him!
Kind of feeling like the last one chosen after an incident at a group of younger believers last week, God reminded me that some people still care. Thanks!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Waking thought (10/29/12)

I woke up later than normal wanting and hoping that I would wake up with a marvelous, Facebook post-worthy “Waking Thought.” I woke up and headed to my computer but no marvelous, post-worthy thoughts were surfacing. I tried to force one and it was a complete failure. Opening Pastor Eric’s Weekly Devotional I was thinking to myself “Kimi you need to grow up spiritually and not be so dependent on others.” Then I thought “Kimi you are AWESOME, I am pretty sure we were all made differently each with different gifts. You may have the same gift as another Christ-follower, but does it look the same? NO WAY! If it did we wouldn’t be blessed differently by all of the Churches in this city, so keep on doing what you do best because someone might be touched. I’ve been struggling with the idea of having new friends….oh no, do I have to wear a façade, be who I’m not with these friends? Then I thought about yesterday and of how my friend and I had the best facade-less conversation! I’ve been praying that I would meet a great group of Christian friends for a while (a benefit of keeping a prayer journal is that I can pinpoint exactly when I started praying about this). Even better is I recently was given the opportunity to hang out with the original group of great friends (that I felt like I had to wear facade around) and they are still awesome! The best thing was I was facade-less! This was peace that couldn’t seem to come fast enough. How quickly I forget that Jesus is right on time!!! I read this and laugh at myself....I often think I'm having to wear a facade when in actuality the ""facade"" par say is the nervousness of making that first impression. Nervous? Me? Believe it or not, it happens!

“Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way.” II Thess. 3:16
This has been an interesting week in regards to experiencing peace. One night I found myself resting so securely in God’s peace. Then the next night I was up late wrestling with my pillow and the numerous things on my mind. Maybe you can relate? This is why I found this verse to be so encouraging. Jesus is the Lord of peace. Not our logic, resources, or answers. He rules and reigns over all things. All things are truly under His feet. He has conquered sin and death providing eternal life. Though we can be in a place where we are perplexed, we can experience the peace of God as we draw near to Him because our trust in Jesus Himself is the source of our peace.