Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Dream of a Lifetime

It's that time again....the next, updated version of my dream....

“The Dream of a Lifetime”

Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real that when you woke up you let out a sigh of relief or maybe even disappointment realizing it was only a dream? The dream I had was neither of those because my dream turned into the story of my life.

One day I was “fighting” with my high school, in Mississippi, convincing them to let guys be on the cheer squad; the next thing I knew I was in a “jail cell” (hospital bed) and couldn’t even move. I was told I had been in a severe car accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury (TBI). For those of you who don’t know, this really messes with your memory. I wasn’t able to talk, walk, eat, or even remember who this lady was that claimed to be my mother.

I was in was a strange place, but it was full of people I knew except, they were from all sorts of different places and times throughout my life. My step-mom and Dad were there and they are from Colorado (I lived in Mississippi at the time). My sister and her family were there too, and they live in Texas. To top it off, my old gymnastics coach who had moved to Jackson (a town 200 miles away from Saltillo, the town I thought I was in, was there! People were there from my high school, but they were the only people in this “dream” that should’ve been there; I was in high school. It turned out that they were all there to see me. Why, what did I do that was so great? I was filled with anticipation. This was definitely a dream, but how would it end?? This place wasn’t my house or a place I’d ever been to or even seen before.

Soon I realized I couldn’t move, and there were strange people who came in to move my limbs for me. I was given several tests, daily, to see if my cognition had improved. I was asked things like, “If you look out the window, is it night or daytime?” I was asked what year it was and who the president was. I was asked to do simple things like tie my own shoe, and to my surprise, I couldn’t do it! I was scared, I wanted my mommy!! I was going to get to the bottom of this. I had to find out if this woman who called herself my mom really, indeed, was her. To figure this out, I had to be mean. I knew I could do anything to her; if she was really my mom she could take anything. My mom was superwoman. In the process of determining if she was my mom, I dislocated a finger or two of hers and bit her hard enough to draw blood. I went on by interrogating her about everything. I told my so called mom that I didn’t like this game and didn’t want to play it anymore. I was told several times that I had been in a severe car accident, but couldn’t grasp the idea of being hurt. In disbelief, I asked who, if anyone, was with me. I was told a girl’s name that I hadn’t ever heard of, so I knew, that it was everybody else that was crazy. It wasn’t until a while after I got home that my mom convinced me that she was my real mom, and it still wasn’t until I had friends visit me, who could tell me about my past (which I thought was present), that I realized I had really been in a car accident.

Through the beginning stages of the healing process, people at Church (First Baptist Church, Saltillo, Mississippi) would shake my hand and I would, nonchalantly, bite or flip them off. At home when people would come to visit, I would show off and I mean that literally, my aunt would say, “Kimi, you’re as naked as a jaybird.” I didn’t care because I had visions of my Savior coming, and He wouldn’t take me Home unless I went to my tomb just like I came out of my mother's’ womb; in my birthday suit (Job 1:21). Even to this day I can’t remember the two years before the wreck, but I think that it is my body’s way of protecting me from the trauma. When reminded about certain events and the people that were around, the memories vaguely resurface, and I still sporadically regain crazy memories. This whole healing process is much like growing up, all over again, anticipating what each day will bring, but I’m just like everybody else in the sense that I’m learning too. I am just learning everything all over again. So a dream isn’t always a dream; when it seems as real as life, it could be.

After many years, I graduated with my Associates’ of Arts degree from a community college and then my BA from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS). I am still unable to drive, but it’s ok because in February of 2010 I started taking classes at Kaplan University…ONLINE!!! My need to drive had lessened.

My first book was a children’s book is a children’s book that introduces diversity. Although it is a “children’s book,” I am sure the audience that benefits from this book has no age limit. My first job after my accident was 10 years later and I was a greeter at JCPenney for the holidays! Shortly after finishing the seasonal job at JCPenney, I interviewed for a school position and after the interview portion I had the job except sadly my physical limitations gave the job to another applicant. Soon after that I was employed at Harrison School District as an Educational Support Substitute. Over Easter weekend I proofread the first copy of my very first book! This book, I Can’t Walk, But I Can Roll can be ordered at

As the school year was coming to a close I was called to substitute more often than normal. While I was talking with school employees I mentioned my book. Much to my delighted surprise I was asked to share my book with students at Oak Creek Elementary school. I had and still have huge dreams of becoming a well-known author/speaker and everything starts somewhere.

During a visit to Mississippi to attend my 10 year High School reunion I was invited to Saltillo Primary and Saltillo Elementary school where I spoke to and shared my book with Kindergarteners thru Fifth graders. Once I got back to Colorado I was invited to have a booth at the Explosive Expo which is primarily an athlete/heath conscious expo. Surprisingly I felt right at home. I was able to sell books and make initial contact with individuals who had interest in my book as well as my public speaking!

In November of 2012 I got another seasonal job and this time it is at Target and thank God it takes less than 10 minutes to get to via hot rod and is less than a block from my house (last year the seasonal job took an hour long bus ride to get to) – better yet my boss this year is married to my boss at JCPenney, my seasonal job from last year! I am able “pick up” office substitute jobs as time allows, and will be starting school to get my teaching license soon! I also became a leader at Young Life’s Capernum group and met some AMAZNG people that God must have put in my life to adjust my sad, ho-hum outlook of still being single. A group of mostly older than me (by a year or so hehehe) single ladies took me by the hand (quite literally at times) and invited me to join in different activities-- that was a total answer to prayer! I also started learning how to play the guitar by my neurological incident (NI) friend and a friend from Church.

I am now (1/13) taking classes at UCCS to get my teacher’s license so I can get paid for my tutoring.

(4/23/13) I am currently in school earning my teaching license and I spend most of my time earning my hours towards that license in local school districts. If life goes as planned, I will begin my professional year in the Summer of 2014.
(6/1/13) Was in my first 5k!

The greatest thing since my accident is that  SISTER HAS A FIANCE!!

• This story is true-I was the person in the car accident. I was T-boned on the driver's side and I was driving.

• ** This is definitely a story from God because I typed the beginning parts of this story shortly after I came out of a 6 week coma. I add to the end as my life progresses.

I have learned that my story makes some have speculations about meeting me. While I've thought that removing it was a smart move to make, leaving this in my profile will remove the people who do not believe that JESUS HEALS!!

…. The Dream of a Lifetime continues…

Most little girls have the dream of falling in love with prince charming and living happily ever after. I am your average girl and although I can't remember a time before my life altering accident that I dreamt about prince charming, since God has kept me alive after facing a major life obstacle I have many what seem like unrealistic hopes.

The first "unrealistic hope” that I had actually never seen as unrealistic but was definitely unrealistic to much of the world-- I simply wanted to graduate high school after getting a Traumatic Brain Injury. After I accomplished that I wanted to graduate college. This is really no feat for the average person, but I had just faced a near-death experience. I eventually graduated from high school, graduated from community college, and then graduated from a university. Overall, life was excellent!

After I got my degree, I thought the next logical step would be to get married and maybe adopt or have a family. I spent a few years where I seemed to be way too focused on life happening by-the-book and during this time I seemed to have forgotten that every person writes their own book, making it as unique as one's fingerprints. However I still desired to find prince charming-- at one point in college I was so focused on finding prince charming that I completely denied everything that is and instilled inside of me. All of my self-worth and values disappeared. I seemed to be chasing after the wind and expecting to find stability. You can't expect to find a trained kitten among a pack of wolves. \Needless to say, sometimes I'm like the wind and can be blowing in different directions, but can also be found in very still state. The bottom line is I have my degree… Now what?

Although my friend called me "Princess" throughout our time in class together and another friend made me stickers that read "Princess on Wheels” along with making a bumper sticker for the vehicle that carried my wheelchair everywhere, I couldn't see myself as a princess. How could I if I did nothing but scare every prince off. Now I began to wonder, if my prince could be scared off (or vice versa, if he makes me crazy and scares me off), is he MY prince? I was coming to the conclusion that maybe I don't have a prince. I am getting older (well, older than I was yesterday hahaha) and the world around me seems to be getting younger. Another unfortunate result of my accident that may one day prove to be fortunate is that it is very easy for me to act younger as my brain seems to revert back to my younger days (prior to I'm brain injury) easier than it forms new memories (a lot of that is what I was taught that happens to the brain so I assume it as fact (however I totally enjoy proving people, scientific studies or statistics wrong). So how can I be a princess with all of these issues that no prince (or anyone for that fact) wants to deal with these issues with me?

Then I saw [his] face, now I am a believer! (The Monkey's)

Not a trace of doubt in my mind.

Could he be? Could he be my prince?

The Prince backed out realizing he wasn't fit for this princess, but every day the King of Kings reminds me that my Prince is coming.

On October 8th of 2014 I started my very first real job in School District 11 as an EA (Educational Assistant). Currently I work at an elementary school helping with a computer program called ST Math. Primarily I work in the computer lab where I feel most comfortable walking—essentially I am getting paid to do physical therapy!! The computer program (ST Math) has roots in psychology — the field I earned a bachelors in! Could it be true that I actually use my college degree in the first “real” job?

ST Math is game-based instructional software for K-12 and is designed to boost math comprehension and proficiency through visual learning. Integrating with classroom instruction, ST Math incorporates the latest research in learning and the brain and promotes mastery-based learning and mathematical understanding. The ST Math software games use interactive, graphically-rich animations that visually represent mathematical concepts to improve conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills (

In addition to my exciting days spent working in the computer lab, I have also been able to share my book and answer many of the questions children have regarding my disability and disabilities in general—this is why the book was written! The school year all too quickly came to an end but before I stopped receiving a paycheck from the school district I was blessed to be hired by the same school! God’s blessings never cease to amaze me!!!

That position was dissolved into a requirement of the teachers, however before the next year started I was hired by the middle school! The interview for the position was AWESOME—it was basically a meeting with my friends (coworkers from the previous year as the school is one where the elementary school and middle school are in the same building. I unknowingly met the teacher I would work with the next year at the staff/faculty Christmas party!

Every day I go to work is such a blessing, the students unintentionally encourage me just by being themselves!

His Timing is Impeccable!

His Timing is Impeccable!
Attempting to be in a great mood this morning just didn't seem possible; with it being overcast outside I had a valid reason to be down in the dumps (Seasonal Affect Disorder). I knew my time at the office would only be just a stop because of other obligations. However God knew this way before I did. I rolled in and instantly, as far as I can remember, a beautiful lady, Taryn and I began talking. She shared how her life was drastically changed and so did I.  I'm told how God's spirit radiates from me and I'm not sure what people are talking about, but God's spirit radiated from Taryn like none other and there was an instant connection! I'm excited to see what God has in store with this Divine appointment. Oh yeah! I take my electric wheelchair Starbucks for a reason, besides not being able to drive I also enjoy the conversations that having a handicap initiates-- with this being one of them I'm sure.

Revaluation of the Remodeling - Back at the Office Starbucks #62818

Revaluation of the Remodeling - Back at the Office
Although I've been back at the office for a couple days, I have been busy doing Bible studies and reading a couple books; I didn't feel like I was actually back at the office. I woke up this morning and my excitement for the day (Wednesday 6/28) was overwhelming. Why? Was it because I had a designated time to be “off work”? Maybe it was because I knew I could write on several of the prompts that I had. Whatever the reason I am super excited to be at the office this morning and I can't wait to see what I get accomplished. First, I ran into an awesome Southern lady, and shortly after  I was able to visit with Sherry, Bonnie, Tannaz, Alyssa, David, and Isaac.
Can't find a good place to fit this in a paragraph so it's just going to be a side note- While I was sitting at "the office" looking like I probably should have stayed home today, I noticed a sign:
"Your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth!" (One Raindrop Raises the Ocean)
*by the way everyone I contacted freaking out about my jacket... it was found underneath my stack of to-be-ironed dresses.
David and I first met several years ago when he had injury and had to ride the bus. Since then he has also met my mother at Starbucks. I had absolutely no idea but it has been over 10 years that I have known him!
I realized that I like the new design of Starbucks more and more everyday! They moved the wheelchair-accessible table further inside the store which, if sitting angle, I can see everyone currently in the store and all of those who are coming in. The only problem is I'm facing the table most of the time, brainstorming. Even when I am facing the table which is facing the wall I can see the other three tables and the two comfy chairs! I used to feel weird talking to my phone (using text-to-speech) to write all day, but at one point I looked up and all of the tables were filled with people talking on or using their phones in some way.
I was pretty sure since the morning rush was over that today was going to calm down but by no surprise two people who work in the same school district as I do were talking, I asked them if they were teachers. After explaining that they work at a school and worked with one of my favorite people who is now back at the school I work at (who could that be?), I got very excited although I'm learning how to internalize this excitement and not act so childish :-(. I explained how I was invited to schools to speak (and to that school last year). I was given a card and might be invited to that school again!
I'm so glad this is a blog and is not graded because the layout of this is all over the place but I just write things as they happen. Which is also why some things are said in present tense wow others are in the past.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Back at the Office -- Revaluation of the Remodeling

Back at the Office -- Revaluation of the Remodeling
Although I've been back at the office for a couple days, I have been busy doing Bible studies and reading a couple books; I didn't feel like I was actually back at the office. I woke up this morning and my excitement for the day was overwhelming. Why? Was it because I have a designated time to be “off work”? Maybe it was because I knew I could write on several of the prompts that I had. Whatever the reason I am super excited to be at the office this morning and I can't wait to see what I get accomplished. First, I ran into an awesome Southern lady, and shortly after  I was able to visit with Sherry, Bonnie, Tannaz, Alyssa, David, and Isaac. While I was sitting at "the office" looking like I probably should have stayed home today, I noticed a sign:
"Your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth!" (One Raindrop Raises the Ocean)
*by the way everyone I contacted freaking out about my jacket... it was found underneath my stack of to-be-ironed dresses.

David and I first met several years ago when he had injury and had to ride the bus. Since then he has also met my mother at Starbucks. I had absolutely no idea but it has been over 10 years that I have known him!
I realized that I like the new design of Starbucks more and more everyday! They moved the wheelchair-accessible table further inside the store which, if sitting angle I can see everyone currently in the store and all of those who are coming in. The only problem is I'm facing the table most of the time, brainstorming. Even when I am facing the table which is facing the wall I can see the other three tables and the two comfy chairs! I used to feel weird talking to my phone (using text-to-speech) to write all day, but at one point I looked up and all of the tables were filled with people talking on or using their phone in some way.
I was pretty sure since the morning rush was over that today was going to calm down but by no surprise two people who work in the same school district as I do were talking, I asked them if there were teachers. After explaining that they work at a school and worked with one of my favorite people who is now back at the school I work at (who couldthat be?). I got very excited although I'm learning how to internalize this excitement and not act so childish :-(. I explained how I was invited to schools to speak (and to that school last year). I was given a card and might be invited to that school again!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

His Blessings Never Cease

I was totally panicking when I woke up and having what one might consider the worst morning ever. I had miniature mishaps while I was getting ready go to Starbucks and work on a Bible study.

When I roll up to the counter to order a friend I have not seen in a long time, Sarah came in. She told me how she was not living here and has made huge accomplishments and now lives elsewhere teaching trumpet at a university! She also shared other information that made me feel so much better about past situations! I also was privileged to see her mother again and meet her father! Now I'm super excited and journaling this but I really need to do my Bible study. Thank you so much! That 30 second conversation changed my day for the better!

Redoing the True Woman 101: Divine Design Bible study

After a day filled with complete craziness I was heading home. I really really felt like pizza however I am not eating unnecessary carbohydrates. So I rolled into Domino's and asked for something that I've asked for at a pizza restaurant before… a pizza without the bread. After getting a look like I was crazy the beautiful cashier talked to her co-worker and manager and figure out what to do. Charged like a pasta, I got my choice of 2 meats, cheese, and my choice of sauce! Then I thought the excitement was done and I was going home for the night. But wait, there's more!

I turned around and saw a man with black hair and his shirt was Air Academy Wrestling. I starting to roll out but I was like oh Kimi just go for it! We got to talking and he said his name as well as his son’s. The last name rang a bell  and I knew that I I'd been told that name before and asked him if he knew my dad. With no surprise to me, he knows my dad and also knows my uncle because they used to work together. My night has been so exciting! I hope at least one or two people for joining the excitement or at least smile!

Friday, June 15, 2018

...And You Do What?

I wasn't feeling too chipper this morning and realized that I needed something from King Soopers. I thought okay I'll run and grab it before I work out, shower or get my day started because no one's up to get the day started besides those heading to work…. Oh yeah that is getting the day started but that's besides the point. First I thought, “go to Walmart they should be open,” but I remembered that yesterday I heard they are only open from a certain time to a certain time. I was sure 5a.m. had to be that certain time as I was on the bus down to Walmart, but to my dismay they were not open. I crossed Academy to go to King Soopers and get what I needed and headed back but this time it was lighter outside and I could drive my wheelchair home. I thought, “you are going to miss Betsey, the barista that you really need to talk to if you head home. So I stop stopped in Starbucks quickly. Sure enough two of my favorite people Betsey and Bradley were working! I got to tell Betsey the tidbit of information I was super excited about but they were busy with the morning crowd.
Getting out of the way of the crowd I went to my new spot at this remodeled Starbucks which is right next to  the chairs . A lady and her son. I began to explain my book and I was telling her all about it realizing that unfortunately I had not put my summer supplies (which includes the book I Can't Walk But  I Can Roll) on my hot rod yet. However I was able  to give him a ride in a hot rod around Starbucks absolutely made the visit worthwhile. God totally intervened in every word spoken and activity from that moment forward. I ran into ladies from Rocky Mountain Calvary and that really made me excited. Then I rushed home when I looked at myself and realize that I will still in my workout clothes. After doing a little bit of putting myself together (shout out to Jess Jao-- the semi-permanent eyeliner saves me so much time-- I jump in the shower and then I'm out the door) and collecting my thoughts I found myself back at Starbucks.  By the time I made it back to the coffee shop, the morning rush was over and it was totally empty besides the workers of course. Soon the best mechanic teacher came in and started reading and my favorite Sherry came in and got to work. I wasn't sure why I had my book now because there weren't any little kids but soon I would find out. Within minutes it finally happened-- a man came up, pulled out up the chair in front of me and sat down. He began explaining what he does and set up an appointment to meet with my mother and I. Although he is currently a computer science instructor at the Air Force Academy, he and his wife have another business which led him strike up a conversation with me (being in my electric wheelchair may have something to do with it but I'm not sure). Although I don't think this was a spiritual seed, a seed was planted and I pray that the fruits that are produced will be very abundant. I had to hurry home when there was a break in the rain but that's enough excitement for my first day back at Starbucks making the most of my circumstances and allowing God to put people in my path.
See ya ‘round!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Just in the Nick of Time!

Just in the Nick of Time!
Wow what a day today has been! I had it's all planned out this morning, first I was going to go get a Camelbak for a friend and I to go on an adventure and attempt to hike the incline. Although I climbed up before I haven't been on since they remodeled it and I don't think my friend ever has. So I went to Ross because it is right in front of my house to see if they carried anything of the sort and I saw my friend, Kim. I had to spend some extra time there as I haven't seen Kim and ages.. She explained that they have them sometimes but don't have any right now and told me to check at Target; I headed to Target and they only had one left and I didn't want to get the one they had because it was black and now they kind of hot. I went to Bicycle Village where the come on by were nice but very unreasonably priced. That might actually be okay but I didn't have time to go home and check so I just jumped on the bus to head to Walmart to see if there's anything like a Camelbak. They happened to have a nice selection so I talked to a few different people about it and I decided on two after a lot of deliberation. I got to the register and changed my mind. I had to get a bright orange one that has room for miscellaneous items and then a small one that just carries water. After that I went to the check out and I remember that maybe there's some kind of energy bar  that  we should bring. When I was trying to compare all of the ingredients in the many energy cars I ran into this very helpful lady. At first she just asked if I needed help reaching something but she looks very very fit. After chatting for awhile I found out she is a bodybuilder, and to those who this makes any sense to, I think she was about Aunt Gina’s age! I have to be home by 4:30 and I don't have my watch or my cell phone... I have no clue what time it is I had asked some people but that was quite a while ago so I figured I would hurry to the checkout and then ask the stranger that was waiting for the bus as well. Marsh my surprise, on such a beautiful day no one else was waiting, this was absolutely crazy-- there's always somebody out there... except today. Okay I can wait figure out the time until the bus came and luckily it came pretty quickly. I got on the bus and saw that I had a couple hours before I need to be home. That was good because I wanted to go to King Soopers to see if they had any energy bars that were more nutritional. At King Soopers before I even  made it to Farhan the store I bumped into Victoria! Of course that was before I spend I spent a good hour deciding which energy bars to get. This whole time I was thinking there's no way you have time to wait for the bus, just speed home in your chair. So I took off almost headed home and did not pass another Soul until I was basically home and inside ask him if he had any clue what time it was. He told me it was 4:16. I told him thank you as I was pushing my joystick harder as if wood make it going and faster. I finally get home running to the bathroom realizing that I haven't used bathroom all day when I hear my Hopper knock, I made it home just in the nick of time!
Wow! Dictating this too, 1.5 hours!!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The "simple" things...: Memory Consolidation # 6818

The "simple" things...: Memory Consolidation # 6818: Memory Consolidation # 6818 After I went to a doctor who told me I was doing very well with regard to the medical conditions of my ...

Friday, June 8, 2018

Memory Consolidation # 6818

Memory Consolidation # 6818

After I went to a doctor who told me I was doing very well with regard to the medical conditions of my brain. He asked me if I ever forget things completely thinking they had never or already happened. Although my mom and I joke about that, yesterday someone came to my house and sat there for a couple minutes and then left seemingly upset and I didn't understand why... now I know why during the night last night could not sleep and had so many thoughts bouncing around in my head. It hit me like a lightning bolt, now I remember why the person was at my house! How I Wish I Could Turn Back Time! I've only said communication is key but I must add constant communication is key, like every minute!

**BTW (OMGoodness): The Dr. did attribute my positive progress to God without saying God. He also waited until I brought up God and gave Him credit before he said that there is no medical reason I am where I am, it's a higher power. He is a Christian but it is unethical for a doctor to impose a direction of belief on a client. <--- see just like that statement, during Ethics, my first online class, ethics at CCU...Mrs. Babcock's class

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Fiona's mom?!?

  Fiona's mom!

I was little nervous when all the sudden this lady comes to my door dressed in an awesome purple smok describing how we knew each other. Totally excited my brain remembered that she had a handful of little kids at the therapeutic recreation trike rides!

Oh wow it was Erin Shaw!

Being that this is being posted the day after it happened, it was only a preview to the absolutely amazing day I would have. I was about ready to hop on the bus when Ramon said he wanted to take me; he wanted to see the options available at Orangetheory. So I unpacked my wheelchair and put everything into my gym bag.

Forgetting that Pastor Erik had only seen me in my electric wheelchair as I ride It to Rocky Mountain Calvary, he didn't know that I could walk…. That totally explains his concern when I rolled over to my Starbucks and started to ask him about going to his class for a free trial.

After the class, I wasn't as exhausted  as I expected however I was tired enough to allow myself to stay in bed after my 4:15 alarm skipping my normal morning workout.

Being that this is being posted the day after it happened that was only a preview to the outstanding day I would have. When I was about ready to hop on the bus, Ramon said he wanted to take so we can see the options available at Orangetheory. Forgetting that Pastor Erik had only seen me in my wheelchair as I ride It to Rocky Mountain Calvary, he didn't know that I could walk at all much less work out!

After the class, I wasn't as exhausted as I expected although I was exhausted enough that night to sleep through my 4:15 alarm.

Seeing Fiona's mom reminded me to have my recumbent bike brought back to my house so I can ride it over the summer! When I first met Fiona’s mom, her family was just talking about adopting a child from China. Seeing a picture of Fiona, the beautiful child they were blessed with brought tears to my eyes (in my head of course).

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Patience Exercise #533

Patience Exercise #553 What do with the leftover clearance vegetables? Oh, I can boil them that will cook them! After filling a pot almost totally full with the vegetables in water to broil them in, a light bulb goes off and maybe they should be fried. Trying to strain the vegetables would be too risky-- lifting that pot of vegetables and moving it across the kitchen to the other side with an ataxic arm is not worth it. Just boil all the water out and then throw the vegetables into the frying pan..... You are a genius! Much later, I mean much much later basically lunch time who have a finished product that tastes pretty absolutely amazing. Oh I forgot to mention that I remember that butter is okay to eat and I forgot to grease the pan and that butter has zero carbs so I put 2 huge scoops of butter into the vegetables.