Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Tupelo Tuesday/ TRUST IN WHO?/Reflection/Kimi’s Kitchen

Tupelo Tuesday

Tupelo, Tupelo everyone is welcome here in Tupelo!


With Tupelo colors picked out for today I woke up with “Tupelo” by Buddy and Kay Bain playing in my mind making today a Tupelo Tuesday!

It is a Tupelo Tuesday and the memories make me smile,

Although memories may be sketchy, remembering this is a reminder that my brain -- it has an ole time file!

Times are so different yes that is truer than true, 

But reflecting and ready to create great times 

how could I ever remain blue?

I hope your day was AMAZING and you washed your hands and stayed safe,

‘Tis the first day of December, keep your hands warm but don’t cause chafe. 


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.” 

(Proverbs 3: 5 - 6 NASB)

God wants us to trust Him instead of ourselves - and yet it is a reflexive action to trust only ourselves, and no one else, including God.

We can know in our heads that we need to trust God, but it is certainly not our default mode. Our natural instinct is to hunker down and protect ourselves - - rather than open up our hearts to God. But God created our spirit to want to engage with Him and trust Him.

When you find yourself resisting trust and bracing control, when you find yourself leaning into self-sufficiency or self-protecting, step back and pause. Recognize that you're pulling back into trusting only yourselves instead of trusting God fully.

When you find yourself veering onto the path of your own understanding, stop and acknowledge Him. Open your heart up to His love and His leading. Let Him guide you and make your path straight. 

Lord, I trust You with all my heart. I choose not to lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge You and invite You into my heart and the details of my life, trusting You to make my path straight.


Oh wow! I slept so good but entirely too long. I guess that’s what I get for drinking sleepytime tea so late. This is such perfect timing for this devotion! I apparently drank Sleepytime tea too late last night because I slept so wonderfuly but didn't wake up till 9ish a.m. -- that is unlike me! 

I woke up processing crazy information but I was so panicked that it was light outside -- that it was so late in the morning that I didn't let myself stay in bed and fully process my waking thoughts.

I did glance at the devotion as I was dictating it this morning and I was so excited because at this time more than any other I need to remember Who I need to trust in - - not myself! Not what I think is correct or what the world is alluding to or telling me what should be taking place. I need to trust in the One who knows me better than anyone. The One who knew what would and is going to happen-- Jesus Christ!

Kimi’s Kitchen

Air-fryer Leftovers Casserole? + potato


  • Thanksgiving ham

  • Leftover taco ingredients

    • Shredded lettuce

    • Shredded non-vegan cheese

    • White cheddar popcorn seasoning

    • Organics mango habanero hot sauce


  1. Put ingredients in Air-fryer on a reasonable temperature for just the right amount of time (as long as it is taking me to type this)

  2. Microwave 1 yellow potato for 5 minutes

  3. Cut potato and sprinkle white cheddar seasoning on leftover casserole and potato (on same “plate”)

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