Monday, January 13, 2014



God's voice doesn't always sound the same. So much so that I won't even give examples of the different ways they can sound as it might differ for everyone. I will just give examples of ways that God was working in my life and speaking to me before I met the man of my dreams.

If you had talked to me a couple of years ago about the type of man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, my answer would've been an athlete who had very defined muscles, a FULL head of hair and he didn't have to be all that smart, but who definitely was a Christian. Over the years, things changed. I ended up sitting right behind a man and his wife at Church. That man ended up being, the pastor who was available to talk to me (oh yeah, I might've requested him) when I had issues that I needed to discuss with someone so he knew what was going on in my life-- most of the time we just ended up talking about life situations. A was so interested in how he met his wife because they are so happy it's unbelievable! By the way, this man is completely bald.

One day in church (of course I was right behind the bald man), the pastor mentioned how there are often things that Christians argue over that aren't necessarily a heaven or hell issue (something that will keep the person from heaven with there being one ultimate heaven or hell issue-- do you accept God as your Savior or not. Each Christian has different things that he or she would consider a heaven or hell issue, so I will refrain from mentioning anything further. After sitting behind the bald man for a few weeks, unbeknownst to him, he was assisting in God changing my heart-- I was beginning to become fond of bald heads hahaha. Or at least I was beginning to appreciate them and not think they were so bad after all.

Not too long before this while I was still at school and on campus all the time, I would often go sit in the math lab. Yes, I would definitely be getting the much needed help on my homework and I also enjoy doing math for fun, but after getting my homework completed I would just sit in there and listen to the "nerds." They would talk about math, science, physics, ?metrotronics?, and all sorts of other topics. As I would hang out with these friends, I decided that I would love to fall in love with a nerd.

Then one day when I was not in school and was able to really process the events taking place, I began thinking about how much of my concern over finding the right person was very superficial. Indeed, I did have being a Christian, as one of my top priorities, but I'm not sure what I was thinking when I was making the "checklist" per se. I know that God had the absolute perfect man designed for me and I was finally settling into the idea of waiting for God. Ef it took 1000 years, I would be fine because then I wouldn't have to worry about the man meeting my superficial criteria-- God's criteria is far beyond anything I could think of as "perfect."

During my period of singleness, I would constantly talk with friends who were married or in a serious relationship about their relationship. One that I specifically remember that correlates quite nicely with the relationship I'm in was when a friend and I were discussing her long-distance relationship. She described how she handled dating a person who was not in the same town, and how it actually made things much easier. At the time I could not understand that at all but now I can't understand how I would ever date a person in the same town. I have no idea where this relationship is headed, but realizing how alone I have to be while doing schoolwork, is what God knew about me and is why He put me in a long-distance relationship.

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