Thursday, November 19, 2020

Throwback/Throwaway Thursday/ NEW ROOTS/ Reflection/ Kimi's Kitchen/ TBA

Throwback/Throwaway Thursday/ NEW ROOTS/ Reflection/ Kimi's Kitchen/ TBA

Throwback/Throwaway Thursday

'Tis a Throwback Thursday as I reminisce on Saltillo High

but it is also a Throwaway Thursday as the bad day yesterday is in the past--

sayonara, goodbye!

I seem to have forgotten that I like quarantine as I'm forced to stay in my house,

ride my trike and contemplate life- journal 

Praying my mind would be quiet as a mouse!

I am writing this Wednesday night, so excited to ride my trike,

I will start out inside and maybe after lunch I will take it outside if I'd like

I'm not sure that's very poetic but it's almost midnight and I am tired. God bless you guys and I hope you have an amazing day!

NEW ROOTS By Christine Caine

“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” 

Joshua 24: 15

Once, when I was in England for a women's conference, I stumbled across a small shop with the sign that read, “Discover your roots - family history available inside.” Since I was adopted, I decided to try the name “Caine,” as my husband Nick,  is from a good English stock. Who knows? I thought. Maybe I married into royalty! I was startled from my daydreams when the woman behind the counter handed me the results. 

Turns out, Nick’s ancestors were far from royal. The list was dotted with criminals, convicts, paupers, and pirates! Although Nick's family tree was gnarly, looking at the past gave me a new perspective on the future. The lives of our future descendants would be so different. I laughed, knowing that because we had chosen to follow Jesus, our lives and future generations would be changed. A family history that had once been defined by immorality, poverty, alcoholism, and criminality would now be characterized by faith, love, peace, and joy. 

We all have the power to leave a legacy. Whatever our past, it never has to limit our future. Because of God, we always have the power to chart a new course. We can fulfill our destiny and realize our dreams. We can impact and influence future generations. 

God, thank You for including me in Your family tree. I pray that I will leave a legacy of faith, love, peace, and joy for future generations.


Who and what determines what is considered the “past”? Time? Life changes? I ask this honestly as my brain injury has skewed my perception of time. This can be hilarious at times but can be annoying at others. I have encountered many “Christians” who judge based on my past/current labels which is complete nonsense.

It is almost crazy that people who dislike labels seem almost adamant on me wearing one, as if my somewhat obvious disability isn’t one enough. At the same time, the same people know that the situation that caused this label would not have happened in “normal” circumstances.

I am constantly reminded of this as I come across people who make snap judgements. It is my fault for disclosing too much information giving the option of making such judgements and drawing conclusions.

What I don’t (always) realize is that my situation is a blessing...a blessing, what? Yes, without much effort the wrong people are weeded out of my life.  

Kimi’s Kitchen


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