Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Day..

Woke up at 4:30 and got ready. Appointment is at 8:30 so I needed breakfast. After showering. I jumped in the hot rod and went to a nearby restaurant. The restaurant was occupied by two managers who are both German.  Their accent make me so excited! I told them about the health restrictions I have and they built me this amazingly fantastic breakfast unwich.
I am so thankful that God puts these amazing people in my life to sit and talk with about everything under the sun! Next, at Starbucks Mark from Pulpit Rock who serves in the youth ministry lifted my spirits simply by being who he is.
Oh my gosh I just opened Jesus Always and read today's devotion... After crying on the way home from breakfast and freaking out as I was at the store looking for flavoring for my coffee, this hit me like a ton of bricks (Was dictated while waiting for my appointment).
9/6 Jesus Always by Sarah Young
I broaden the path beneath you so that your ankles do not turn. I don't want you to focus overly much on what is ahead of you -- wondering whether you'll be able to cope with it. Only I know what your future really holds. Moreover, I am the only One who fully understands what you are capable of. Finally, I can alter your circumstances - - gradually or dramatically. In fact, I can widen the path that you are walking on right now.
I want you to realize how intricately involved in your life I am. I delight in taking care of you -- “tweaking” the situation you are in, to spare you from unnecessary hardship. Remember that I am a shield for all who take refuge In Me. North Park in this adventurous journey is to trust Me, communicate with Me, and walk with Me and steps of joyful dependence. I will not  remove  all adversity  from your life, but I will widen the path you are traveling on -- to bless and keep you from harm.
Psalm 18:36; Psalm 18:30; Numbers 6:24 NKJV

Taking most of the day, the appointment was amazing and Ma amazed me by her calm, cool, and collected self. I arrived home and received a work related call and have another appointment with my doctor who is from West Africa per the district’s request.  While that call was ending a new helper showed up at my house and she is from West Africa too! While my doctor is from Nigeria, she is from Cameroon!  I love connections!!!!
I am SUPER EXCITED to go to work tomorrow.

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