Saturday, June 27, 2020

Savannah / Shannon Saturday!!

Sleep 12:10am
Awake 3:30
Savannah/Shannon Saturday!!
Okay friends, I normally do not use a person's name when coming up with random names for the day but the outfit I have picked out for tomorrow is a shirt I got from the Color Me Rad 5K that Savannah, Shannon and some other nurses and I ran. This also ties into the Bible study title - A True Friend. I'm aware that I said I would not tie them all together all the time but when it happens to work, it happens.

“At that time Mary got ready and hurried to town in the hill country of Judea, when she entered Zacharias home and greeted [her relative] Elizabeth.” 
Luke 1: 39 - 40

When Mary heard God's promise that she would give birth to the Messiah, she wisely went to be with a friend - one who would speak life, hope, faith, and blessing over her and her child. She stayed with her cousin Elizabeth for three months. There Mary was protected, provided for, and loved as our promised Savior grew in her womb.

When God gives us a promise, it normally begins in seed form just as the baby Jesus did - and what we do with that seed is crucial. As we plant it in nutritious soil and water it daily with faith, we also rely on the people with whom we share those dreams and promises. Wisely chosen friends can offer us support that’s invaluable to the unfolding of our dreams.

Just like Mary ran to Elizabeth, surround yourself with people of faith and prayer, people who you believe in you, who are committed to you,  and who are committed to helping you run the race well. Whether through Church, from your family, or by some other blessed connection, ask God to fill your life with true friends, for His glory.

Lord, please bless me with true friends - and help me be the kind of friend who supports, prays, encourages, and loves with Your love.   

Even though numerous professionals have described what stress can do to one's brain and especially to my already injured brain, I never fully accepted what they said. I didn't believe it until now. Now that I don't deal with nearly as much stress as I did in Higher Education and working for the public education system. Although finishing high school and going to college were definitely part of this job (or at least I made them part of this job for me). The job I was given by God on 3/21/01 that I never fully accepted was cerebellum reconstruction and rehabilitation -- rebuilding neural connections. I will be reaccepting it as often as needed and with God as my boss, my specific job changes daily. After spending years in college and working in education, I am finally letting this job be my life--thanks for the forced encouragement quarentine!

Perhaps you're thinking, “didn't she just write about this?” Maybe I did, but welcome to the life of my brain injury-- ideas circle 'round and 'round and 'round in my head until I do something with the thought. What do I choose to do with the thought? Journal. So maybe one day, before I write this story again, I will look back in my journal to see whether or not I have written about it, but I am not making any promises. Isn't that the fun of keeping a journal-- being able to look back at things and see how about one time in life a situation was viewed one way but now it is viewed completely different?

Oh wow that took me about an hour and a half, and I just realized I didn't tie it into tomorrow’s (Saturday’s) devotion.

As I reread the devotion I realized that God has put amazing people in my life. They have been encouraging me to live this way before I ever thought about doing it. I love and am so thankful for my family and friends.

It is such a God thing to kindly, softly, gently and continuously show us the way that He has for us to go until we are ready to hear His voice and actually listen. Not listen just to hear, but listen, understand (gnosco), and do! And now, I think I’m doin’!

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