Thursday, June 11, 2020

Not Bad People + a word


A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed on the other side. So too, a levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.” Luke 10: 31 - 32

Read today's passenger again. Nowhere does Jesus say that the priest and Levite were bad people. But we know from the way Jesus referred to them - - priest and Levite - - that they were busy people and religious people. They were focused on staying on schedule, keeping their appointments, and obeying God's commandments. They were so focused that they ended up walking past someone they should have helped.

Busy. Religious. Not bad. But let's ask ourselves the tough question: When have I been so focused on the people I've chosen to help that I've walked past other hurting people who God put right in my path to help? 

Let's start today being free from the kind of business that is really rooted in fear - fear of falling behind or falling short, damaging our reputations or letting others down. I must quit being busy or religious. Let's look past our business and seek His heart for people. Then, we can minister as He would mister, out of the overflow of love in our heart.

Holy Spirit, please give me eyes to see the people around me the way Jesus does, and I'll minister to them the way You would, with love and compassion.

Wow, this makes me recognize many different things on several levels. How often have I been too busy or religious that I've overlooked what God has right in front of my face? 

Father God pray that You will help me refocus on living what life is not what it could be. Thank you so much for the friends who help me realize that I am wasting so much living what 'could be' forgetting that ultimately Your plan will prevail regardless of what I do.

For example, I started filming myself cooking and completing daily tasks that most people would find easy for disability groups I am part of. Much to my surprise I've gotten more comments and encouragement to keep filming from able-bodied people. Thank you guys so much!

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