Monday, June 27, 2016

Is your memory an issue??

Is your memory an issue??
I went to Starbucks and saw a  lady who was super duper beautiful and also very very tall! I thought of my cousin Karen! The lady who was beautiful and tall was with an equally beautiful tall friend. The friend (Sarah?) bought my tea!  After a wonderful conversation, I went over to the table that is designed to fit a wheelchair to fit under it.  Then  I met Craig Cherry, a businessman that sells Health Insurance and later, his appointment, Dale Lee. Dale Lee’s business is printco a publishing company and he was interested in publishing my next book (maybe?)??
Later I was writing and became so frustrated as I was trying to think of a word. I started asking random  people what the word was only giving them a few, far-fetched hints (mind you this is not a purposeful act, it is a fairly common event [anomia]) I asked  Deborah Worthy (a banker associate) and Mark (a postman) what the word could be. Very quickly Deborah helped me think of the word which was implement--  not once, not twice, but I had to be reminded of the word three times (via text because by this time she was back at work)!  To answer the question of if my memory is an issue, the answer is no,  Others may see it as a problem and I just laugh thinking "this person would have trouble with the many adjustments one has to make after acquiring a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)."
*Well, That is it for now but more adventures to come!

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