Tuesday, August 2, 2016

All in One!

All in One!
To no surprise at all when I get to Starbucks earlier in the morning there are more business men and women who stop by for meetings prior to work. I was finally “on time” (first thing this morning)  to Starbucks and the door was opened by a nice gentleman, Brian Ramsey. He was with another gentleman at the wheelchair accessible table and I noticed they both had their Bibles opened.  They offered to move, but I asked them  not to and asked if I could sit near them because I wanted to eavesdrop on their Bible study-- I don't know if it's called eavesdropping when you tell them you're going to listen :-)  They were very inviting and encouraged me to listen.
I was very aware of the book of Job and what he had gone through, but listening to their Bible study on 1 Peter encouraged me to read that book tonight! I was invited to join them, and I will when possible. I can’t wait to meet next week!  I also saw Mrs. Renee who always has a green drink. I was super excited to order the green drink one day, but quickly found out that it isn’t for me. John Brown, a friend that I had met years ago (I think) was also there and treated me and his girlfriend, Tara to drinks. Although my Starbucks visit started out with a bang, today was a pretty quiet day.
Going home the driver recognized me from many moons ago when I wasn’t confident or neurologically stable enough to take the city bus and rode metro mobility. After getting home I was visited by my All-in-one Ma who left a trail of wonderful food as she left.

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