Sunday, May 3, 2020

Such An Exciting Sunday!!

I woke up crying and I don't know why. I looked at my phone to make sure everyone was okay when  I saw a video from my sister with neon lines. The caption said something about the kids having fun so I thought they had those fun little neon sticks and made figurines-- it was pretty cool and I and I envied the kids fine motor skills.

After the video was over it showed that those were not figurines at all! The kids had neon stripes somehow adhered to their clothing and they were dancing in the dark! How much fun :-)

I turned on a sermon and it was really good talking about how during this time we need to continue to function as we would any other day. Although I have been dressing as I do most days, I have been relaxing and wearing leggings more often than my every other day regimen of outerwear. I decided I will get dressed up and wear a dress to online Church even though at the Church I go to most often wearing a dress is pretty much out of the ordinary for everyone.

Thank you so much for making my day guys!

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