Saturday, May 30, 2020


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

I confess: I have lost way too much sleep worrying about things I ultimately couldn’t control. Even now, I have to deliberately choose to let go of my anxiety, turn my requests over to God, and trust Him to take care of things. And I know it will happen through prayer.

There truly is a direct correlation between trusting God and praying. Prayer is your way to communicate with the Father, your opportunity to bring before Him your gratitude, needs, and concerns. Sometimes you think you don't have enough time to pray because you have a zillion other things to do. I know that feeling well - - and I know that feeling isn't the truth. You and I always have time to pray.

After all, prayer is not limited to a specific location, nor does it need to be done at a certain time. Simply put, prayer is a way of life. When you pray, you are entrusting your needs to the trustworthy God rather than depending on yourself to make things happen. In essence, unceasing prayer is key to getting close to your heavenly Father. With this He brings Supernatural peace, lavishing love on you, His beloved child (Psalm 66: 19-20). So, talk to him today. He always loves to hear from you.

I praise You, for the privilege of Prayer - - and for the freedom I have to approach You anytime and anywhere about anything! 

Happy tears happy tears! Waking up this morning I thought that I needed to pray with a friend. I have never prayed with this friend so I wasn't sure how to approach the person. After preparing things for next week and working on some fine motor skill activities, (looky here looky here Bid), I had forgotten about my waking thoughts and started on today's devotion. By no coincidence the devotion was exactly my waking thoughts!

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