Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Comes in Like a Lamb and out Like a Lion???

I woke up and got ready to start my day and it was only 6 o'clock am and I was ready to meet with Levi (we had plans on meeting at noonish). I took the bus downtown and we located each other we had lunch at a new favorite, East Coast. I felt really awkward not knowing where I was while downtown since I was not on my usual "stomping grounds." However, I did feel a little better when I visited a fire station downtown although I had to explain that I just like to hang out at the station . After which I visited with the lieutenant and B shift. Even though only a few of them were there, the crew was full of a typical firefighter joking and they were pretty happy crew!
When Levi was taking me back to the bus station I was getting very impatient because his assistive device cannot go fast (he has a go-go like Bill had). When I finally got home…actually I never got home because I remembered that I needed to pick up a few things before tomorrow so I stopped by a store to do that. It was dinnertime when I finished grabbing what I needed from the store when I remembered that I had a coupon for a meal on Tuesday at the BBQ pit next door. I was excited, very excited -- not about the BBQ although the BBQ is so good, but I was excited about the free ice cream!
After I ate I got ice cream. While I was eating ice cream I had time just to sit there, by myself listening to songs that brought back memories and memories turned on the tears. Therefore I started crying so  I left the restaurant and ran into a man right outside the door who said, "you are so beautiful!" Disbelieving that God could answer a prayer that quickly (a prayer asking God to help me focus on Him and not myself so I would quit crying in public), I turned and looked at him and tried to give them a nasty look and said “Why in the world would you say that?” Almost like I expected an apology from him for calling me beautiful. He was explaining and I was asking him questions…. Completely random questions like where went to school when he was in high school and other awkward questions. We were eventually separated by various incidences.
As I was leaving my, attention was drawn to a man at a table about service dogs.
This man and I were talking about service dogs and of course I was able to share what God has done in my life through my accident. This, in turn, had him share how God had already been using the "sit at the service dog table" volunteer position as a total way to reach people... Like in my situation, I started talking about service dogs  and why were needed. As soon as there was a communication pathway between us, God took the reins and only He knows what is to come.

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