Monday, August 11, 2014

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

God showed up in amazing ways so far today…I decided yesterday that I needed to go to a quiet place to write if using my dictation software because the areas to sit at the nearest Starbuck’s have speakers that are directly above me (as if Dragon NaturallySpeaking doesn’t generate enough random words already…bwahahaha). Once I was able to leave I went to McAlister's Deli where I had recently purchased a large (vente size according to the Starbucks employee) plastic cup. This cup is good for free refills FOREVER! Even though I got the cup before I even realized that so many wonderful new types of tea besides the famous Southern tea were offered which is a huge plus for me as my taste buds like change. Anyway, writing at McAlister’s didn’t work so well either but that’s because writing at McAlister’s was according to MY plan. Leaving my house I prayed that God would use me however he could today and I had no expectations as to how he would use me.
I stopped by 10s to see the firefighters for a second just to say "hi" if their busy day hadn't started already (ha who am I kidding, firefighters are ALWAYS busy)! Even though I woke up thinking about stopping by McAlisert’s today I had left my wonderful new cup at home. Although I thought this was causing a delay, it was no delay according to God, His timing is PERFECT!.  When I made it to the Deli I got water (so I can keep a girlish figure for my sister’s wedding). Soon I realized that the purpose of buying the large, plastic McAlister’s cup was being defeated by drinking only water and not their great sweet tea so I got tea.
I already had pulled out my laptop trying to connect to the Wi-Fi before deciding to order when I thought that maybe my computer needed time to readjust and realize what was going on. You know that moment you wake up at someone else’s house wondering “Where in the world am” and it takes a second to readjust…..Just me???  Well that’s what I thought  my computer was doing so I went and ordered lunch.
Oh! I forgot to mention that as I first walked in I noticed that there was a lady who, at first glance, appeared to be Middle Eastern. By the way I NEVER make snap judgements (never…lol)! Every time you call a computer or cell phone repair company do you speak to someone that you can barely understand that is not from America? Okay not every time because exceptions are out there but I’m sure you can relate. I also don’t assume, assuming is a huge no-no. Well I took an educated guess…yes an educated guess by merely glancing at this lady, and decided that she was from the Middle East and must know about computers.

After I had my food and was back at my computer I tried to connect again before going to meet the “middle eastern” lady that HAD TO know about computers. I learned that she is actually from Alabama but has her Masters’ in computer science or in a field related to computers-- SCORE!!! Although she said that her knowledge is from a long time ago and is irrelevent now, her daughter was working on the same degree and would look at it. After apologizing for my snap judgments we began talking about her daughter being on break and going to college in Alabama. Alabama? That's right next to Mississippi- the state I was in a when I eanded up in a wheelchair. And of course that brought up my non-fiction story, Dream of a Lifetime. That brought on more conversation including but not limited to being drawn to McAlister's because of its Southern origin (or at least the South is where McAlister's originated in our minds.

Dream of a Lifetime kind of screams out loud (WARNING: don't try to scream silently because it vibrates molecules in the roof of your mouth and then itches and that is a very hard place to scratch) that I am Christian and thus, another wonderful topic began. So now it makes sense why I forgot my cup and had to wait for the next bus half an hour later--. He’s got the whole world in His hands!

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