Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Complete Chaos!

Complete Chaos!

I went to Starbucks and when I was right in front of Starbucks on the sidewalk my wheelchair quit and had a configuration error. I called Major Medical Supply but that was the wrong company and they said to call NuMotion. I called them and left a message but I didn't know what to do, I was actually stuck in Starbucks - - it was quite an adventure. Sitting there, I began to think. Anyone that knows me realizes how dangerous this can be. Although I will try to put this in a coherent format, I'm pretty sure it will not come out that way.

            I get more excited every day and if this continues, I am going to be crazy full of excitement by the time event actually arrives. I'm almost positive if my excitement continues increasing on a slope at the same rate, it will go through the roof and thus having an undefined slope! Oh no I just didn't- - randomly nonsense terms come to my mind.

         Naturally they're not nonsense terms at all, they're  tidbits of math that I get to relearn every year. While many people would consider this a mundane and boring job, even though I try to retain the information and maybe I do, the information is presented in such astonishing ways that it seems like a completely new concept each time it is presented. Henceforth, I am once again filled with childlike excitement :-). My mind wanders back to high school days and reminisce on lessons from Mrs. Spearman's geometry class, Mrs. Simmons’ Algebra 2 class, Mrs. Ratliff’s trigonometry and pre-calculus classes, and my wonderful classmate Natalie Austin  who came to my house and attempted to teach me calculus after I came out of a coma and was released from hospital. That wasn't the best mixture (learning calculus simultaneously with learning how to function as a human again) needless to say I don't think I successfully completed that class :-).

Back to my excitement… not only was my disability taken into consideration when choosing the location of the hotel, but so was my love for spending time at Starbucks: the hotel has 2 Starbucks in it as well as many other exciting amenities. This post sounds kind of like one I've already posted, but I'm sure there will be quite a few more similar posts so bear with me.

         Continuing with the events of yesterday, once my wheelchair was finally repaired I went to King Soopers and then Wal-Mart. Much to my delighted surprise I ran into Ms. Camill and if that wasn't exciting enough, she had much of her crew with her: My Abby, Hannah, Logan... I think that's it. Talk about overstimulation city!

But wait! There's more - - I managed to get on a bus where I ran into my favorite Chris. Although I was pretty sure he was moving to Denver quite a while ago, I keep running into him and it is so awesome!

Excuse my random writing that do not flow at all but I think they're exciting :-) although I may be a little biased.

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